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Annoying things people write on Facebook


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Pal: F*ck sake

Me: What's up?

Pal: Dad's being a lazy c*nt.

Me: How?

Pal: I text him and said "can you please bring me a drink of water upstairs?" he said "Aye i'll dae it when i got to bed in half an hour"

Me: I put it to you, that you're the lazy one mate ;)

Pal: Aye but I just woke up (bearing in mind this was about 1pm. I decided to take the piss a bit)

Me: AYE? Well that makes all the difference eh..

Pal: Ken how lazy can he be?

Me: Unbelievable man, the laziness of some folk is unreal.

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wait, there's more:

  • Samantha Fish Doesn't need 2 be loads it can just dribble out really slowly xox5 minutes ago · Like · drP8vlvSl_8.gif 1
  • 370495_1014183918_1221356990_q.jpgClaire McQueen Awel maybe a had loads cos a had twins mine didn't stop for 15minutes xxx5 minutes ago · Like
  • 372545_693353407_318800170_q.jpgKirsten Patrick That what it's doing it's dribbling it's wierd a did have a big gush with Ellie but see that way were u just no lol xx3 minutes ago · Like
  • 370757_100000833277764_855568591_q.jpgSamantha Fish Lol I know someone who's waters were going for hours but like just dribbling think everyone can be different xox

Jesus wept. I now have an image of a nedette gushing ectoplasm from her vertical bacon sandwich. NOT cool.

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:lol::lol: Fantastic. I wish I had people like that on FB.

So do i.

The nearest i can offer is a Rangers fan who has a giant hissy and deletes half his mates when they take the pish after a draw/defeat. I firmly believe he'll be institutionalised if they go into Administration.

He's been to 3 games in his life :lol:

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Happy to say I got rid of all the roasters I had on facebook. One put up a picture of an application form to work in a creche or somewhere where you work with children. A question asked about experience and what these experiences evoked...something along those lines. The word 'evoke' was definitely in there. Not a hard word. Her reply? "haaha wit tha f**k dis that evn mean man lol" Also spelled 'here', 'hear' and 'there', 'they're' etc. Also, she uploaded various photos of her boyfriend with 'amazing' dyes of green and pink in his hair...He changed the do in different styles, short back and sides, saltire...Really, really cringy stuff.

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A good mate of mine likes all his bird's status updates, there will of course be times this is appropriate but any old pish and those annoying games things people play, why the hell like all of them. My entire top right thing is just filled with him liking 10 of her pieces of ignorance in a row.

A bird on mine has gone to work in Australia, every fucking day a picture of the Sydney Harbour Bridge, yes we understand you can see it from where you live but Jesus wept tedious pish like "having an afternoon stroll" or "heading out for lunch" is always accompanied by a new upload of the bridge. Cue numerous "sooooo jealous" posts from her friends. Sod off, we get it.

Another bird on mine posts nothing but things like "off to work", "working till 7", "going to bed" and I get at least one per day, normally more. Who gives a shit?

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There have been a few lassies on mine in the last few days coming out with "Need a hug :(" or some variation of that.

I'm not sure if their attention seeking is more annoying or the people who comment "virtual hug coming your way" or "Big hugs hunni xxxx"

Twats, the lot of them!

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A bird on mine has gone to work in Australia, every fucking day a picture of the Sydney Harbour Bridge, yes we understand you can see it from where you live but Jesus wept tedious pish like "having an afternoon stroll" or "heading out for lunch" is always accompanied by a new upload of the bridge. Cue numerous "sooooo jealous" posts from her friends. Sod off, we get it.

Another bird on mine posts nothing but things like "off to work", "working till 7", "going to bed" and I get at least one per day, normally more. Who gives a shit?

A guy I went to school with emigrated to Australia and he started doing the sarcastic posts about how hard it is to work in 35 degree heat. He obviously think his patter never gets old.

Tonights entertainment is in the form of a "friend" of mine on FB in a row with another girl. She reckons that she has a number of sexually transmitted diseases and is found wanting in the field of being a good mother. They are both replying to each other with intelligent wit such as "skank" and "whore". These girls would both ignore each other if they saw each other in the street and are both describing themselves. Tragic. Incidently, this girl also praised her child for pissing in a potty, followed by all her friends saying how clever she was. Hmmmm.

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Comment on an Inverness Courier story about a minor power cut:

The Inverness Courier

‎1000 homes were affected by power cut last night...

Probe into 1000-home Inverness power cut launched www.inverness-courier.co.ukAN investigation has been launched into a power cut which affected 1000 homes in Inverness last night. Scottish Hydro Electric is looking into the cause after a safety trip was triggered at around 9pm and homes lost power in the Culduthel area of the city.Like · · Share · 1 · 13 minutes ago ·

    • 275538_1274891820_156303382_q.jpgDavid Robertson Why do the papers talk about rubbish and and about stuff that inportant like send the imagrents home so the Scottish people can get some work in stead off us going to the job centre and them asking what you doing for work and theres none AH why is this Oh let us see THERE ARE TO MENY IMAGRENTS HERE SO TELL THEM TO GO HOME5 minutes ago · Like

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Comment on an Inverness Courier story about a minor power cut:

The Inverness Courier

‎1000 homes were affected by power cut last night...

Probe into 1000-home Inverness power cut launched www.inverness-courier.co.ukAN investigation has been launched into a power cut which affected 1000 homes in Inverness last night. Scottish Hydro Electric is looking into the cause after a safety trip was triggered at around 9pm and homes lost power in the Culduthel area of the city.Like · · Share · 1 · 13 minutes ago ·

    • 275538_1274891820_156303382_q.jpgDavid Robertson Why do the papers talk about rubbish and and about stuff that inportant like send the imagrents home so the Scottish people can get some work in stead off us going to the job centre and them asking what you doing for work and theres none AH why is this Oh let us see THERE ARE TO MENY IMAGRENTS HERE SO TELL THEM TO GO HOME5 minutes ago · Like

Just had a look at it a few minutes ago. It's so tempting to leave some smart arsed comment along the lines of "Better yet, why don't they do a report into the standard of education in Inverness schools". However, I'm a shitebag and will probably not do anything of the sort.

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Just had a look at it a few minutes ago. It's so tempting to leave some smart arsed comment along the lines of "Better yet, why don't they do a report into the standard of education in Inverness schools". However, I'm a shitebag and will probably not do anything of the sort.

I'm not biggrin.gif

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