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Annoying things people write on Facebook


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sick of miserable, whining people. We all have problems, deal with them. put a face on and deal with them at home

Can someone suggest a sarcastic reply to this? Despite the fact that she is quite sound, I can't let the irony slide by the lassie who posted this on FB.

Edited by Cardinal Richelieu
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Can someone suggest a sarcastic reply to this? Despite the fact that she is quite sound, I can't let the irony slide by the lassie who posted this on FB.

Just tell her your ironymeter has just exploded and leave it at that.

When she asks what you mean, ignore her.

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sick of seeing written complaints to company's or businesses with people fishing for likes, utter c***s. The latest one is " ZOMG COZTA COFFEE HOW CAN U TELL A DIZABLED PERSON TO LEAVE CAUSE THIER PUTTING PPL OFF BY GETTING FED THROUGH A NECK TUBE 111111".

Too right, that would be minging.

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Something got me today while I was at work, maybe just annoyed because I was at work, but a good friend of mine who is a student at Uni went back today, and she posted mega early (early for students, 8am) saying "lets do this!" in reference to her hardworking return to University. Three hours later? "....is tagged at Starbucks with 5 others.".

A hard day at Uni then?

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This is currently doing the rounds:

Hi there, I was looking for some advice/info from the police. I am a very concerned resident of Blantyre and a parent to a 16 month old daughter. I have lived in the same area for 34yrs and it has always been an area where most people know each other. What deeply concerns me is the fact that only a couple of hundred yards from my house is a convicted and registered paedophile. This sick beast preyed on a little girl with special needs. I suppose my question is who took the decision to rehouse him where he is??? It is absolutely ridiculous that he has been housed in an area where kids play everyday in view of this beasts windows, next to 2 parks, a couple of hundred yards from calderside academy and a few hundred yards from High Blantyre Primary!!! I understand there is a duty to re-house these sick beasts but I find it hard to believe that any of the above was taken into consideration which is an absolutely shocking. It is yet another example of us pandering to the needs of the scum in our society at the expense of the decent people. To think that he could swan past my window free as a bird sickens me to the core. Yet if I confront him in any way never mind give him the kicking and public humiliation he rightly deserves then I am the one who is treated more like a criminal!! I do have a good understanding on how the law works and like to play devils advocate in many situations but I'm afraid between the police and council you have got this terribly wrong. I would also like to make it clear that if this sick beast is ever in my eyeline when I'm with my daughter or even any kids around then I will make sure that the local areas people are rightly informed of this lowest form of scum living in there midst.

What the f**k will it solve posting on Facebook? And yes, you should be treated like a criminal if you go up to someone in the street and give them a kicking. It's called assault. Instead of crying on Facebook, actually do something if you're so concerned. Why do people think Facebook can actually solved anything? It's a typically lazy attitude of some many.

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This is currently doing the rounds:

What the f**k will it solve posting on Facebook? And yes, you should be treated like a criminal if you go up to someone in the street and give them a kicking. It's called assault. Instead of crying on Facebook, actually do something if you're so concerned. Why do people think Facebook can actually solved anything? It's a typically lazy attitude of some many.

To get 'likes' probably. It's always single mothers who post this shite as well. Probably whilst sitting on their fat arses getting everything paid for them.

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To get 'likes' probably. It's always single mothers who post this shite as well. Probably whilst sitting on their fat arses getting everything paid for them.

It has something like 2,600 likes. It's actually a guy who posted it because he's concerned about his children. A friend liked it and shared it, which is how I unfortunately got to see it.

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It has something like 2,600 likes. It's actually a guy who posted it because he's concerned about his children. A friend liked it and shared it, which is how I unfortunately got to see it.

Appeared in mine as well. Some quite strong comments, the usual "they get more human rights than us". No, they get the same. Putting this stuff on Facebook is going to solve nothing, and could cause a hell of a lot more trouble than it solves.

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