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Daleks have been done to f**k, boring. How long 'til the inevitable Cyberman episode?

The Finale

Enjoyed that. Was fearing yet another Dalek episode but it was some great character development for the new Doctor and wasn't just "Daleks are attacking, find a way to kill them" like past episodes.

Danny Pink looks pretty interesting as well.

Episode 4 is interesting in that regard!

I enjoyed the episode in it's black and white form, hopefully it's even better in colour!

Edited by South Lanarkshire Jag
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Thought it was decent enough, I preferred it to the vaguely similar Ecclestone episode, "Dalek", alluded to earlier in this thread. I find "Dalek" one of the more overrated episodes in recent history. Basically the whole episode seems to have gained epic status on the basis of a two minute scene where Ecclestone shouts a bit which, while good, doesn't make up for the rest of the episode being a bit dull and immediately rendering Daleks soppy and unthreatening for a whole new generation of budding Doctor Who fans.

Back to last nigh't offering, I'm surprised in a sci-fi show with nearly a thousand episodes that miniaturisation hasn't been done before! I know there was the early "Land of the Giants" episode but that was the planet being big, rather than the heroes being small, IIRC. Bits of it were good, I'm enjoying the darker side of Capaldi's character. I guessed Pink would end up as a love interest for Clara before he even appeared on screen. I do wish Moffatt would just accept that Doctor Who is (mostly) for boys and we don't really need a romantic element to keep us interested, but in modern Who that's never going to happen.

I'm enjoying the Missy element. I'm not a huge fan of overdoing the series arc but it'll be interesting to see what her motivations are.

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Capaldi is fucking tremendous, do love the fact hes so ruthless and seems to genuinely not give much of a shite as long as he himself survives. Have this huge feeling he'll properly sacrifice Clara at some point purely for self preservation.

Story was a bit meh, sort of seen it all before. Id like the next episode to be one with no references or similarities to older episodes

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Thought it was decent enough, I preferred it to the vaguely similar Ecclestone episode, "Dalek", alluded to earlier in this thread. I find "Dalek" one of the more overrated episodes in recent history. Basically the whole episode seems to have gained epic status on the basis of a two minute scene where Ecclestone shouts a bit which, while good, doesn't make up for the rest of the episode being a bit dull and immediately rendering Daleks soppy and unthreatening for a whole new generation of budding Doctor Who fans.

Back to last nigh't offering, I'm surprised in a sci-fi show with nearly a thousand episodes that miniaturisation hasn't been done before! I know there was the early "Land of the Giants" episode but that was the planet being big, rather than the heroes being small, IIRC. Bits of it were good, I'm enjoying the darker side of Capaldi's character. I guessed Pink would end up as a love interest for Clara before he even appeared on screen. I do wish Moffatt would just accept that Doctor Who is (mostly) for boys and we don't really need a romantic element to keep us interested, but in modern Who that's never going to happen.

I'm enjoying the Missy element. I'm not a huge fan of overdoing the series arc but it'll be interesting to see what her motivations are.

Was there not a Tom Baker one where The Doctor and Leela made miniature clones of themselves, or am I making that up?

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I do wish Moffatt would just accept that Doctor Who is (mostly) for boys and we don't really need a romantic element to keep us interested, but in modern Who that's never going to happen.

Surely that's not true.

Its very much a family-orientated show now, with mums and dads enjoying it as much as their kids.

I liked last night's episode and am loving the sharp delivery of Capaldi. Are the hard-core Dr Who fans digging him just as much?

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Surely that's not true.

Its very much a family-orientated show now, with mums and dads enjoying it as much as their kids.

I liked last night's episode and am loving the sharp delivery of Capaldi. Are the hard-core Dr Who fans digging him just as much?

I think he's been fantastic so far - been watching the show for nearly 40 years and think he is shaping up to be one of the greatest to play the part. Am loving the way he seems like someone said earlier more than willing to sacrifice others if the situation requires it - his casual approach to some of their deaths is certainly a new approach in Nu Who

Some of his one liners so far have also been brilliant - loved the "She's my carer " scene last night

He is reminding of the darker aspects of the character that Sylvester McCoy brought out at times - long may it continue

Really enjoying the new series so far - much more so than the last couple of series

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Good to know I'm not crazy, was worried there for a minute. :lol:

More importantly it also saw another Who appearance from the brilliant Michael Sheard who appeared in several classic series adventures including Pyramids of Mars and Remembrance of the Daleks - but to most of us brought up in the 80s he will always be the evil Mr Bronson from Grange Hill !!!!!! :)



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Are the hard-core Dr Who fans digging him just as much?

I sometimes read the Doctor Who forums, just to see if I've missed anything. But they seem quite split on him, some love him and his doctor, while others worry that his actions aren't the actions of Doctor Who.

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Quite cheesy, but I actually enjoyed that, a good "fluff" episode, no more no less!!!

Again some great lines from Capaldi,

"And do people ever punch you in the face when you do that?"

"Just as well I'm here then"

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