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Annoying things people write on Facebook


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A woman I know gave birth to twins, very prematurely. One of them didn't survive and I can't begin to imagine the heartbreak.

However, that does not mean I want to log into my computer of a morning and be presented with photographs of other dead babies, taken from the support group of which she was a member. FTS.

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Just watched this video that's emerged of some naked bloke climbing out of a Buckingham Palace window. It's causing a bit of a storm. Go and judge for yourselves but the first thing I thought when I watched that shit was "fake."

This follows another video that emerged recently, a couple "shagging" on Charltan FC's pitch. It was clearly fake, and was later confirmed to be by the club.

It's getting to the point now that people send me links to amazing videos of people doing crazy shit and I'm like "it's fucking fake man, it's fucking fake." It's getting to that point where I'm thinking "nothing is real anymore." I can't enjoy crazy videos anymore because I'm constantly skeptical over their legitimacy.

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Just watched this video that's emerged of some naked bloke climbing out of a Buckingham Palace window. It's causing a bit of a storm. Go and judge for yourselves but the first thing I thought when I watched that shit was "fake."

This follows another video that emerged recently, a couple "shagging" on Charltan FC's pitch. It was clearly fake, and was later confirmed to be by the club.

It's getting to the point now that people send me links to amazing videos of people doing crazy shit and I'm like "it's fucking fake man, it's fucking fake." It's getting to that point where I'm thinking "nothing is real anymore." I can't enjoy crazy videos anymore because I'm constantly skeptical over their legitimacy.

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But first, before I go, I'm going to read the comments to see if anyone responds, asks me to stay or even cares that I'm going".

Deleted, you attention-seeking tosspot.

That'll be me then yeah?? I Waited until I got in till i deleted it, a few folk sent me their mobile numbers through messenger, hence the reason I kept it open.

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Aye, that's you.

Fair enough, you're entitled to Yer opinion, calling me an attention seeking tosspot may be somewhat harsh though, you should have added a "fucking" before the attention bit lol

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I'll hold my hands up and admit I went about it the wrong way, but believe you me there was no attention seeking involved, I've learned my lesson on that from here.

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