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Annoying things people write on Facebook


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This shared shit appeared on my newsfeed with the words 'Absolutely devastating :('

Obviously the grief birds were out in force with the comments - 'Truly heartbreaking' 'OMG, what a shame'

etc, etc.

The comments appear to have stopped though since I pointed out that the pic is a lot of shite considering it was an 8 year old boy that died and that you can't run the marathon until you're 18.

Gullible fuckwits.

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This shared shit appeared on my newsfeed with the words 'Absolutely devastating :('

Obviously the grief birds were out in force with the comments - 'Truly heartbreaking' 'OMG, what a shame'

etc, etc.

The comments appear to have stopped though since I pointed out that the pic is a lot of shite considering it was an 8 year old boy that died and that you can't run the marathon until you're 18.

Gullible fuckwits.

Corrected somebody on this today, asking them how they thought an 8year old could run 26miles in just over 4hrs. Got this reply;

"It duznt matter that they got the details wrng. What matters is that people r praying fr those affected"

*insert Patrick Stewart meme*

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Aye I'm sure that girl will love having her photo plastered all over Facebook and have everyone believe she's dead.

To be fair I'd love that. Imagine going into school the next day and scaring the shit out all your friends

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Facebook is spreading thougbout my work, I always had a no workmates policy, after a while people that are actually friends in work who I go out for dinner/drinking with got accepted. Then a few other people who work in close proximity who are alright got accepted, there was an obvious stand off between the rest of the people who do my job, a mutual let's not go there mentality which I was all for.

Then an old guy from the admin team added me who I only ever talk to when I need him to do something for me added me, then a temp in the admin team added me right after he started working, then a security guard who is a bit weird and who I only interact with rarely and simply say "arwight" in passing to added me, then today I got one from the cleaner who must think we are bezzie mates cause I give her more chat than others as she empties my bin added me, didn't recognise her full name, clicked on it and there were bingo wings flying all over the shop. I have accepted none of these people and don't intend to but that in itself becomes awkward,

My outstanding friend request list is in douible figures and that is having deleted a load of them a while back.

I can't wait for Facebook to stop existing.

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Finally! My acrylic rods have arrived for my pastry stand :)

Got this today - complete with picture.

today I got one from the cleaner who must think we are bezzie mates cause I give her more chat than others as she empties my bin added me, didn't recognise her full name, clicked on it and there were bingo wings flying all over the shop.

Sooo, pumping the cleaner then aye?

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One thing that annoys me on Facebook is the people you get who are employed by nightclubs or pubs and use their personal profiles to constantly advertise their work. Profile picture becomes a poster for a certain student night if something and they constantly add photos and make statuses trying to get folk to go to the place. f**k off, I didn't add fucking Fat Sams nightclub and I don't give a shit about their shitty promotions.

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Please read this message and pass it on!!!!!!!!!
As you are aware my niece, Madeleine, is still missing and I am asking everyone I know to send this as a chain letter i.e. you send it to everyone you know and ask them to do the same, as the story is only being covered in Britain, Eire and Portugal. We don't believe that she is in Portugal anymore and need to get herpicture and the story across Europe as quickly as possible. Suggestions are welcome.
Phil McCann
It is worth a try!
Please pass this email on to everyone in your address book. They reckon it could cover 80% of the world's inboxes in 2 weeks.
Madeleine McCann's family believe a new picture of the missing four year old could play a vital role in the search for her. The photo shows clearly her distinctive right eye where the pupil runs into the blue-green iris.
It is this distinguishing mark that will identify Madeleine to those on the lookout for her, according to Aunt and Uncle John and Diane McCann.
They aim to distribute the appeal poster, which features the Crimestoppers telephone number as far afield as they can.
Mrs McCann said: "The purpose of the poster is to highlight the distinction in Madeleine's eye. We want to make the most of it, because we know her hair could potentially be cut or dyed."
Mr McCann added: "The poster was designed by a friend of the family and I've begun emailing it to acquaintances in different parts of the world. I’m asking people to circulate it the best they can and make it be seen."

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Another fucking belter today.

"To the responsible adult who found acceptable to buy my 15 ur old vodka last nite ( which incidentally hospitalised him) I will hunt u down and when I eventually find u I will hit u a kick in the face for every unit of alcohol the bottle holds , and take me at my word for I am deadly serious !"

