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If we are to assume that that was the Doctors parents we heard talking in the barn/shed/shack, what incredibly regionalised accents they have, never thought there would be a West Country part to Galifrey!!!

Lots of planets have a West Country!

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1. The Doctor, presumably?

2. A kid

3. It was the "metal fatigue" type stuff he was saying out loud. Like when your furniture creaks for no reason.

At least that was my take on it.

My take on things was pretty much the exact opposite.

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The whole reason clara ends up thinking the whole thing is a hoax is because she ends up stuck under the doctors bed and grabs his ankle.

However the Doctor needed her to use the psychic link with the tardis to investigate her dream. That suggests he knows his own version wasn't a dream at all.

Everyone in the universe dreams about something which actualy happened to him. That means there is something and the Doctor is inextricably linked to it.

On the other hand, the scripts have been leaked so no doubt somebody could tell me if I'm talking bollocks.

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So is anyone any further forward in regards to the Red Breadspread of Dread???

Was a monster, was it a kid, was it K9, was it the Doctor???

Also isn't Gallifrey Time Locked? If so then they couldn't travel there in the Tardis, I think. Two post-war Doctors travel to the barn in Day of The Doctor. A third has wandered about around the barn but hasn't the new series up to that point made it clear that time travel on Gallifrey wasn't possible, as it only existed in the present???

So therefore the barn surely can't be on Gallifrey!!!

And another thing, what purpose would a barn serve on Gallifrey? Especially one with no visible farmhouse nearby, a barn that just happens to look exactly like a barn on Earth, complete with a hayloft and bales of hay (to feed what exactly? time cuddies?)? Who would be farming or ranching and why would they need a barn when they could store infinite livestock and feed in a tiny box?

This is why I think the barn is a conceptual construct within the Time Lord Matrix. It is "On" Gallifrey, yet also in its own virtual space and looks like it does because it was just an idea of a safe haven the young Doctor once had. My problem with having the barn be on Gallifrey during Day of the Doctor was that it was too calm and pristine considering the fact that Daleks were attacking at pretty much every point of the planet. If we are to understand the barn to be a virtual space or simulator, it helps alleviate that. Also, come to think of it, it makes the dialogue from during Listen make more sense. At some point, the Time Lady says something along the lines of "if you can hear me..." which is an odd thing to say to someone who is literally an arm's length away!!!

Edited by King Kebab
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Tbf, Danny not remembering Clara having met her years before isn't as weird as in BTTF when nobody bats an eyelid that George and Lorraine McFly have a child that looks EXACTLY like Lorraine's old high school boyfriend.

This. Surely George would be thinking she was lying about it being his kid.

Probably the best episode so far in the series, very thought provoking and kept me interested. I was hoping for more serious episodes like this with Capaldi. Next week's looks pretty good aswell.

Edited by EdgarusQPFC
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I didn't share the enthusiasm for last week's I thought it was ok, but could've been better and a bit of a cop-out in certain respects.

This week though was pretty good. Helped by some of the coolest looking monsters since Pan's Labyrinth.

I reckon the woman who touches people and takes on their form may come into it again at some point in the series.

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Was an okay episode, was fairly obvious early on that The Doctor was also "The Architect" though which was a bit annoying. Whole episode again seemed to be there purely for character building and introduction, although we've now hopefully got an antagonist in Keeley Hawes who'll regularly pop up. The Teller was a good character though, nice to see something new.

Next week looks like it could have some belting lines, Capaldi as a janitor could be gold

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Was an okay episode, was fairly obvious early on that The Doctor was also "The Architect" though which was a bit annoying. Whole episode again seemed to be there purely for character building and introduction, although we've now hopefully got an antagonist in Keeley Hawes who'll regularly pop up. The Teller was a good character though, nice to see something new.

Next week looks like it could have some belting lines, Capaldi as a janitor could be gold

Janny, surely!

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