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Annoying things people write on Facebook


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I keep asking myself, if there really is a "god" why do bad thing happen to good people?then I remember why I'm an atheist.. This status may offend some people but, it's my honest opinion on life, don't like it? I'm not forcing you to be my "friend"

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I keep asking myself, if there really is a "god" why do bad thing happen to good people?then I remember why I'm an atheist.. This status may offend some people but, it's my honest opinion on life, don't like it? I'm not forcing you to be my "friend"


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They look like cannons, pointed top-left. Cannons of underinformed choices, ready to blow the political debate wide open because they hate all the immigrants they've never met.

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people who write stuff to their babies on facebook (they cant read yet, give it a break, mongs), Any of those inspiring lovey dovey "inspirational" American quotes people put up. They only inspire u to vomit or kill yourself. People who post selfies with their thumbs up smiling from their hospital bed when they've had a miscarriage (really it happened). People who never attended primary 2 and can't grasp the difference between they're, there and their. or to two and too. never ending septic and sevco pish. people posting pictures of their dinner. pouty wee duck faces. I could go on forever

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Folk updating their statuses to "voting in the general election".

Aye you and the rest of the country. I don't take immense pride in the fact I voted. I vote and get on with the rest of my day.

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Dang, I thought the whole "Look at me, I voted" thing was just an American affectation. Yes, there are people in the world who don't have the luxury of free elections. However, I'm willing to bet that you aren't Facebook friends with any of them so who is this update meant to impress?

If you and your family ran across a minefield or spent weeks in an open boat to reach a free country; or if you've just turned 18 and it's your first time being eligible to vote then I'll cut you some slack. Otherwise, it's about as dramatic as renewing your passport or making a dentist's appointment.

So you voted. BFD.

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the American thing about voting for Obama. Obama didn't get in on his policies or skill as a politician as we can all see he is incompetent. It was all to do with his skin colour. the leftists in America were all like, "look at me, I'm not racist, I voted a black man, how enlightened of me!"

You do know that the U.S. have elected white democrats as well

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the American thing about voting for Obama. Obama didn't get in on his policies or skill as a politician as we can all see he is incompetent. It was all to do with his skin colour. the leftists in America were all like, "look at me, I'm not racist, I voted a black man, how enlightened of me!"


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Girl on my timeline just posted about how she was disappointed by the turnout for the election.

Her solution? Add a "none of the above" box. That'll get all the folk who weren't going to vote to race to their polling stations for sure.

She's the sort of girl who takes every comment on a Youtube video very seriously.

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a friend of my mums is always posting things "to" here dog or baby grandson, neither of whom can read. she spent a bit of time babysitting me as a kid and would often give me a row for things with phrases like " oh dont be so silly!" or "grow up" or "thats just ridiculous" now 25 years later shes wishing a dug a happy birthday on facebook and creating an account for the dug so she can comment "woof" back to her post.

societys fucked

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