Some of the comments are just ridiculous too:

"Fucking hell!! Good luck! (And make sure u can't see any bruises!!) ;-)"

"worry has now given over to rage and I am ready to kill somebody !! X"

"He won't tell me , but I'm goin to the wee boys house where the party was and I WILL find out x"

Erm, here's a thought: maybe instead of going on a rampage of assaults on 15 year olds and shop assistants you should maybe put the blame on your son for drinking the fucking stuff you stupid bitch.

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Another fucking belter today.

"To the responsible adult who found acceptable to buy my 15 ur old vodka last nite ( which incidentally hospitalised him) I will hunt u down and when I eventually find u I will hit u a kick in the face for every unit of alcohol the bottle holds , and take me at my word for I am deadly serious !"

Some of the comments are just ridiculous too:

"Fucking hell!! Good luck! (And make sure u can't see any bruises!!) ;-)"

"worry has now given over to rage and I am ready to kill somebody !! X"

"He won't tell me , but I'm goin to the wee boys house where the party was and I WILL find out x"

Erm, here's a thought: maybe instead of going on a rampage of assaults on 15 year olds and shop assistants you should maybe put the blame on your son for drinking the fucking stuff you stupid bitch.

There are many annoying things in there, but when did "ur" become an acceptable spelling of year? :angry:

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Another fucking belter today.

"To the responsible adult who found acceptable to buy my 15 ur old vodka last nite ( which incidentally hospitalised him) I will hunt u down and when I eventually find u I will hit u a kick in the face for every unit of alcohol the bottle holds , and take me at my word for I am deadly serious !"

Some of the comments are just ridiculous too:

"Fucking hell!! Good luck! (And make sure u can't see any bruises!!) ;-)"

"worry has now given over to rage and I am ready to kill somebody !! X"

"He won't tell me , but I'm goin to the wee boys house where the party was and I WILL find out x"

Erm, here's a thought: maybe instead of going on a rampage of assaults on 15 year olds and shop assistants you should maybe put the blame on your son for drinking the fucking stuff you stupid bitch.

Nah, we can't have people taking responsibility for things. Everything must always been someone else's fault. If not, then that would mean that we are somehow responsible for our failings, and we can't have that!

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Well my facebook fair kicked off last night with stupidity, concerning three people I know. One guy broke up, amicably, with his girlfriend, then a couple of weeks later she's going out with one of his mates. The guy who's now with her has been posting a few statuses referring to people bitching about him, etc. The first boyfriend has deleted him from facebook despite them previously being really good mates, but there've been no statuses from him bitching; literally every public comment on the matter has came from the new boyfriend. Then last night he posted these two:

Why can't people just be happy for me when my life is going well? Too much negativity and bullshit flying about here. Feel like I need to set the record straight, but id hope my friends know me well enough to trust me and my judgement. Hate being vague, read between the lines if you can, because I can't really set the record straight without totally burying someone..

Three hours later another one, and I'll spoiler it because it was so fucking big. Surnames removed.

So, further to my post earlier on, I might as well clear the air.
As most of you know, last week Julie and myself started seeing each other. Previous to this Julie was seeing Shaun. Shaun is someone I'd known for a long time, and considered a good guy, but looking from the outside, my opinion of Shaun changed dramatically when I saw how badly he was treating Julie. I should point out that there was absolutely nothing going on between me and Julie before she finished with Coup, we were just pals playing video games.
When things deteriorated between Julie and Shaun and he finished with her, I was just being there for Julie as a pal, trying to cheer her up. There was still nothing romantic or sexual going on.
Eventually we got closer, Julie and myself were no strangers, knew each other well, and things developed from a friendship into more. When this happened Shaun sent Julie a message saying he hoped that we would be happy, and that we actually did have more in common than Julie and himself. A few days later, once I'd returned from New York we decided to "make it official" and changed our statuses on Facebook as all grown ups are want to do. This is a totally childish thing, but I'm sure a lot of ye know that it's easier than bringing the topic up in random conversation. Anyway, minutes after we changed to "being in a relationship" Julie got a message from Shaun saying he wouldn't be going to a gig with her (Propagandhi) that Thursday. My message from Shaun was a wee bit longer, and can be seen in my iOs photos folder. It was all about heartbreak and friendship and loss. The boy is truly a poet. You can also read my reply. And then Shaun's counter reply, which is truly tear jerking.
Anyway, reason for this big post is that this has been inside me for nearly 2 weeks now. He's been messaging my new chick with all this nonsense about how I broke his heart (this is a guy who's 27 in July) and hoping I wouldn't break hers too.
I'm usually a very, very private person when it comes to my lovelife, as my mum Caroline will attest, but I feel the need to post this so there is absolutely no doubt as to what has happened and why. Shaun deleted me from Facebook as he didn't want to see my private life unfold in front of him, which is quite funny as he has been insisting on insinuating himself into it these last weeks. He also didn't feel the need to delete me from his several shitty band pages, so obviously it's important that Lebowski know my private life...
And as for the person/people telling him what I'm posting, feel free. I'm glad I've given you something to discuss other than shitty gigs and moaning about work.
For once in my life I did things right. No cheating involved. Two single grown ups. But thanks to one miserable wee boy, here I am, the bad guy again, having to air my dirty laundry in public.

