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14 hours ago, Miguel Sanchez said:

After 17 minutes of Flux I have decided that when I come to power, Liverpool will be bombed.

I enjoyed Flux. Maybe because it was an improvement on the other Chibnall series. 

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8 hours ago, scottsdad said:

I enjoyed Flux. Maybe because it was an improvement on the other Chibnall series. 

Which reminds me that I didn't post what I thought about Whittaker's second series...

Lower lows than the first series and on the whole a more middling rest of the time. Orphan 55 and Praxeus were both genuinely insulting. The other Doctor appearing felt at the time like someone trying to be shocking and having no idea where to go with it, and I get the feeling she's going to quietly disappear without a real explanation. Good.

Spyfall was great and more in line with what was so enjoyable about earlier series, with the sense of something genuinely affecting the whole world and with real consequences if it didn't go right. Lenny Henry was good. The new Master's teeth are too big and there's something about him that seems a bit too fanservicey - like the speccy woman from UNIT who wears a scarf, only rather than obviously being written as an fan insertion he's just over-acted to the point of absurdity. John Simm was unhinged but always in control of what he was doing, Missy was something different and a perfect opposition to Capaldi's Doctor, the new guy comes off as a spoiled child in an extended tantrum.

The closing of the series and the Cybermen/Time Lord combo was shite as well. The Doctor's backstory and Lore is about the most engaging part of the character for me but the only time it's had any significance is when Timothy Dalton was making David Tennant visibly scared for the first time in his incarnation. Turning up on a burnt out Galifrey with what, ten? fancy engraved robots doesn't have the same impact. Of the other episodes I remember, the one with the Shelleys was good aside from looking like it was filmed during a power cut and the one set in Aleppo looked like a good concept wasted because they wanted to do an episode about a place in the Middle East that's currently getting bombed and so the Doctor could say "Muslim doctors in the 13th century were actually really good at treating mental illness!"

After feeling like three companions were there to compensate for Whittaker's Doctor not having a personality there was some improvement. Bradley Walsh continued to be the highlight and Ryan also had some agency about him. Yaz got even blander and it's probably not a good thing that she's stayed and the other two have gone. Replacing Bradley Walsh's Sheffield with John Bishop's Liverpool is tantamount to a war crime, and I'm glad he got kidnapped by a talking dog. Hopefully he gets fired into a black hole before I need to see him go back home. 

All of this comes back to the fact that I still don't think Whittaker is a good Doctor. I've never seen her in anything else so I don't know how much of this is her and how much of it is the part, but there seems to be a constant conflict about what sort of character the Doctor is supposed to be. Her outfit is daft and it staying the same for two series has a whiff of staleness about it for me, and I think this is reflected in her character not really evolving from the first series either. She seems to flit between know it all child on a school trip, harassed parent on a school trip and petulant middle class teacher on a school trip dealing with a local who isn't doing what she wants. 

None of this is helped by the filming which, as I've said before, is the biggest problem I have with it since Capaldi started. There's a tweet thread from Limmy that I'll be buggered if I can find but he complains about the same thing - a programme filled with shots that are obviously meant to be serious and thoughtful, with the camera sort of above where the character on screen is, them slightly off-centre, looking at something to the side while they're talking. A picture that's more ceiling than subject. I couldn't take to the His Dark Materials series for the same reason, it feels like it's supposed to look cinematic and high quality but to me it ends up looking like it's all filmed in the same place as everything else on the BBC. I know @Shandon Par has posted about this before so forgive me for tagging you - what is it you have against the way BBC dramas are filmed and why do they all look shite?

The Tardis interior is shite as well. It looks like a cave.

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Flux, John Bishop, the Swarovski-faced gimps, the big snakey boy taking down UNIT, the sassy talking dog

Ex-Scotland international Garry O'Connor banned from plush Harvey Nichols  store over alleged shoplifting - Daily Record

Just let it end. I might go back to the beginning and watch Tennant and Piper gurn and skip their way round council estates just to cheer myself up. 

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15 hours ago, Miguel Sanchez said:

Flux, John Bishop, the Swarovski-faced gimps, the big snakey boy taking down UNIT, the sassy talking dog

Ex-Scotland international Garry O'Connor banned from plush Harvey Nichols  store over alleged shoplifting - Daily Record

Just let it end. I might go back to the beginning and watch Tennant and Piper gurn and skip their way round council estates just to cheer myself up. 

Flux had Jonathan Watson, though...

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23 minutes ago, Miguel Sanchez said:

Oh good I have the Only an Excuse guy as a Sontaran to look forward to in the last episode. That'll improve things. 

You'll recognise him when he comes on and asks, "Where's the burdz?"

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  • 3 weeks later...

We had pretty much run out of things to watch with my daughter as she is well caught up with her superhero shows. So last night I put on Rose. 

She wasn't keen, having watched a few Jodie Whittaker efforts. What a difference - it was actually enjoyable and a bit scary. It was about living plastic but there were no speeches about how plastic was ruining the planet. 

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  • 3 weeks later...

I thought tonight's episode was somewhere between okay and dull. It started poorly but picked up a little as it went on. 

John Bishop's character, whilst not as good as Graham, still remains more watchable and enjoyable than the Doctor, which says a lot.

I could do without more Daleks and Cybermen for the finale and frankly will just be glad when this run is over.

Edited by Jaggy Snake
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