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Ratings discussion aside, I've very much enjoyed the latest series of Doctor Who so far, and I'm looking forward to seeing how that plot with the little girl develops.

Incidentally, for any fans of the 'Old' series, I've started reviewing all the stories from the very beginning on my blog, so feel free to take a look (link in sig)

Yer talking pish about DIoE, its not the worst dalek 60s serial - The Chase is far far worse (Richard Martin cant direct traffic) and ALL of the 70s Dalek serials are better than all of the Hartnell dalek stories (none of which are a patch on Evil)

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Yer talking pish about DIoE, its not the worst dalek 60s serial - The Chase is far far worse (Richard Martin cant direct traffic) and ALL of the 70s Dalek serials are better than all of the Hartnell dalek stories (none of which are a patch on Evil)

The Chase is a story which I can appreciate people not liking as much as Daleks Invasion of Earth, but I just happen to prefer it. We can agree to disagree on that one. I do agree that Richard Martin isn't a particularly good director, but considering he directs both of them, I don't see your issue.

But your second point....

On any scale, how can you think a story like Destiny of the Daleks is better than ANY 1960s story, let alone a 1960s Dalek story. It's one of the worst stories they've ever made in my opinion. And the voices...Hello Zippy! Meanwhile Planet of the Daleks - while good - is an inferior near scene-for-scene remake of The Daleks.

Genesis of the Daleks is very good obviously - a classic - but it's a Davros story rather than a Dalek one. Day of the Daleks just has the Daleks shoehorned into someone else's story, and while it's alright, Death to the Daleks again is nowhere near the standard of the Hartnell ones.

Evil of the Daleks is a good story, but it's a missing story so we'll never get the full experience of seeing it unless it's reanimated. One of the big problems with Evil in its current reconstructed/audio form is that two episodes are essentially visual only. If you are genuinely entertained by listening to Jamie walking around a Victorian house completing the trials for the Human Factor, ahead plot driven stories like Power of the Daleks, then that's up to you.

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FWIW, my rating of Dalek stories in classic Doctor Who would probably be...

The Daleks

Power of the Daleks

The Daleks Masterplan

Genesis of the Daleks

Evil of the Daleks

Remembrance of the Daleks

The Chase

Day of the Daleks

Planet of the Daleks

Daleks Invasion of Earth

Resurrection of the Daleks

Death to the Daleks

Revelation of the Daleks

Destiny of the Daleks

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Oh deary me, we'll totally disagree my top 5 Dalek stories would be Evil, Day, Death, Destiny and Resurrection.

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Oh deary me, we'll totally disagree my top 5 Dalek stories would be Evil, Day, Death, Destiny and Resurrection.

Ah well, we've all got opinions. ;)

Still...Destiny?!?! :blink:

By all means, keep reading the reviews though. I'd be interested in how our opinions will inevitably differ on other stories.

Edited by SGMilne
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You'll be one of those who likes The Deadly Assassin and Vincent and the Doctor where as I think they are unwatchable - Season 7 is where its at.

...and I'll carry on reading (but I warn you we may have a serious falling out over The Massacre)

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You'll be one of those who likes The Deadly Assassin and Vincent and the Doctor where as I think they are unwatchable - Season 7 is where its at.

...and I'll carry on reading (but I warn you we may have a serious falling out over The Massacre)

I'm neither here nor there on the Deadly Assassin. It's not as good as some people think. I did like Vincent & The Doctor though.

The Massacre - the fact that no good reconstructions exist makes it harder to appreciate. I like it, but then I don't love it like Ian Levine and his ilk seem to.

One story I really like that seems to fly in the face of what 'Fandom' likes is The Gunfighters.

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It was a good episode last night but there was one thing that I never understood. What happened to the pirate that was in the room with Amy, Rory and the boy? I remember the boy cutting his hand because he was trying to leave and the pirate then got the black spot but then we never saw him again. Or am I missing something? unsure.gif

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If there's one thing I have to credit RTD with although he Isn't as good a writer of science-fiction/fantasy that Stephen Moffat is, he at least managed to create a well rounded character with Tennants tenth Doctor. Now with Tennant like any Doctor he he had his lovers and his haters but we did get contrasting sides to his personality. The more congenial, swaggering, cocky but ultimately affable side to his nature. But that was deftly counter-balanced with his darker, more confrontational side. The righteous indignation, the moral disapproval and the steel when facing down his enemies and the contempt that any good Doctor should have!!!

Now parallel this with Smith's Doctor, yes he is confrontational to a degree and he has that similar kind of cocky bravado and the mocking tones that Tennant had. But the fact is that I don't think Matt Smith is getting to fully show his potential has a totally well rounded Doctor. Although there have been glimmers of the eleventh Doctor's darker side and the righteous moral anger that he should convey ie. The Beast Below. I don't feel as if we're seeing quite enough of it. This Isn't a criticism of Smith per say as I think he has the makings of a wonderful Doctor. It's more on Moffat who has thus far seemed resigned to making him more clown-like and lightweight. Yes, he has his little serious moments. But it just Isn't enough. This Isn't the “Oncoming Storm” the Daleks feared, the man who furiously rebuked Novice Hame for defending the use of Clones to conduct medical experiments to create new medicines or even in his quieter, more philosophical moments criticised Prof. Lazarus for inventing a machine that turned back the biological clock!!!

Even Patrick Troughton who Smith states has been his prime influence had his darker, sterner moments back in the 1960's. If we're going to have a a wholly convincing Doctor we need to see more the darker, angrier side to the man behind the affable, comedic veil!!!

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It was a good episode last night but there was one thing that I never understood. What happened to the pirate that was in the room with Amy, Rory and the boy? I remember the boy cutting his hand because he was trying to leave and the pirate then got the black spot but then we never saw him again. Or am I missing something? unsure.gif

Perhaps he fell into one of Amy's cracks???

I think this season might be from Amy's memory, that she is being mind probed by that woman with the patch so, maybe Amy never found out what happened to him and therefore doesn't recall it and that is why we do not see what becomes of him!!!

Or perhaps it was just sloppily edited!!!

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Perhaps he fell into one of Amy's cracks???

I think this season might be from Amy's memory, that she is being mind probed by that woman with the patch so, maybe Amy never found out what happened to him and therefore doesn't recall it and that is why we do not see what becomes of him!!!

Or perhaps it was just sloppily edited!!!

yes. I had this thought. -its dr who's dallas dream series.

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They keep killing Rory. :lol:

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If there's one thing I have to credit RTD with although he Isn't as good a writer of science-fiction/fantasy that Stephen Moffat is, he at least managed to create a well rounded character with Tennants tenth Doctor. Now with Tennant like any Doctor he he had his lovers and his haters but we did get contrasting sides to his personality. The more congenial, swaggering, cocky but ultimately affable side to his nature. But that was deftly counter-balanced with his darker, more confrontational side. The righteous indignation, the moral disapproval and the steel when facing down his enemies and the contempt that any good Doctor should have!!!


I agree with all of this post. That episode was excellent, really excellent, but I'm beginning to dislike Matt Smith's character more and more as time wears on. He just isn't right (IMO of course). However, if it really is meant to be all a dream or whatever, I'll be fucking pissed off.

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