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Annoying things people write on Facebook


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Just had someone uploading several pictures of her toddler, as many on facebook tend to do. Most don't upload pictures with the fucking pet snake which is twice the fucking size of the toddler round the toddler's neck though. Snakes are cool and all, but is it really wise to have your two year old fucking about with it?

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I hate folk who just go around liking crap videos and photos that htey think are funny and by the end of it your timeline is full of junk

Edited by hoopy1967
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That julia gillard pish has now been tied to 3 australian prime ministers and im pretty sure its made up.

Surely even a country as casualy racist as australia wouldnt be so stupid to moan about immigrants "their" land where they are christian and speaking english. a country made up of white europeans fucking miles away from europe and lets not mention it had a native population that got almost destroyed but hey believe what you want.

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I dont have it handy but its the "immigrants not australians must adapt" one and its been doing the rounds on the internet for about 5 or 6 years now and im pretty sure its made up.

Much like the one about the muslim women in a british supermarket being told politely but firmly not complain about the union jack, bullshit when are british people ever polite in a supermarket never mind to a "fuckin ..insert racial slur.. wife".

maybe its just living in falkitk but the amount of biggoted racist dumb f**k throbbers i come accros at home at work in the pub etcon a daily basis is frightening considering we don't even have many immigrants about here.

Edited by effeffsee_the2nd
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There's loads of those pages popping up, I would wager about 99%* of them are either posted by the person themselves making themselves sound good or their mates taking the piss.

Also "Rate your shag Aberdeen" with no sheep being rated? LOLOLOLOLOL!!!!11.

* I was alerted to it by a lassie who is in the midst of a spectacular breakdown -posting on Friday she was going to deactivate her account, posting the same again on Saturday morning presumably as not enough folk had asked her to stay, deleting it for all of 24 hours then coming back on Sunday to complaining about the page thus -

""Newcastle rate your shag" wtvf is facebook for real? Is there nowt on here that doesn't involve sex, beating up of animals, vile videos and kids...no wonder i keep de activating my account what's wrong wiv society these days! Sick!"

So I reckon she's on the Newcastle one somewhere...

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some lassie moaning that she got pulled over by the police ,telling her the car wasn't insured according to the ANPR fitted, goes on a rant about how they should be catching the REAL criminals,!!

it transpires that instead of putting her straight off the road and siezing the car, they followed her back home to view said documents which were all valid, apologised to her and left

ffs she should think herself extremely lucky not to lose her car !!

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I have two cousins (both sisters) who are involved in a Facebook race to the bottom - they do nothing but share inane pictures, share statuses in the vain hope of winning something, and post passive-aggressive status updates, usually about the other sister.

They're both parents, and both over the age of 30. Preposterous madness.

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What's this new obsession with football clubs (notably Rangers and Celtic) calling themselves "family"? Utterly cringeworthy.

The most cringeworthy example I can think of of that sort of thing is Reading. On the back of the programme, where all the players names and squad numbers are listed they have written "The Fans" next to number twelve.


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