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Game of Thrones

Quentin Taranbino

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The Dany/Ser Friendzone "i'll always love you" soap opera was the only crap bit of the episode for me. Maybe the scene with Arya watching the BBC Three remake of Game of Thrones s1 went on a bit too long but I'm guessing that's going to lead somewhere.


Totally loved:

  • Sansa calling out Littlefinger, totally righteous, I'm liking where they're heading with this bit of the story.
  • Varys not being able to resist doing his internet atheist bit to pseudo-Melisandre and then shitting it when she mentioned the voices
  • All the Iron Islands stuff but especially when they're all cheering for Yara and then Euron Cokehead rocks up, they might as well have cut the music with a scratched record sound effect. LOL at 1,000 ships, f**k it, why not make it a million. Also there really is no comeback for "Yeah but you've got no penis" is there. What kind of a headstart do they have against 1,000 unbuilt ships though?! 
  • The whole last 10 mins, talk about mild peril! Thought I saw the Night's King give a little smirk as he walked through the flames. The bit with the wights coming down the tunnel was very Mines of Moria
  • Hodor  :o Though is no-one else thinking it seems a bit fucking cruel of the Starks to rename him Hodor when they know his name?

    "Hi Wyllis. We're calling you Hodor from now on. After that time you spazzed out and snapped your brain. Ya big dumb f**k.  PS Winter is coming"


Brilliant episode

Edited by Christophe
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f**k BRAN. f**k MEERA. f**k THE WEE TREE FOLK AND f**k THE OLD c**t.


Even by GoT standards that would make for a bloody bizarre orgy.


Surely that was the point. We know that he is using his apparent frailness to gain trust. It's all in the name of the game.


Also, generally the Maesters are the forgotten player in the whole series. They are there are the seat of power pushing and manipulating- perhaps this is a ploy they use to help manoeuvre themselves - after all he's just a frail old man and therefore no threat .


There was a good cut scene in the 3rd series between Tywin & Pycelle in which your suspicions are confirmed. In the end they dumped it deciding it was superflous figuring viewers had worked it out for themselves in series 2 when he was shown to be a mad old shagger.


Varys not being able to resist doing his internet atheist bit to pseudo-Melisandre and then shitting it when she mentioned the voices


With Varys though it is hard to tell whether it was genuine or not. He's probably figured out that the Wendy Alexander lookalike red priestess will have "little birds" of her own around Meereen (same as Melisandre relied on intelligence on potential threats to keep one step ahead &/or fool skeptics of her powers) & beyond considering the loony Lord Of Light cult's tentacles across Westeros (Brotherhood Without Banners, the "we like our kids crispy" part of the Baratheon family, etc).


Feigning the occasional "oh shit!" is a good way to keep a dangerous enemy complacent they've got the better of you - something Cercei & Littlefinger never quite grasped. Varys is very good at fooling people he's always open & honest with them so they never consider he might be keeping an ace up his sleeve.

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If Varys wanted to convince Tyrion of the power of the Lord of Light then feigning antagonism towards them and getting someone to drop in some details about Varys that apparently he entrusted to Tyrion only would be a good way of doing it.

I think Varys knows about the power of the Lord of Light to unite people behind the Targaryans and why it will be needed in the wars to come wither between men or between ice and fire.

I think he sees the red priests as useful idiots who can serve a purpose but would be incredibly dangerous with real power - see his attitude towards Stannis with Mellisandre on the iron throne.

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The Dany/Ser Friendzone "i'll always love you" soap opera was the only crap bit of the episode for me. Maybe the scene with Arya watching the BBC Three remake of Game of Thrones s1 went on a bit too long but I'm guessing that's going to lead somewhere.

Totally loved:

  • Sansa calling out Littlefinger, totally righteous, I'm liking where they're heading with this bit of the story.
  • Varys not being able to resist doing his internet atheist bit to pseudo-Melisandre and then shitting it when she mentioned the voices
  • All the Iron Islands stuff but especially when they're all cheering for Yara and then Euron Cokehead rocks up, they might as well have cut the music with a scratched record sound effect. LOL at 1,000 ships, f**k it, why not make it a million. Also there really is no comeback for "Yeah but you've got no penis" is there. What kind of a headstart do they have against 1,000 unbuilt ships though?!
  • The whole last 10 mins, talk about mild peril! Thought I saw the Night's King give a little smirk as he walked through the flames. The bit with the wights coming down the tunnel was very Mines of Moria
  • Hodor :o Though is no-one else thinking it seems a bit fucking cruel of the Starks to rename him Hodor when they know his name?

