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Watched the second part, an improvement but I feel, like Capaldi, Whittaker is being hamstrung by lousy writing.
Yeah she had a couple of decent scenes with you-know-who but nothing apart from that.
Need to kill if at least 2 of the companions IMHO

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  • 2 weeks later...

Can't say I really understood it but I enjoyed it, anyway! Back to the quality of the opening double episode after a couple of underwhelming stories.

Assume we will have to wait until the Cyber series finale to find out where this "Doctor" fits in. Between 2 and 3 I reckon, or an alternative 3.

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Can't say I really understood it but I enjoyed it, anyway! Back to the quality of the opening double episode after a couple of underwhelming stories.
Assume we will have to wait until the Cyber series finale to find out where this "Doctor" fits in. Between 2 and 3 I reckon, or an alternative 3.

My thoughts (and they are probably worthless) is that she comes before Hartnell, and after whatever “job” she had, her mind was wiped and a regeneration forced.
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The episode itself was decent - the reveal of the Tardis in the grave was a genuine jaw dropper. The dialogue between the two doctors went from superb to cringeworthy almost line by line!

It does seem, though, like they are trying too hard this series, like waaay too hard. Like the rich kid nobody likes that invites everyone round to play with his expensive toys.

We've already had the master come back with a "massive secret" about Gallifrey, a massive neon sign to tell us the cybermen are coming, Captain Jack coming back and now this "new" Doctor.

On the face of it, they're interesting story arcs, I just have no faith they'll do them any justice and, particularly in the case of the new Doctor, resolve them satisfactorily

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It's an arc I'm actually interested in, so fair play. In previous series they've been terrible. "Is the Doctor going to die?", well, no, of course he's fucking not. "What's the Doctor's name?". It's "The Doctor", now piss off.

The Impossible Girl was a good storyline, I didn't work that out at all. Shame it seemed to get completely ignored the next series and Clara's tedious love life became the focus of the show.

Anyway, this series so far has been very good, shite, okay and back to very good again (I count the opening double-episode as one story). I'll probably settle for that sort of return, so long as the finale isn't one of the shite ones.

Edited by Bully Wee Villa
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10 hours ago, Bully Wee Villa said:

If she was pre-Hartnell, why would she have a 1960s police box for a TARDIS?

Time travel, duh ;) 

32 minutes ago, Bully Wee Villa said:

It's an arc I'm actually interested in, so fair play. In previous series they've been terrible. "Is the Doctor going to die?", well, no, of course he's fucking not. "What's the Doctor's name?". It's "The Doctor", now piss off.

The Impossible Girl was a good storyline, I didn't work that out at all. Shame it seemed to get completely ignored the next series and Clara's tedious love life became the focus of the show.

Anyway, this series so far has been very good, shite, okay and back to very good again (I count the opening double-episode as one story). I'll probably settle for that sort of return, so long as the finale isn't one of the shite ones.

Clara was never tedious :wub:

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I for one am thoroughly enjoying this series. The only mis-step for me was the climate change speech at the end of Orphan 55. Everything else has been pure gravy.

Yesterday's one was fantastic and really had me guessing. My first thought was that Ben was the Master in disguise. Never thought it was the woman being the Doctor. And I am very pleased that not everything was tied up in an underwhelming bow but allowed time and space to grow.

So we have for the new series:

  • Galifrey destroyed by the Master (MIA)
  • Who is the Timeless Child and what has it got to do with anything?
  • A lone cyberman coming at some point
  • Captain Jack probably back for some reason 
  • And another mystery Doctor and old-style TARDIS

Nice! As Bully Wee Villa said, this is better than the previous terrible arcs because it hasn't been revealed to us in episode 1.

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I've enjoyed this series so far - it's certainly miles ahead of the last one, even if that's just because they're chucking everything into it. It's at least back to "it's good if you don't think about it too much" levels for me.

I would still like a bit more presence from Jodie Whittaker (and better writing in general) with a little more "I'm the Doctor, I'm x hundred years old, and I'm here so save everyone cos I'm fucking awesome" ideally.

Edited by Jaggy Snake
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I think the new series is working because there’s a lot less emphasise on the companions. There’s a definite shift to having the Doctor off on her own or without them.

I’m enjoying it, it’s much better than the previous one and there’s some interesting ideas at play which get you thinking. Bringing Captain Jack back is obviously for the nostalgia and the engage old fans and it’ll work since Barrowman plays it very well and is generally excellent.

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I’m really getting into the “Series 6b Theory” as an explanation for Dr. Ruth, it would explain a lot about her having no knowledge of 13, the sonic screwdriver and how she would have the police box Tardis!!!
But would it be too much of a deep-cut, they’ll probably just go with the parallel universe type explanation!!!

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I like series 6B and would like it to be that. Think it may require far too much explaining for casual or younger fans, though, so can't see them going with that.

Might possibly be linked to First Doctor not wanting to regenerate at the end of Twice Upon A Doctor, some alternative reality type stuff after that is my guess.

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People on Twitter complaining about same sex relationships and climate change being part of the episodes. They obviously haven't been paying attention since 2005.
I like it

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Getting a bit teeny bit annoyed by all the worthiness, and


how at the end they couldn't be arsed delivering the vaccine to the aliens who accidentally caused the stramash. They're people too! 

...but a decent episode.

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