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Annoying things people write on Facebook


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Check out the bride's puss on it though. She's totally thinking "f**k i can't ditch him now, everyone will think i'm a c**t"

Interestingly enough that couple split up last year sometime. There was an article about them in the Sunday Times Magazine.

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She'd get it.

Also a couple floating about with children wearing those blades to run in like Oscar Prewhatshisname.

I hate these pictures popping up on my time line, nothing against the couple. but why the f**k is this on my facebook. I hate these c**t who think because they "like" a picture they are somehow a fucking hero.

EDIT: she also looks miserable in that picture

Edited by Enrico Annoni
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I keep meaning to delete Facebook but it's good for a wee perv.

1) wee idiots that right bigoted statuses for fun. (one in Perth that does it all the time)

2) people that tag themselves everywhere

3) "omg I'm out with my bezzies! Best night evaaaa!!!" why the f**k you on this if that's the case.

4) all these stupid groups that spam your newsfeed

5) the amount of nobs on it

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c***s that post "underground music" youtube links to show off how cool and "musically educated" they are. You also get the p***ks that post links to really obscure stuff, typically hipster types, in order to achieve the same social handjob.

c***s that PR for certain Glasgow clubs or work behind the bar and post "CHEAP DRINKS GET YOURSELF DOWN TO KUSHUNNNN!!!" - get to f**k.

People that post far too many photos of themselves in the mirror, girls especially with their "different" make-up or cringey couples kissing in the mirror taking the photo with their mobile phone, instantly delete these c***s.

Any lyrics, even if I know the song .. why are you posting them?

Any coupley I-love-you-baby shit .. or anyone that calls their partner baby for that matter.

c***s who post on comments trying to be funny, especially the arrogant "lad" types trying to make every word as Glaswegian and bammy looking as possible, even when they come from Partick.

1.Nice Day at court the day.....:-D al be back next month Mr Judge :) lmao

This. You're not hard.

c***s that post pictures of themselves and/or their pals while theyre still out (unless they're genuinely humorous/interesting).

There's so much more but that's enough.

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People that constantly post pictures of their cats.

Don't get me wrong I like cats but photos of a cat sleeping are not for me.

My most favourite status recently from a girl on my FB -

"I find it absolutely DISGUSTING that m-m and f-f sex is illegal in some countries. Whats even more ridiculous is the fact that some places allow f-f sex, but not m-m sex. In addition to this, m and f age of consent can dffer rapidly, which i really do not undestand. How are people making up these "rules"??"

Posted at half 2 in the morning. Some people just need a drink!

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someone just wrote on my newsfeed:

"omg this shirt is amazeballs:dry.gif

using the word "amazeballs" to describe any item of clothing deserves a swift kick to the knackers/pie.

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A few friends are liking this photo:


It's annoying. I'm sure Ronaldo does charity work and I'm sure Messi also spends money on expensive luxuries, why do people need to try and compare which one of them is the better person? :wacko:

And the fact that Messi is paid a shitload of money by Barcelona, who are a major sponsor of Unicef, may have something to do with the photo...

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And the fact that Messi is paid a shitload of money by Barcelona, who are a major sponsor of Unicef, may have something to do with the photo...

Ronaldo's helped children all over the world from his home in Madeira to the Phillipines. He'll give more to charity and commit more time than virtually all of the morons combined who like photos like that or emotional statuses about how 95% of people won't share that status but they are of good moral mind.

Edited by rw89
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