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Horrific club photos

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I'd imagine that the Classroom's page would have some amount of munters on it. I'm going purely by people I've seen outside it and the flyers I've seen.

There's also one on Sauchiehall street on the right as you're walking from Buchanan Galleries up to Garage, black "store front", for lack of a better term, they have the smoking area right outside it and have barricades round the entrance. It's always got loads of older women standing outside it, desperate as f**k.

edit: this one off of O'Couture, girl(?) on the left http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=1585194595086&set=a.1585188234927.2076806.1392397897&theater boak.

Edited by forehead7
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What. The. f**k.

Please tell me they did this for a bet/charity!

I can't fathom a world in which anyone who is not either blind or has severe learning disabilities can possibly think that is a good look. It defies any semblance of logic or reason that a person could do that to themselves in an effort to appear attractive. This photo encapsulates absolutely everything that is wrong with society and has upset me.



Thank f*** it appears to be a particularly Glaswegian thing so far. Was walking up Buchanan St on Saturday and the things seemed to be everywhere. Gads.

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