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What the f**k was that?!

What a shite, lazy episode. "They'll just forget". Aye right you are. Bullshit.

Next week looks ace though. Is the finale over 2 or 3 episodes?

There are two episodes left.

Dark Water.

Death in Heaven.

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Bearing in mind I'm several hours (and in terms of culture hunners of years) behind

I really liked this episode, obviously much better than a lot of you................why? I dunno, maybe an age thing?

I quite enjoyed it tbh, putting aside the obvious holes you could find in the story.

Next weeks episode looks a fucking belter though, finally meet Missy, plenty of action, and of course where the Clara story is going. I'm still trying to work out how or why the stories going that way but I've absolutely no chance

I enjoyed it too.

Not the worst of the series for me.

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Watched it again earlier and it wasn't as bad as I thought last night. Also saw somewhere that the girl that played one of the kids Ruby ( the one who Danny Pink asked the where is x question to in the maths class ) is none other than Harley Bird - none other than the voice of Peppa Pig !!

You learn something new every day!

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Children are annoying, especially when they're fat and ginger. That boy with the hair as well - "I'm getting stressed which is making me forget my anger management!" f**k off. Danny Pink has affirmed himself as a bit of a tadger as well IMO.

To be fair it was an interesting and original idea, but I just don't think it worked. The trees just appearing and disappearing by fairy dust magic, and the idea of people just 'forgetting' too. Maybe some things will make more sense in the finale, like how and why Missy is watching events unfold and whether she has had a part to play in them.

At least the good thing about having Capaldi is that even when there is a shite episode, he will save the day.

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I'd also add, I don't like how the Tardis is being totally whored out in this series. The girl from Kill the Moon was bad enough, but there's something sad about the ancient and legendary spaceship being reduced to a coincidental part in even more annoying children's field trip.

Edited by Firhill Road
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Thought it was decent enough. Interesting start and development of Tuckerdoctor's character as he looked set to bugger off and leave the humans to it again.

A couple of nods to regular criticisms of the show were in there. Namely "how come they're on Earth so often?" which was touched on in the Doctor's speech and the obvious question "how come Earth is always getting invaded and nobody remembers?" was also covered, albeit in a not particularly convincing way.

I doubt I'll rush out to watch it again, but it didn't make me yearn for the invention of time travel so that I could go back to just before I started watching and shoot myself in the head to save me the trouble, like the Robin Hood shite did.

Next week's, as everyone else seems to think, looks like it could be totally Dorothy Gale McShane*

* pre-requisite geeky reference.

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What the f**k was that?!

What a shite, lazy episode. "They'll just forget". Aye right you are. Bullshit.

Next week looks ace though. Is the finale over 2 or 3 episodes?

As far as the " just forget" thing goes, I think there's two ways you can look at it.

1. The whole "time is rewritten" thing. They explained that this is the reason nobody remembers the CyberKing smashing through the streets of London in "The Next Doctor"


2. Something Christopher Eccleston's doctor had said post-Slitheen. Mickey was asking how people can forget seeing a spaceship land in the middle of London and the Doctor answers that sometimes people just aren't ready to accept such a radical idea (ie the idea that aliens exist) so their brains sort of reject it and come up with another, more "acceptable" explanation.

The second one seems more plausible here (although DT remarks at the end of The Christmas Invasion that there's "no denying aliens exist now, they've all seen them" which kind of ruins it) and if they refined this rule a bit more then it'd probably be more acceptable.

I didn't think the episode was that bad, although I've been taking each week with a pinch of salt because you could easily pick at plot holes in every single episode if you were so inclined to be negative. Did it entertain me for 45 mins? Yes.

The whole series so far has been about character and relationship development more than monsters and aliens. It seems like we're still discovering new sides to this Doctor (as is he) and I'm finding that aspect enjoyable. If there were more interesting side characters than Clara and Danny then I'd find it a lot more entertaining.

Hell, at least it's not Matt Smith's episodes anymore...

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Really bad episode, which was a pity as there was something in the basic premise.

I'd also add, I don't like how the Tardis is being totally whored out in this series. The girl from Kill the Moon was bad enough, but there's something sad about the ancient and legendary spaceship being reduced to a coincidental part in even more annoying children's field trip.

Yeah, there've been way too many people wandering in and out of the Tardis. It's almost like the 80s again - isn't the doctor allowed a bit of personal space?

As far as the " just forget" thing goes, I think there's two ways you can look at it.

1. The whole "time is rewritten" thing. They explained that this is the reason nobody remembers the CyberKing smashing through the streets of London in "The Next Doctor"


2. Something Christopher Eccleston's doctor had said post-Slitheen. Mickey was asking how people can forget seeing a spaceship land in the middle of London and the Doctor answers that sometimes people just aren't ready to accept such a radical idea (ie the idea that aliens exist) so their brains sort of reject it and come up with another, more "acceptable" explanation.

The second one seems more plausible here (although DT remarks at the end of The Christmas Invasion that there's "no denying aliens exist now, they've all seen them" which kind of ruins it) and if they refined this rule a bit more then it'd probably be more acceptable.

I didn't think the episode was that bad, although I've been taking each week with a pinch of salt because you could easily pick at plot holes in every single episode if you were so inclined to be negative. Did it entertain me for 45 mins? Yes.
The whole series so far has been about character and relationship development more than monsters and aliens. It seems like we're still discovering new sides to this Doctor (as is he) and I'm finding that aspect enjoyable. If there were more interesting side characters than Clara and Danny then I'd find it a lot more entertaining.

Hell, at least it's not Matt Smith's episodes anymore...

The 'forgetting' thing is one of the things that gets quite badly slagged, but it seemed pretty plausible to me (and again, an idea they could have done more with).

On a societal / cultural level we 'forget' all sorts of serious shit all the time. It's why booms and busts keep happening on stock markets even though we all know that busts happen periodically; it's why people have built houses in really silly places on the slopes of Vesuvius; it's why we were so unprepared for the foot & mouth outbreak (and probably will be again, when another one comes in a decade or two); and - coming back to the episode - it's why the world is so unprepared for a major solar storm, which sooner or later will totally f**k the electrical and communications systems on which we're so heavily dependent.

What was wrong with Matt Smith then?

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And speaking of the Tardis, didn't we see it dragging planets across the galaxy in Journey's End? (And apparently stabilising it or protecting it from any environmental or momental issues arising.) So in this episode couldn't he easily have dragged it out of harm's way for a bit? Put it back later if need be. He seemed to give up awfully easily.

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And speaking of the Tardis, didn't we see it dragging planets across the galaxy in Journey's End? (And apparently stabilising it or protecting it from any environmental or momental issues arising.) So in this episode couldn't he easily have dragged it out of harm's way for a bit? Put it back later if need be. He seemed to give up awfully easily.

Because to complete that feat he needed a Rift Manipulator, and the only one of those we've ever seen the Doctor come across was destroyed in an episode of Torchwood. He also needed various other things including a supercomputer that knows the base code of the Tardis

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Because to complete that feat he needed a Rift Manipulator, and the only one of those we've ever seen the Doctor come across was destroyed in an episode of Torchwood. He also needed various other things including a supercomputer that knows the base code of the Tardis


Fair play.

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That episode was ... oof...an anticlimax. I thought it built up well then shat it at the end.

Danny Pink and his passive-aggressive controlling personality is not the best companion (or companion's boyfriend) we've ever had. Amazed he hasn't made Clara call him her "partner" like those other control freaks. Honestly, sometimes I think he's on the verge of domestic violence.

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