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Annoying things people write on Facebook


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Getting increadibly bored of the "Ahm goan oan mah holiday so heres ah picture of a pint at 7am".

Last week I had to block two otherwise sound lads who were on a skiing holiday together. There's only so many times I can look at photos of shitty looking beer and screenshots of the weather report. Yes, we get it. You're on holiday and we aren't. We don't need to be reminded 30 times a day.

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PLEASE change your profile picture to a photo of your pet, or of any animal that you choose. The idea is to remove all human faces from Facebook, until February 29th, to show support against animal cruelty. If you are against the abuse of animals, copy and paste this message on your wall, please.

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PLEASE change your profile picture to a photo of your pet, or of any animal that you choose. The idea is to remove all human faces from Facebook, until February 29th, to show support against animal cruelty. If you are against the abuse of animals, copy and paste this message on your wall, please.



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There's a guy I'm friends with on Facebook. Met him twice - he's the boss of my girlfriends sister.

Every fecking post he puts up is a request for help or him asking for a freebie. His latest -

"Glasgow Pals....HELP?

Hotel needed in Glasgow or surrounding for Sunday 21st to Wed 24th. Can anyone help with recommedations or amazing offers? TIA"

Firstly use google you lazy b*****d. Secondly stop trying to find somebody who will offer you a place to stay so you save a bit of money. Thirdly - TIA? You managed to type that drivel out but couldn't type thanks in advance?

I could be here all day posting some of his updates but I really should do some work.

A girl I used to work with is on a diet. This is well publicised on Facebook by herself highlight the fact she's lost a pound here and there. Fair do's I can sort of understand putting it on Facebook for all her friends to say "oh ma Gawd girl you're gonna be skinny in no time".

My big complaint is that every day she puts a photo up of nutella saying how badly she is craving it. I've seen Nutella cakes, muffins and even a massive bottle of Nutella go up. Why on Earth when you are on a diet would you spend your day googling for photos of food you can't eat?! What goes through a persons mind!?


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