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Annoying things people write on Facebook


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To be fair to the firefighters, we are goin through the exact same thing, to be told you'll be expected to work upto an extra 10 years to get a pension which in terms of average value has gone from about 20k p/a to 10k p/a and a final commutation of 120k to around 11k, paying 14.5% of your already overtaxed salary just to get it is a bit of a boot in the bollocks. Add to that would you want a 60 year old cop out running after someone who broke into your house or a younger fitter one? Or a 60 year old fireman who can't carry someone out of a house because their back went ages ago but they can't afford to retire early because they'd be left with nothing? I'm all for modernising the pension structure etc but what has happened has left people facing loosing their homes etc. given that your average worker has rights to be in a union and organise in that way and doesn't work shifts, social media has been useful as it allows shift workers to discuss the issues.


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One of the lads I used to live with in London has been continually posting and sharing atheism statuses and about how ludicrous he thinks religion is. He's a really nice guy, and I myself think religion is stupid as f**k, but I could do without one or two Dawkins-type posts on my newsfeed every day.

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Exactly. We got told when this shit came in, by that wonderful Mr Maude, that "now these workers can relax in the knowledge that they have a guaranteed pension and conditions."

That's what we believed when we signed up to work in Public Service, you cúnt. Contracts are supposed to work two ways, and I'd be out on my arse sharpish if I broke the terms of mine.

No mention of the one group of Civil Servants who not only have not had their pensions raped, but have also gleefully ignored the CS pay freeze for the last few years.

Back in 2006, we fought for our pensions, and many of the services concerned were happy to retain rights for those already serving. Anyone coming in would know they had to work until 65 - fair play, if nonsensical. One Paramedic I met at a rally told me that 40% of his colleagues were leaving, either through ill-health retirement or simple inability to perform, before the agreed retirement age of 60.

Police, Ambulance/paramedics, Prison Officers, Firefighters, Medical Professionals - these are the people who make our society work. They should ALL be given the respect they deserve, and the chance of a decent retirement after serving their country in what, for many, is a thankless task.


Agree 100% but the original post is a bit melodramatic seeing as my firey mates saturday nightshift typically consists of curry, match of the day, sleep then off the clock.

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You might think that's daft but they want to raise the retirement age to 60, there are no way enough back office jobs out there to allow all the older cops to be of the street,you will have 60 year olds being sent to calls they physically cannot deal with. The sooner the public realise how badly affected services will be the better.

I was more expressing surprise that the police would even bother turning up for a housebreaking, let alone make some attempt at apprehending a suspect tbh.

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I've got two guys on my Facebook who've started bombarding my timeline with Herbalife shite. One is a pro at Peterhead and the other plays junior. It would also seem Lee Mair is above them in the pyramid. They've certainly managed to trap a few daft girls, amateur footballers and gym twats with their pish.

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On the profile of a female I really wish would STFU:


:rolleyes: :rolleyes:

So much fail.

Their nosey b*****ds :blink:

Talking about females, when GTA came out a couple of lassies were moaning about everyone posting about it and that they don't care about it so everyone should stop posting about it. At least they were happy posts not depressed attention seeking shite blaming men for everything you bunch of useless walking pair of tits.

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Their nosey b*****ds :blink:

Talking about females, when GTA came out a couple of lassies were moaning about everyone posting about it and that they don't care about it so everyone should stop posting about it. At least they were happy posts not depressed attention seeking shite blaming men for everything you bunch of useless walking pair of tits.

I had a post on mine complaining that the adverts for GTA were a not a fair representation of women. Something along the lines of only 1 woman in the adverts and she is in a bikini. What the f**k do you want from a game like GTA?

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To be fair to the firefighters, we are goin through the exact same thing, to be told you'll be expected to work upto an extra 10 years to get a pension which in terms of average value has gone from about 20k p/a to 10k p/a and a final commutation of 120k to around 11k, paying 14.5% of your already overtaxed salary just to get it is a bit of a boot in the bollocks. Add to that would you want a 60 year old cop out running after someone who broke into your house or a younger fitter one? Or a 60 year old fireman who can't carry someone out of a house because their back went ages ago but they can't afford to retire early because they'd be left with nothing? I'm all for modernising the pension structure etc but what has happened has left people facing loosing their homes etc. given that your average worker has rights to be in a union and organise in that way and doesn't work shifts, social media has been useful as it allows shift workers to discuss the issues.


Apparently, they're a bunch of fatty-boombalattys anyway...

More than one in 10 firefighters failed to reach a recommended fitness standard in the past year, the BBC has found.

Results in Scotland were worse than the UK average, with only a third of staff in Strathclyde meeting the standard.

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I'm relatively new to facebook. Signed up to keep in touch with folks, and also to try an catch up with a few, so I'm relatively fortunate in what comes into my news feed.

I've got one female who lives their live on FB. I can tell when she gets up, goes to sleep, and has intense stomach pains. Bizarre.

I get loads of Praise Jesus from someone who is in the God Squad, and to the person who keeps sending me requests, NO I DON'T WANT TO PLAY CANDY FUCKING CRUSH!

But I can live with all of that. What I can't understand is why anyone would post the following. And this is from a friend who seldom posts anything up.

Can you push piles bck up anyone?

Now perhaps he's in a bad way, perhaps in pain and this is his last resort, even though the NHS has a telephone service.

But what was the icing on the cake was someone liking this comment.

Can someone please tell me what the f**k there is to like about this comment

I now see why I resisted the urge to sign up to FB for so long.

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I'm relatively new to facebook. Signed up to keep in touch with folks, and also to try an catch up with a few, so I'm relatively fortunate in what comes into my news feed.

I've got one female who lives their live on FB. I can tell when she gets up, goes to sleep, and has intense stomach pains. Bizarre.

I get loads of Praise Jesus from someone who is in the God Squad, and to the person who keeps sending me requests, NO I DON'T WANT TO PLAY CANDY FUCKING CRUSH!

But I can live with all of that. What I can't understand is why anyone would post the following. And this is from a friend who seldom posts anything up.

Now perhaps he's in a bad way, perhaps in pain and this is his last resort, even though the NHS has a telephone service.

But what was the icing on the cake was someone liking this comment.

Can someone please tell me what the f**k there is to like about this comment

I now see why I resisted the urge to sign up to FB for so long.

Possibly a fraping !?

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I'm relatively new to facebook. Signed up to keep in touch with folks, and also to try an catch up with a few, so I'm relatively fortunate in what comes into my news feed.

I've got one female who lives their live on FB. I can tell when she gets up, goes to sleep, and has intense stomach pains. Bizarre.

I get loads of Praise Jesus from someone who is in the God Squad, and to the person who keeps sending me requests, NO I DON'T WANT TO PLAY CANDY FUCKING CRUSH!

But I can live with all of that. What I can't understand is why anyone would post the following. And this is from a friend who seldom posts anything up.

Now perhaps he's in a bad way, perhaps in pain and this is his last resort, even though the NHS has a telephone service.

But what was the icing on the cake was someone liking this comment.

Can someone please tell me what the f**k there is to like about this comment

I now see why I resisted the urge to sign up to FB for so long.

Tell your pal to give up on FB and join P&B. There was a very informative (and rather amusing) thread on the issue of piles a wee while back. Its what the internet was made for.

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I realise the hypocrisy of what I'm about to say after 203 pages and quite a few of my own contributions, but surely the problem with Facebook lies with the people you are acquainted with?

I am friends with a few flipcharts on Facebook but their comedy outputs far outweigh any annoyance I feel.

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