    "Hi Wyllis. We're calling you Hodor from now on. After that time you spazzed out and snapped your brain. Ya big dumb f**k. PS Winter is coming"

Brilliant episode

Felt like Jaqen has deliberately chosen that target for Arya to goad her and test whether she really can leave her past and identity behind.

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There was

in which your suspicions are confirmed. In the end they dumped it deciding it was superflous figuring viewers had worked it out for themselves in series 2 when he was shown to be a mad old shagger.
Thanks for posting that. You're right that it was a bit superfluous, but I think it's a shame they didn't run it anyway; it's pretty funny and shows both characters to the top of their strengths.
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I'm still up and a bit canned from the CL final so I decided to watch that episode again so please treat the following opinion accordingly, but I can't decide if Aiden Gillen is playing Little Finger to a tee or is an absolute joke and ruining one of the best characters. I loved him in The Wire. Disliked him at first but grew to love him in a perfect tangent with the character progression; and his accent - to my probably ignorant ears - was spot on. After that performance in my favourite show ever I just presumed he was an excellent actor so I don't know if I'm just giving him the benefit of the doubt or if he truly is as shit as he's coming across in GoT. The way he delivers the lines to Sansa in the start of that episode is just fucking weird. But I can't decide if it's just Wee Finger weird or bad actor weird. 

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I'm still up and a bit canned from the CL final so I decided to watch that episode again so please treat the following opinion accordingly, but I can't decide if Aiden Gillen is playing Little Finger to a tee or is an absolute joke and ruining one of the best characters. I loved him in The Wire. Disliked him at first but grew to love him in a perfect tangent with the character progression; and his accent - to my probably ignorant ears - was spot on. After that performance in my favourite show ever I just presumed he was an excellent actor so I don't know if I'm just giving him the benefit of the doubt or if he truly is as shit as he's coming across in GoT. The way he delivers the lines to Sansa in the start of that episode is just fucking weird. But I can't decide if it's just Wee Finger weird or bad actor weird.

Holy f**k Little finger was in the Wire :lol:

See how Bran turned Willis into Hodor and he went crazy repeating Hodor.. think back to the scene with Jamie and Brienne in the baths, he's speaking about the mad king being normal then he heard whispers and kept repeating "Burn them all". I don't really think this is going to happen but wouldn't be so surprised if it was something similar to Hodor. Burn them all seems pretty apt for some end game white walker scene.

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I agree with that.

Startied writing a big spiel about what I thought but I gave up and in general I'd consider it a very well acted but poorly written episode. In particular the dialogue.

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Holy f**k Little finger was in the Wire :lol:See how Bran turned Willis into Hodor and he went crazy repeating Hodor.. think back to the scene with Jamie and Brienne in the baths, he's speaking about the mad king being normal then he heard whispers and kept repeating "Burn them all". I don't really think this is going to happen but wouldn't be so surprised if it was something similar to Hodor. Burn them all seems pretty apt for some end game white walker scene.

Hilarious. What a bizarre post. Imagine actors being in more than one series.

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Holy f**k Little finger was in the Wire :lol:See how Bran turned Willis into Hodor and he went crazy repeating Hodor.. think back to the scene with Jamie and Brienne in the baths, he's speaking about the mad king being normal then he heard whispers and kept repeating "Burn them all". I don't really think this is going to happen but wouldn't be so surprised if it was something similar to Hodor. Burn them all seems pretty apt for some end game white walker scene.

with Bran's vision of the Mad King saying that in today's episode maybe you're not far off. Makes sense

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Things are a happening

Just not in that episode.

First real filler episode of the season, introduced and reintroduced some characters who are obviously going to be important, but aside from Bran being saved and Arya having a bullseye placed on her chest, nothing really of note happened. Faith Militant strengthened their position somewhat I guess, but never really got the feeling that Tomin was genuinely considering taking them out anyway, so not really a massive leap forward for them. I do like the high sparrow though, and like all cult leaders, I think he might be a little less devoted to the message and a little more devoted to gaining power than he'd have everyone believe.

Pretty sure I've seen the same scene with Danerys giving a rousing, motivational speech to her newly acquired troops about 47 times now. Sure there'll be another couple of times too before she actually does anything of interest.

Queen Margery's walk of atonement being cancelled was definitely the most disappointing part of the episode though.

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It is my hopes that Queen Margery is playing the High Sparrow and Tommen like a damn fiddle to get her and Lancel out safely. And Tommen is an idiot for letting both margery and the High Sparrow play him

Edited by BlueKillie
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