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Annoying things people write on Facebook


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With the story of Neil Lennon having a bomb sent to him in the post the moronic OF fans are out on force on my Facebook today... Here is an example.

Anthony Stokes dad sent them as he was running out of room for them in his cellar.Aint seen any pics of these "bombs" either.Also our security forces aint up to much either.There have been "bombs" in the post regular for months yet no arrests and no incling as to who is sending them.These death threats dont even stop lennon going out drinking in Glasgow ffs.Always comes out before a big game or when lennon has made a James Hunt of himself.Something stinks here pal.
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"like this and i will tell you what i like and dislike about you"

its been up for 47 minutes and has 53 likes :o:unsure:

A girl I know got 110 once for one of those. For me:

1) Pointless, boring status'. "night fb <3 xxx" or "schools so shit lol cba". Get to absolute f**k.

2) People going on about how good their Friday/Saturday night was. I see absolutely no point in this, it's just boasting but to your friends you were out with...? Can also add drunk statuses to this as well. Criiiinge.

3) Rapid photo taking and tagging. I take a few photos if I'm out and sometimes upload them but some people rip the pish. A night in or something and 150+ photos have been taken is worthy of being un-added.

4) Unfortunately as 99% of my friend lists are OF fans I'm subjected to their sectarian shite on a daily basis. "Up the ra" and "No Surrender <3" being two favourites for those fucking idiots.

5) People that have more than 400+ friends on it are weird. I'm on 276 or something but this number is going to plummet when I leave school next month.

Apart from that and what everyone else has said it's quite good. I'm a big fan of people that post genuinely funny stuff.

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Had a few Celtic fans post this over the last couple of days -

"You represent us.You give us belief.

You fight our corner.

You display our passion.

You are our leader.

...You inspire us.

We are indebted to you.

We will always be there for you.

There is NOT only one Neil Lennon.

We are ALL Neil Lennon !!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Fucking hell.

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I have a fair few random friends. I'll accept just about any Clyde fan and most folk from p&b. I'm away to do a cull just now actually.

Now would be good time to tell you that I absolutely hate your guts then eh?

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How many friends do folk on here have on Facebook? My total fluctuates between the 250-260 mark. Some of said friends have upwards of 1500 friends on Facebook. Is that even possible to know that amount of people?

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1 - "5 years ago today :(!!X Still miss you Gran. GBNF" She's deid. Get the f**k over it!

2 - "Lying in bed snuggling watching Glee. Love my baby boy so much i have the best BF ever" Your 'BF' is quite obviously a faggot.

3 - FML

4 - Girls that create photograph folders named like "The adventures of Heavva & Muffin <3" I dont give a shit if you went to ASDA at 2am in your spice girl jammies you fucking moron and i certainly dont want to see photos of your visit!

5 - bints that post "modelling photo's". Just because you paid some paedo to take pictures of you It doesnt make you a model, hen.

6 - OF Shite

7 - Some daft b*****ds telling me how many nappies their new born kid has filled today. Get tae f**k

8 - "dont talk ae me. pyoooor ragin mahn. guys ur dickz"

9 - Any status with <3 in them.

10 - Couples slevering their love all over Facebook. Fucking text or phone each other you couple of complete fruitbats. I'm sick to death of reading your god awful conversations on my news feed.

PS - He's been cheating on you for ages ya fat ride.

Edited by Spam_Valley
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