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Annoying things people write on Facebook


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I just thought I'd join in:

Right girls, were doing it again!!

But this time we're really gonna confuse the boys well

You know the drill.

Here are the options:

Single: We're sooking the Monster's boaby

Seeing some1: Monster watched himself in the mirror while I sooked his boaby

Single&looking: Monster pumped me in a field

Single&looking secretly: Monster pumped me in a field with a bag on my head

Can't be arsed anymore: I'm getting Monster a beer at half-time

Taken: up the arse by Monster

It's Complicated: Monster can't read the kama sutra without the lights on

I want a change: Monster hides the strap on

I'm a lesbian: Monster will cure me

I've given up on love: Monster has ruined me for all other men forever


Edited by Monster
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I'm at the same college, I know who she is. My mate from college remembers her from a few years ago. He went to a party at her house one night and hit her in the face with a fish

Fucking animal cruelty that is :angry: . Hope the fish is ok

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Are you joking? There are loads who do this it's a bit cringey!

honestly. dont see that many on there at all using chick.

might just be different groups of girls mind you.

one i know are more likely to say 'bitch'

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I'm at the same college, I know who she is. My mate from college remembers her from a few years ago. He went to a party at her house one night and hit her in the face with a fish

:lol: I would of paid good money to see that, even though I've only spoke to the lassie once for about 5 mins at the most.

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I'm at the same college, I know who she is. My mate from college remembers her from a few years ago. He went to a party at her house one night and hit her in the face with a fish

I've not stopped laughing about this since I read it yesterday. I really wish I'd seen it.

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'Wot can a get up2?'

Attention seeking shite, and usually these things go ignored (mercifully). However, this time one of her friends answered and suggests she goes to Kittys, our rather fine and upmarket establishment, with her. To this, she replies:

'a cant av got ***** (her kid) nd a need money for next thursday lol xx'

Why post such things if you have no money, and can't go out anyway because you have your kid? I despair.

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'Wot can a get up2?'

Attention seeking shite, and usually these things go ignored (mercifully). However, this time one of her friends answered and suggests she goes to Kittys, our rather fine and upmarket establishment, with her. To this, she replies:

'a cant av got ***** (her kid) nd a need money for next thursday lol xx'

Why post such things if you have no money, and can't go out anyway because you have your kid? I despair.

Suggest she goes and gets sterilised, and drop her poor wee one off at social services on the way

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too remember the brave young ulster soldiers who fought for the flag of the red hand ♥
let eh night begin, god rule ulster f**k the pope! x

Total retard. He's got a bairn as well.

This was a different person last night.

neeed a loyalist night asap likes show fifes colours watp
ma mamma told me son always be a priddy yer better been a ***, but a shot a tim in maiden just to watch him DIE DIE DIE ya ****** basterd

Both deleted.

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People who whore out their Blackberry Pin on Facebook. I have quite a few friends who post theirs at least once a day. You don't sprawl yer mobile number across facebook so stop trying to gets pals on Blackberry you desperate attention seeking morons!

Edited by Honest Saints Fan
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BROTHERS WEEK! If you have a brother who has made u laugh... punched u... stuck up for u.. drove u crazy..annoyed u to no end... hugged u.. watched u succeed.. saw u fail.. picked u back up..cheered u on.. made u strong.. and is someone u are very proud of post this as your status! X

This has appeared twice on my newsfeed today.

In one case the person who posted it, then "liked" it.

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Some twat on mine keeps posting up jokes every day from Sickipedia and tries to pass them off as his own work. He's also a complete w**k who's job is listed as Screenwriter (he's serious).

He's on the rock n roll and updates his status on a Tuesday morning with gems like "time for a drink" and "heading down the canal with a bottle of buckfast"

He's 32 and lives with his mum.

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I hate it when folk lie so obviously. This boy is usually awhright as well.


He then deleted the first post after this was pointed out to him, and replaced it with this...


What the fuck!?

Edited by Hank Scorpio
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I don't care how much money you make, where you live, what you drive, whether you're fat or thin, tall or short, beautiful or average, rich or poor, or what faith you are. If you're my friend, you're my friend. I accept you for who you are, and that's ALL that counts. If you feel the same, steal this status from me, your Friend, like I did from another Friend xx :-)

Fucking Douchebag

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reckons *child* did really well in his big bed last night. He woke at 12.30 but went straight back to sleep. Woke again at 5am but again went back to sleep without protest and finally got up at his usual 6am. Very happy Mummy! :)

If the most interesting thing you have to say is how your toddler managed to sleep in a bed and wake up twice you should just fucking kill yourself. It has 12 likes and various comments like "Well done *insert child*, what a big boy". Some guy blew his beans up your chuffhole a few years back, we get it.

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