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Annoying things people write on Facebook


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You can guarantee that the armchair animal behavioural experts whinging online and signing petitions are the same ones who'd be criticising the Zoo and lighting virtual candles if the kid had been ripped apart.

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Without wishing to side with full-time mummies, do they not have tranquillisers at zoos? Or would they have taken to on long to kick in?

Yep, that was the reason given.

The evening standard were tweeting last night about how the gorilla was tenderly holding the child's hand, without calling out where the gorilla dragged the boy through the water.

Pandering to Internet idiots.

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Looks more like Donald Trump.

Aye the parents are the arseholes in all of this. Who leaves a child that size alone and not have hold of their hand? It's the McCann's all over again :( If I was the zoo I'd be telling the parents they owe me one gorilla.

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Im not saying a kid hasnt to be free to walk about, but a bit of common sense in relation to a crowded busy place.

In all seriousness, I honestly wouldn't let my 3 year old niece out of arms length of me if I took her to the zoo. I know a child shouldn't be able to get into an enclosure and I imagine the zoo will have to answer some of these questions as to how someone actually got in. But in crowded places I can't believe someone wouldn't have a kid that small right next to them.

I actually don't know the full story but I can't imagine the kid just walked into the enclosure. It must have had to struggle a wee bit to get in. That to me suggests the parents weren't even watching the kid.

Common sense seems to be a dying trait it would appear <_< I would put good money on the parents reading their phones when this was all going on.

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Without wishing to side with full-time mummies, do they not have tranquillisers at zoos? Or would they have taken too long to kick in?

If someone had shot the gorilla with a dart, he'd have gone fucking ape shit (literally in this case) and probably harmed the child either deliberately or accidentally.

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If someone had shot the gorilla with a dart, he'd have gone fucking ape shit (literally in this case) and probably harmed the child either deliberately or accidentally.

I did think that. Was unsure if you could get a tranquilliser that worked instantly.

If not then they clearly did the right thing.

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If I was the zoo I'd be telling the parents they owe me one gorilla.

I worked on the Search and Rescue aircraft down in Cornwall for many years and there was a rumour that the parents of a young lad we'd rescued had billed us (Royal Navy) for the inflatable he'd been on when he'd floated out to sea cause the winchman burst with a knife to stop it being sooked up into the rotor disk!

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 he'd have gone fucking ape shit (literally in this case) 




This story makes me want to punch the universe in the balls.  The parents shouldn't have let the kid get into the enclosure but is there a parent anywhere who hasn't lost their kid for a few seconds or can imagine it happening?  The world isn't a perfect place and these things happen, it's a normal part of life and very occasionally things go horribly wrong and end up in terrible situations.


Facebook doesn't lend itself to this though, everyone is perma-raging.  

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Tbf its the nature of social media these days, she was a fcuking idiot letting the kid out her sight in that kinda place but it does happen, her 'mommy loves you, mommys here' chat in the video didnt exactly help?

youve got to question this pull the phone out and video a potential tragedy mentality in the world today, why dont these people try and help?


The thing that struck me when I saw the mobile phone footage doing the rounds on the news was how all the onlookers' hysterical screaming was only ever going to wind the gorilla up even more.

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