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Annoying things people write on Facebook


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So long as you're not having one of those weird inter-family chats on Facebook, between parents and their kids. That's up there on the annoying as f**k list.

Aye. I rejected my dad and my step-brother on Facebook. My mum doesn't have it so that's a plus. I added my little sister so I can perv her pals. That's fair in my opinion.

This way none of them can speak to me, and I'm glad, I cringe like f**k when families speak to each other on Facebook. Especially when they're in the same house.

Fucking idiots.

Cheers VT got me angry now.

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I've told my folks straight out, I'm not accepting you if you get facebook. They were fine with it. Still shouldn't have accepted my auntie though, she just lurks there and snoops on everything I do. But I can't delete her because she's my auntie, it's a very delicate political situation.

The whole KONY thing is quite amusing. Some on my facebook have been giving it "OMG WE MUZT DO SUMTINGS!! THE BAD MAN!!11", whilst others are ripping the piss out of them and the entire situation. My mate had a massive rant about the band wagon-jumping, for some girl to write a 3 mini essays saying how it was aimed at her and how his football statuses are just as tedious.:o Bitch took that too far. But anyway I don't get many open arguments on my facebook so it was refreshing. Even though he was basically ignoring her and she was just talking to herself. But after my mate's rant that the next person to post about KONY was getting killed themselves, I posted the video on his wall telling him about how some African guy had started a war that morning and we had to stop it. It didn't catch any fish though.:(

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Aye. I rejected my dad and my step-brother on Facebook. My mum doesn't have it so that's a plus. I added my little sister so I can perv her pals. That's fair in my opinion.

This way none of them can speak to me, and I'm glad, I cringe like f**k when families speak to each other on Facebook. Especially when they're in the same house.

Fucking idiots.

Cheers VT got me angry now.


And yes, very VERY fair.

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I've got both my parents on Facebook. I think my Mum has posted one thing in around three years, so she doesn't really count. My old boy can be quite funny at times, so he stays for that reason.

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I've got both my parents on Facebook. I think my Mum has posted one thing in around three years, so she doesn't really count. My old boy can be quite funny at times, so he stays for that reason.

I actually wouldn't mind my mum on facebook, she's sound, but she's technologically impaired so it could get annoying.

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Sonia MacDonald

that me not on any drugs been up for 3 dayz of the drugs fel like shit just has to happen thou

421130_293448294057874_100001781181487_782087_766557122_n.jpg Like · · Share · 4 hours ago ·

Ah, "huni", the international calling-card of the cretin female.

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‎6 lost, 6 unwanted visits, 6 doors received the dreaded knock, 6 families with shattered hearts, 6 pairs of boots lined up with rifles, dog tags and helmets, 6 comrades remembered and grieved for, 6 funeral services, 6 names on newly made grave markers, 6 empty places at the table, 6 souls who gave all and whose lives leave a void, take 6 seconds to repost this and pray for their families. RIP the 5 from the 3rd Battalion the Yorkshire Regiment and 1 from Duke of Lancashires. Stand down, Heroes. God speed and love to all ♥ 404 Soldiers killed in Afghanistan... 404 too many xxxxxx

We get it, your brother is in the army.


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See the tight b*****ds who do these dominos pizza competitions they really need to get a fucking grip. On the latest Dominos Bishopbriggs competition we've got around 600 people fighting for one measly pizza.

Nothing worse than a tight arse.

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I've told my folks straight out, I'm not accepting you if you get facebook. They were fine with it. Still shouldn't have accepted my auntie though, she just lurks there and snoops on everything I do. But I can't delete her because she's my auntie, it's a very delicate political situation.

The whole KONY thing is quite amusing. Some on my facebook have been giving it "OMG WE MUZT DO SUMTINGS!! THE BAD MAN!!11", whilst others are ripping the piss out of them and the entire situation. My mate had a massive rant about the band wagon-jumping, for some girl to write a 3 mini essays saying how it was aimed at her and how his football statuses are just as tedious.:o Bitch took that too far. But anyway I don't get many open arguments on my facebook so it was refreshing. Even though he was basically ignoring her and she was just talking to herself. But after my mate's rant that the next person to post about KONY was getting killed themselves, I posted the video on his wall telling him about how some African guy had started a war that morning and we had to stop it. It didn't catch any fish though.:(

My auntie tried to add me on Facebook last year, but shes an old biddy, nosey, gossip hound. By f**k was I accepting her.

I only have three of my cousins on Facebook, but I've actually got a shitload more who actually have an account. I find a lot of my distant family to be annoying. Thankfully my parents are too old for Facebook.

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My parents aren't on it, but a few of my uncles are, and one of them is an annoyance who comments on most things I did, so I've got my status updates set up as hidden from him (and a couple of others).

I went to a party a week past Saturday, got tagged in a few photos, and he e-mailed them to my mum along with pictures of some of my other cousins from their weekends. I asked him why and he said he just wanted to keep my mum up to date with what the family were doing. I want to delete him but I know he'll be a pain in the arse about it.

Also ended up deleting one of my wee cousins as he was a bigoted wee toerag posting IRA statuses and loads of rebel songs. He's only 16 so hoping he might grow out of it. Probably not though.

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So long as you're not having one of those weird inter-family chats on Facebook, between parents and their kids. That's up there on the annoying as f**k list.

Aye. I rejected my dad and my step-brother on Facebook. My mum doesn't have it so that's a plus. I added my little sister so I can perv her pals. That's fair in my opinion.

This way none of them can speak to me, and I'm glad, I cringe like f**k when families speak to each other on Facebook. Especially when they're in the same house.

Fucking idiots.

Cheers VT got me angry now.

The strangest example of inter-family chats on my News Feed was just after Xmas when a lassie two years below me at school posted a picture of a vibrator her mother had bought her. Then again I am from Fife, what did I expect?

Edited by NotThePars
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The strangest example of inter-family chats on my News Feed was just after Xmas when a lassie two years below me at school posted a picture of a vibrator her mother had bought her. Then again I am from Fife, what did I expect?


I have some family members on Facebook (a few of them don't live in the UK so it's good for keeping contact). They rarely post anything so I don;t have embarrassing family chats.

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Here's a few bumpers on my friends list:

"Been lying playing cod fur ae last 3 hours! Feel as if gawna spew wtf! Absalotly shatterd :(! xx youse uptai xx"

"like fur the one or a wee para ? .. just depends on who yee are ;) ! am acto bored man , readin a wee book , listen eh tunes , on iss & still bored (:| xx"

"essay is acto just send away there :( ! hopfully i'll get it the morra :( ! ... collage sucks like man :(( ! ... but awk well :) ! x in bed watchin . a wee film xx"

"offf to livee a very quiet weekend.. bak on shortly to speak with my little sis then fb freee for meeeee ..♥ toodaloo..xxxx"

Absolute fucking idiots.

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I've posted statuses from this person before(she went to a gig with her friend who left her in the toilet, I think laugh.gif) but she posted this about 20 minutes ago

Friday night and Saturday off! Heart screams Go out and live your lifeHead screams pay your bills<br style="font-family: 'lucida grande', tahoma, verdana, arial, sans-serif; font-size: 11px; line-height: 14px; text-align: left; "><br style="font-family: 'lucida grande', tahoma, verdana, arial, sans-serif; font-size: 11px; line-height: 14px; text-align: left; ">


That's not the annoying thing though, someone responded with:

when u die the bills will still need payin but your life wont be there to live. so go and party hard.x

What a fucking moron.

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