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Annoying things people write on Facebook


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Jesus wept, wonder when this shite will finally go away.104660858_10223052622764937_5574020076982427687_n.thumb.jpg.326066f401647bf5c403ff64964ddb12.jpg


'All Lives Matter' is ironic coming from the kind of folk who post this drivel as they'd turn into seething messes at the very prospect of the white poppy.




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2 hours ago, GNU_Linux said:

'All Lives Matter' is ironic coming from the kind of folk who post this drivel as they'd turn into seething messes at the very prospect of the white poppy.

...and get positively giddy whenever soldiers are sent to their deaths, regardless of how nebulous the cause.

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2 hours ago, Highland Capital said:

I wonder how long it'll be before you see people wearing poppies all year round.

...and a suit made of poppies in November.

Edit: can't be much longer until the Poppy Thread kicks back in, actually.

Edited by BigFatTabbyDave
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6 hours ago, Highland Capital said:

I wonder how long it'll be before you see people wearing poppies all year round.

have seen plenty of cars with clean/new ones most of the year 


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As I grew up, I walked to school and our tea time was at 5pm.

Eating out at a restaurant was a huge deal, that only really happened when a relative got married or it was a birthday 🙄.

Fast food was fish and chips and having a bottle of panda pop from the sweet shop was a real treat.

You took your school clothes off as soon as you got home and put on your ‘home’ clothes. There was no taking or picking you up in the car, you walked or rode your bike! And bunked off too!!!

Our house phone had a cord attached, so there was no such things as private conversations or cell phones!

We didn’t have Cable, Sky or Netflix, we had only 4 channels to watch.
We played Knock a Door Run, British Bull Dog, Manhunt, Kiss Chase, Hide & Seek, Tag, Kurby, Football and Rode Bikes 😁

Staying in the house was a PUNISHMENT and the only thing we knew about "bored" was --- "You better find something to do before I find it for you!"

We ate what mum made for tea or we ate nothing at all. If we asked what it was and she was snarky, the reply would be shit with sugar on and we believed her.

Bottled water was a luxury; we drank from the tap.

Taking bottles back to the shop for 10pence spends was big currency.

Mr Freeze ice pops were huge.

We watched cartoons on Saturday mornings, and played football or sport for hours and ran around.
We weren't AFRAID OF ANYTHING. We played till dark... sunset was our alarm.

If someone had a fight, that's what it was and we were friends again a week later, if not SOONER.

We watched our MOUTHS around our elders because ALL of our aunts, uncles, grandpas, grandmas, AND our parents' best friends were all extensions of our PARENTS and you didn't want them telling your parents if you misbehaved! Or they would give you something to cry about.

These were the good days. So many kids today will never know how it feels to be a real kid 😁 I loved my childhood and all the Mates I hung around with. Good Times 🤓

Copy and paste if this was your childhood😊


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As I grew up, I walked to school and our tea time was at 5pm.

Eating out at a restaurant was a huge deal, that only really happened when a relative got married or it was a birthday [emoji849].

Fast food was fish and chips and having a bottle of panda pop from the sweet shop was a real treat.

You took your school clothes off as soon as you got home and put on your ‘home’ clothes. There was no taking or picking you up in the car, you walked or rode your bike! And bunked off too!!!
Our house phone had a cord attached, so there was no such things as private conversations or cell phones!
We didn’t have Cable, Sky or Netflix, we had only 4 channels to watch.
We played Knock a Door Run, British Bull Dog, Manhunt, Kiss Chase, Hide & Seek, Tag, Kurby, Football and Rode Bikes [emoji16]
Staying in the house was a PUNISHMENT and the only thing we knew about "bored" was --- "You better find something to do before I find it for you!"
We ate what mum made for tea or we ate nothing at all. If we asked what it was and she was snarky, the reply would be shit with sugar on and we believed her.
Bottled water was a luxury; we drank from the tap.
Taking bottles back to the shop for 10pence spends was big currency.
Mr Freeze ice pops were huge.
We watched cartoons on Saturday mornings, and played football or sport for hours and ran around.
We weren't AFRAID OF ANYTHING. We played till dark... sunset was our alarm.
If someone had a fight, that's what it was and we were friends again a week later, if not SOONER.
We watched our MOUTHS around our elders because ALL of our aunts, uncles, grandpas, grandmas, AND our parents' best friends were all extensions of our PARENTS and you didn't want them telling your parents if you misbehaved! Or they would give you something to cry about.
These were the good days. So many kids today will never know how it feels to be a real kid [emoji16] I loved my childhood and all the Mates I hung around with. Good Times [emoji851]
Copy and paste if this was your childhood[emoji4]

Sounds fucking shite tbh. Nae tv, shite food, an obsession with fucking bikes, chucked out the house all day to get your c**t kicked by the same person every week, not to mention the domestic abuse indoors. Aye, the good old days right enough.
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On 28/06/2020 at 20:20, HeWhoWalksBehindTheRows said:

The Avenue has always been a hang out. Sure 10 years ago it was a bunch of wee Smithton fuds that called themselves the Dimonte Young Team. Used to hang about the underpass, all of them had a diamond stud ear ring. Very scary, and very pretty.

That genuinely sounds like a Joe Biden quote.

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Apologies if this is too deep or not appropriate for a banter thread but watched this a few days back and its terrifying.

Its not some tinfoil hat stuff either, well worth a watch if you're suspicious about social media culture.




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