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I don't think "racism is bad" is really the most controversial of political points. I think it would have been amiss had they not mentioned her skin colour... something which would obviously have been an issue in that era. Turning the Lord into a massive racist was also a convenient means of turning the audience against him and ensuring that we enjoyed his ultimate demise and disinheritence.


As for the episode, I thought it was enjoyable enough... without necessarily being one I can see myself watching again and again in years to come. So pretty much the same as the rest of the series so far.


I like Bill, and am enjoying her interactions with 12. Lucas' character is still a bit of a spare part, seemingly written into episodes as an afterthought. Hopefully he will come into his own in the upcoming installments.



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Not sure what to make of it. The haunted house theme was well done & David Suchet was downright creepy but I felt some of the acting among the gang of friends was brutal & the episode went to shit towards the end. I also feel I'm watching it due to nostalgia/loyalty and feel the show needs a complete reboot. 

More time/space travel & sci-fi concepts, please. Less emphasis on characters I couldn't care less for, particularly millenials.

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It was kinda meh.

This series so far has been just about acceptable.  As has been said, a lot of remixed story lines.  The big old house, The space station, Victorian London, future Earth colony - they've all been done before.

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It was kinda meh.
This series so far has been just about acceptable.  As has been said, a lot of remixed story lines.  The big old house, The space station, Victorian London, future Earth colony - they've all been done before.

When a program has been running for 50+ years, I think that's going to be kind of inevitable, don't you???

Take it for what it is, enjoyable cult drama, nothing more!!!

For me I think this has been Capaldi's best run of stories yet and with The Master still to appear will obviously get better, I also think Capaldi has really got into HIS characterisation of The Doctor now and I really think he's going to be missed when he eventually chucks it, the last couple of years have really been a missed opportunity, I feel he could have been up there with Baker (Tom) in his portrayal and looked on in the future as such, instead of merely being better than Baker (Colin), which is how I think he is going to be remembered!!!
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2 hours ago, Bully Wee Villa said:

There have been a few hints about Susan now. I reckon Bill might be her, or linked to her in some way.


We know by now with Moffat that a companion can never "just" be a companion.


I did wonder if the call out on 'Grandfather' a few times in the episode by Bill was another subtle reference after the picture appearance previously on the Doctors desk.

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Needs some more "off earth" stories and influences IMO. Would have been better with a non-human companion (maybe that's what Lucas is there for, but so far he just seems to be a waste of time.

And, WTF is the vault all about?

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2 hours ago, Raidernation said:

Needs some more "off earth" stories and influences IMO. Would have been better with a non-human companion (maybe that's what Lucas is there for, but so far he just seems to be a waste of time.

And, WTF is the vault all about?

For me anyway, the big mystery surrounding the vault isn't nearly as captivating or enthralling as the BBC would like it to be.

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I enjoyed it. Lots to like but still fell just short of being a really good episode, like a lot of the series so far.

I may have missed it but was there an explanation of why Bill was kept alive in her suit while the rest weren’t?

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15 minutes ago, Jaggy Snake said:

I enjoyed it. Lots to like but still fell just short of being a really good episode, like a lot of the series so far.

I may have missed it but was there an explanation of why Bill was kept alive in her suit while the rest weren’t?

The Doctor had noticed that there wasn't enough Battery left in the suit to kill her...

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