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Annoying things people write on Facebook


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A guy I went to school with posted this last night -

"Can't beat a great catch up with the Mother and Father! What a couple of chatterboxes! Always so much to catch up with and so little time!"


Gay or 70+

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She has not! Oh wait, I see what you mean.

Well, I live on another continent so I'm probably out of the running. (Plus, Mrs Shotgun would probably put up an objection or two.) Still, there's plenty of single lads here who will appreciate the leads.

Hey yo

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This is really useful information for anyone who goes on holidays where the hotel uses key cards.

Always take a small fridge magnet on your holiday, they come in handy at the enf of it.

Never even thought about key cards contating anythign other than an access code for the room? Ever wonder what is on your magnetic room key card?


A - Customers name

B - Custoemrs partial home address

C - Hotel room number

D - Check in dates and out dates

E - customers credit card number and expiration date!

When you hand them back to the front desk your personal information is there for any employee to access by simply scanning the card in the hotel scanner. An employee can take a handful of cards home and using a scanning device access all the information onto a laptop computer and go shopping at your expense!

Simply put hotels don't erase the information on these cards until an employee reissues the card to the next hotel guest! At that time the new guest's information is electronically 'overwritten' on the card and the previous guest's information is thus erased. But until the card is rewritten for the net guest, it usually kept in a drawer at the front desk with YOUR INFORMATION ON IT!

The bottom lime; keep your cards, take them home with you, or destroy them, NEVER leave them behind in your room or room waste basket and NEVER turn them into the front desk when you check out of a room.

For the same reason if you arrive at the airport and discover you still have the card key in your pocket, do not toss it in an airport trash bascket. Take it home and destroy it by cutting it up, espeically through the electronic information strip.


If you have a small magnet pass it along the magnetic strip several times. Then try it in the door. It will not work. It erases everything on the card.

Information courtesy of Metropolitan Police, London


Well I'm just back from Tenerife and I'm now shit scared that somebody is emptying my account from my keycard. Especially as this is from the Met Police in London. I had my doubts until I realised it was from them. I've stayed at dozens of hotels with keycards and have never used a magnet on the back of my card - surely my luck will run out?


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A real "did ye aye?" here....

I was wasn't sure if I was going to post this because people will think I'm doing it for all the wrong reasons. I was driving through Llandudno last night and I seen a homeless man sitting outside Sainsburys reading his book with his dog in his lap.
Something struck me so I pulled over instantly, got ouf of my car and walked up to him. So many people was just walking past him as if he was invisible or as if he wasn't human.

I pretended I was going in the shop and asked him did he need anything. All he asked for was a sandwich. He wasn't fussy with what sandwich. I asked if he wanted a drink and some dog food. He said "yes please sir, thank you"

So I went into the shop with no intentions of buying just them three thigns he wanted. I grabbed a basket and filled it with stuff - sandwiches, sausage rolls, chicken, coke, water, juice, biscuits, crisps, chocolate, sweets, cookies, fruit and a few more items of food and drinks.
I then thought what else this poor guys needs what we taken for granted on a daily basis. So I also hot him deodrant, toothbrushes, toothpaste, nail clippers, lip balm, shampoo, body wash and a few more essentials. Then onto his dog, he asked for 1 tin of dog food. So I got hin 6 tins of dog foodm dog biscuits, denta-stix and a few more bits and bobs for his dog.
I thought what could I get him which he doesn't usually receive...so I got him some scratchcards.
When I took the 3 bags of shopping out to him he couldn't have been more grateful. I wished him the best of luck witht he scratchcards and the best of luck with the future. I told him I would pray for him.
When i went back to my car I looked on the passengers seat, I had two pairs of gloves and I knew he needed them more than me, so I grabbed them and walked up to him again whilst he was rubbing his hands together to get them warm. he kindly took the gloves and said 'God bless you'.

I didn't do this for the 'thank you' or the 'that's so nice of you' I did this because he is human. He isn't invisible and people do care about him and for the fact he could have food and drinks to last him a while which we all take for granted. That's someone son! He could have kids of his own which he cannot provide for!

We are people in 2015 take so much for granted. We can decide when our next meal is, our next shower is any many other things. Homeless people live for the next meal. After I bought him all these thigns I started to feel guilty as I knew I was coming home to a bed and roof over my head and when I wake up in the morning the heating will be on.

In this date in age we are so self centered and it is society that has made up like this. We focus on ourselves and not so much about others in need.

I didn't want to help this guy for a one off thing, so got a bunch of old items from my hourse including jeans, tshirts, jumpers, hats, gloves, socks and a few books.

My next plan is to give him all of these things I no longer need and to get him into a dog friendly hostel or hotel.

All I ask of you is to please stop taking things for granted. Please donate to the homeless people, even if it just spare change. Make them feel noticed. They are not invisible. People walk past them wearing £2000 shoes on and will not give the person in need £2. Homeless people are still humans. Please donate to homeless people. It's coming up to the coldest time of the year and most of all....Christmas.

Please donate old clothes, blankets, loose change...Anything.

These people are not invisible.

Please donate. Thank you.

How many pairs of gloves did this guy own? How he fit all that in one single basket I have no idea. Not attention seeking at all here.

He even put photos up to confirm he did indeed have a basket full of stuff in a shop and some clothes on a bed. God bless this fella.

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Hopefully the homeless man saw the deodorant and said "What are you trying to say? Cheeky c**t! And how the f**k am I suppose to carry all this stuff?"

"Can't wait for it to rain so I can shower in the street now I've got my body wash and shampoo!"

Edited by The Minertaur
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Quite a lot of clumsy people dropping their wallets lately it seems.

Got to love those terroists who warn people of what their plans are.

What the heck is the name of the person who commented first? Linziandjohnthe Organ Morgan? :lol:

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Quite a lot of clumsy people dropping their wallets lately it seems.

As a group though; terrorists do tend to be rather careless with their important possessions. Just look at how many drop their pristine passports right before transforming themselves into mince.

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