What the f**k is this shit? Why does anyone feel the need to post this stuff in public?

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Well my facebook fair kicked off last night with stupidity, concerning three people I know. One guy broke up, amicably, with his girlfriend, then a couple of weeks later she's going out with one of his mates. The guy who's now with her has been posting a few statuses referring to people bitching about him, etc. The first boyfriend has deleted him from facebook despite them previously being really good mates, but there've been no statuses from him bitching; literally every public comment on the matter has came from the new boyfriend. Then last night he posted these two:

Why can't people just be happy for me when my life is going well? Too much negativity and bullshit flying about here. Feel like I need to set the record straight, but id hope my friends know me well enough to trust me and my judgement. Hate being vague, read between the lines if you can, because I can't really set the record straight without totally burying someone..

Three hours later another one, and I'll spoiler it because it was so fucking big. Surnames removed.

So, further to my post earlier on, I might as well clear the air.

As most of you know, last week Julie and myself started seeing each other. Previous to this Julie was seeing Shaun. Shaun is someone I'd known for a long time, and considered a good guy, but looking from the outside, my opinion of Shaun changed dramatically when I saw how badly he was treating Julie. I should point out that there was absolutely nothing going on between me and Julie before she finished with Coup, we were just pals playing video games.

When things deteriorated between Julie and Shaun and he finished with her, I was just being there for Julie as a pal, trying to cheer her up. There was still nothing romantic or sexual going on.

Eventually we got closer, Julie and myself were no strangers, knew each other well, and things developed from a friendship into more. When this happened Shaun sent Julie a message saying he hoped that we would be happy, and that we actually did have more in common than Julie and himself. A few days later, once I'd returned from New York we decided to "make it official" and changed our statuses on Facebook as all grown ups are want to do. This is a totally childish thing, but I'm sure a lot of ye know that it's easier than bringing the topic up in random conversation. Anyway, minutes after we changed to "being in a relationship" Julie got a message from Shaun saying he wouldn't be going to a gig with her (Propagandhi) that Thursday. My message from Shaun was a wee bit longer, and can be seen in my iOs photos folder. It was all about heartbreak and friendship and loss. The boy is truly a poet. You can also read my reply. And then Shaun's counter reply, which is truly tear jerking.

Anyway, reason for this big post is that this has been inside me for nearly 2 weeks now. He's been messaging my new chick with all this nonsense about how I broke his heart (this is a guy who's 27 in July) and hoping I wouldn't break hers too.

I'm usually a very, very private person when it comes to my lovelife, as my mum Caroline will attest, but I feel the need to post this so there is absolutely no doubt as to what has happened and why. Shaun deleted me from Facebook as he didn't want to see my private life unfold in front of him, which is quite funny as he has been insisting on insinuating himself into it these last weeks. He also didn't feel the need to delete me from his several shitty band pages, so obviously it's important that Lebowski know my private life...

And as for the person/people telling him what I'm posting, feel free. I'm glad I've given you something to discuss other than shitty gigs and moaning about work.

For once in my life I did things right. No cheating involved. Two single grown ups. But thanks to one miserable wee boy, here I am, the bad guy again, having to air my dirty laundry in public.

What the f**k is this shit? Why does anyone feel the need to post this stuff in public?


So not such a private person after all,if he's posting about his love life on Facebook!

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