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Annoying things people write on Facebook


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Isnt that Ice Cube?

It sure is. It shows how blindly racist these fucknuggets are that they don't even take a look at the guy in the picture. They see a black guy and that's sufficient evidence for them to be convinced he's part of eyecyst :lol:

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No the mo fo. Pop a cap in his ass for dissing me.

My dear chap, I would strongly caution against such drastic measures. Of course, it pains me to see two chums at loggerheads and I vow to do everything within my powers to remedy this unfortunate situation. I shall broach the subject with Mr. Ice at the earliest opportunity and advise him to take all necessary steps to rectify this slight.

Got your back bro. Fo schizzle.

Edited by Shotgun
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Hopefully this will provide ample seethe material for this thread...


Prof Andrea Forte, an expert in social and participatory media at Drexel University in Philadelphia, said users will not suddenly turn on each other's posts.

In an email, she wrote: "They may use a dislike button to express some negative emotions (like frustration with ads popping up in their feeds) but I doubt it will cause them to start wantonly disliking pictures of their friends' babies, dogs, cats and cooking experiments.

"I suspect it will mainly be used to express mild disapproval, or to express solidarity when someone posts about a negative event like a death or a loss."

^^^never seen Pie & Bovril type delusion^^^

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Stephen Murray is one whacky individual, IMO.

I'm not on pusbook but I hope there's at least one, incandescent with rage, BE A WARE incompetent Asda employees status update to come from Mr Murray's larks and high jinx. Servers them aw right.

Keep us posted.

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I know a lot of you from before Facebook existed, so I care about you or I would not have requested or added you as a friend. I'm doing this once and once only, so now's your chance. It occurs to me that for each and every one of you on my friends list, I catch myself looking at your pictures, sharing jokes and news, as well as support during good and bad times. I am also happy to have you among my friends. We will see who will take the time to read this message until the end. If you appreciate your friends from all over the world, go ahead and copy this into your status too, even if it's just for a minute. I'm going to be watching to see who takes care of the friendship, just like I do. Thank you all for being a part of my life. Copy and paste please; don't "share." If no one reads my wall, this should be a short experiment. This is a Facebook game to see who reads and who just scrolls. So, if you read this, leave one word on how we met. Only one word, then copy this to your wall so I can leave a word.xx


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