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The first James Corden one was poor, the second one, where he defeated the Cybermen by the power of his love for his son, was an abomination.

Why wasn't Cordon painfully assimilated? He just got an XXL Cyberman suit he could open up like a fat Iron Man. Awful episode!

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That's twice now,(maybe some more that I've missed), that the Doctor has said something to Clara which is obviously pointing to the future.

"I've missed you Clara Oswald" - This line in "The Woman who lived" just seemed bizarre without any context of how long, (or why), they'd been apart.

"Longest month of my life" - This line too is an obvious pointer to something.

There have been several other lines praising the brilliance of Clara over the course of this series. I don't know if these are deliberately unsubtle for a reason. Can't help but feel that Clara is going to end up being the Hybrid.

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