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Annoying things people write on Facebook


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Some stupid wee cow just posted this..

all these new laws & shit, are ridiculous i'll fcuking bless myself if i want & say what i want f**k THE QUEEN! name of the father name of the son name of the holy spirit amen, not to mention godbless you Celtic ♥ !

Absolute bint, does all this for attention of fellow pondlife. Always posts shite like this, I'm sure she just posts it to get likes. The most laughable thing is that she hasn't even got the words to the trinity right. I would've deleted her ages ago but she has amazingly huge chebs that are wonderful to look at sometimes.

"New anti-bigotry crackdown could see fans jailed for singing God Save The Queen or crossing themselves ... That is a fucking joke if you ask me!

God Save The Queen!♥"

This boy is not English, he's not even a rangers fan, or a protestant... The mind boggles. Think i might slap him.

While I am pretty disgusted with the way they have expressed their opinions I share their sentiment about these new laws being bullshit.

Aw, agreeing with OF fans dry.gif

I look forward to the status if/when she gets her account back.

Why would you want/need to inform the person you've hacked?

They won't do it.

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Who says online friends aren't real friends?...They enjoy seeing you on line everyday...Miss you when you're not there...Send condolences when you lose a loved one... Send you wishes on your birthday...Enjoy the photos you post... Put a smile on your face when you're down... Make you laugh when you feel like crying...Re-post if you are grateful for your online friends. I know I am :)

f**k off. Just f**k right off.

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You misunderstand, Im more than happy with every version of her except the facebook version of her :)

She's a genuinely normal, smart and funny person when there's not a like button about.

I feel the pain......

My girlfriends constantly has Farmville/ Cafeworld updates on hers, and has begun posting lyrics to songs whenever we fall out which are clearly directed to me. Suppose thats better than the start when we fell out and shes post statuses about me being a dick and such like, before the "friends" she made on a dating website before i knew her start having a go at me too laugh.gif

I also have a friend on it i used to think was good banter and a proper lad. But a status EVERY night about not remembering last night before stating the stupid drunken act they committed is starting to annoy me dry.gif

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One of my pals made a facebook for her dog ffs. As if it couldn't get any more retarded, it's her birthday today and some people are actually acknowledging this by writng on her wall "happy birthday Daisy, have a good on :) x". Everybody who writes on her wall is getting deleted.

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You do know you can block those, don't you?

Aye, im only ever on a facebook on my blackberry these days so not sure if you can still miss that option?

One of my pals made a facebook for her dog ffs. As if it couldn't get any more retarded, it's her birthday today and some people are actually acknowledging this by writng on her wall "happy birthday Daisy, have a good on :) x". Everybody who writes on her wall is getting deleted.

I have one of my friends cats as a friend ph34r.gif

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I have never had any of the games updates in my newsfeed on either my phone or my iPod, so I'm confused as to why you do. Are you actually viewing the mobile facebook on your Blackberry or the full-screen one? If it's the full-screen, you ought to be able to block them in the same way as you would on a PC or laptop I would imagine.

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Infact just thought of another one.

She'll tell people things on facebook that they think they want to hear, or to make herself look better.

I remember one time her and her mates were going to an Ann Summers party, and a couple of her mates started talking about whips and chains and my girlfriend pops up with " Ooooh i love whips and chains "

Eh, no you fucking don't, i know this because you totally weren't up for the medieval horse racing roleplay you stupid bitch.

That's it poppet, make yourself look like a slut to everyone except the one man who's allowed to make you look like one in the bedroom. :(

I don't know why i even put the time and energy into anonymously slagging her online, she doesn't deserve me spending valuable minutes doing it, ungrateful facebook whore.

I chuckled for a good thirty seconds at this. :D

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It's a facebook causes page IN TEXT SPEAK. :angry:

AND, it has almost 1.4 million likes.

You know, it's so very cruel to put a pensioner in a home when they can't look after themselves. Far better we tether them to the futon in the spare bedroom so we can boast we 'care' about them. I mean, why would anyone want a trained professional in geriatric care to look after our loved ones specialist needs when they become unfit to care for themselves?

What a bunch of egotistical, pompous, self-satisfied c***s. I hope when they're old nobody puts them in a home to receive the correct medications, care and stimulus, and instead they're left to wallow in their own effluent in some council tower block somewhere.

Edited by Monster
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I had a lassie add me a few months ago who I kind of remember from first or second year of school. Even then I don't think I talked to her much. Since she added me she has become engaged and posted 37 pictures of her engagement ring.

There are also regular status updates about how being engaged is the greatest thing in the world ever and how much she loves her fiance. He often responds and they chat about who is making the coffee etc as they are sat next to each other.

Here's an example of a few of her updates from the last 24 hours...

I am H.A.P.P.Y today, fine weather and got my gorgeous fiance with me and we are away out for a walk. Long may the happiness last xx

Can someone tell me which way round is it? 2 e's in fiance for a male or a female??? I keep forgetting.

Should I go blonde again??? What does everyone think? Blonde for summer?x

I am sooooooooooooooooooooo excited about going boozy bowling on Saturday night with an ACE bunch of people. Me canna wait. I'm so excited n I just can't hide it, I canna wait to bowl and I think I'll like it!!! (and hopefully not loose lol)

Family should be a priority...not an option. No one is promised tomorrow. ♥

I have always been a happy and optimistic person, even through my darkest days..but the peace, love and happiness I feel right now...IS AMAZING! ;~))

I don't think just deleting her is enough. I'm away to post a turd through her letterbox.

I came so close to deleting this girl but glad I didn't now because as predicted the shit has hit the fan...


Some of the comments, I left their first names in to make it easier to follow.


Why go through all of this in public when they are clearly in the same place? I'm glad they did though, otherwise I wouldn't have been able to laugh at them :lol: :lol:

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