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Annoying things people write on Facebook


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He does have a point though, I fucking hate the scumbag families standing in the middle of the aisle with half a dozen unruly kids and a trolley full of chicken nuggets and coke.

"aye ah dinnae ken why wee tom cruise junior is so hyper ken?"

Online shopping here I come.

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This guy wears a pair of those John Lennon specs.

'more sensitive to energies.'


How many melons does this guy buy at a time?

I'm usually a one-melon-a-week man - but you have to eat them a week in arrears, nae point in crunching through the melon you bought out the supermarket that day. Pah!

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I agree with him to a point. The whole "I don't understand why I'm putting weight on" "that's wee *insert boyband member name got ADHD" whilst having a trolley full of e numbers and sugar. It's pretty fucking basic stuff really.
He did come across as a complete walloper mind. I mean sensitive to energies??

Edited by WullieBroonIsGod
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This guy wears a pair of those John Lennon specs.

'more sensitive to energies.'


What an absolute bellend. There's so many things in that post annoying me.

1. Yes you are judging these people, and yes you do most definitely think you're better than them.

2. Who just buys nothing but melons? And as above, how many melons does this p***k eat?

3. I make a point of making sure everyone knows I get all my food from real foods, farms and local independent stores = I'm a pretentious twat.

4. Going to the supermarket can be scary?! Fucking hell.

5. Sensitive to energies. Enough said.

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Someone on mine asking if castor oil will induce labour because she feels the pregnancy is dragging on. Now I'm clueless about this stuff tbh, but surely doing something to induce an early birth is pretty dangerous to the baby?

Tell her anal sex / blowjobs does it and collect your case of beer from the other half

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Someone on mine asking if castor oil will induce labour because she feels the pregnancy is dragging on. Now I'm clueless about this stuff tbh, but surely doing something to induce an early birth is pretty dangerous to the baby?

Going past the due date can be frustrating as hell - you wait 9 months, big countdown - then nothing !!

A week past the due date feels like an eternity - there's loads of Old Wives Tales about how to bring om labor ... a right good shagging seems to be top of the list !!

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Yeah except you are just twisting and lieing about what you actually said. A move which makes you look a completely stupid knob never mind a complete scumbag. You never said anything about 'sick rape jokes'. For those unaware or who missed it, 'peeeel' wrote a post where he finds the pain of a father who's daughter commited suicide funny & a joking matter. Couldn't find it to quote it though which was disappointing. Must've been so funny the moderators had to remove it. F**k knows how you're still on P&B. :(

I'd like to see things from your point of view, however I can't get my head that far up my arse. Please don't reply to me as this will be the last time I will respond on this matter.

Edited by peeeel
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