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A great feeling at Cappielow..

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She never really. For someone who never takes themselves serious on the internet you do seem permenantly sucked in...

Even if I had said that, would it really be any worse than being a self-styled internet humorist?

psssst. the answer is no

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"Another post from Mckee - erm...

It's another post from McKee ladies and Gentlemen!"

Pretty boring this really. No wonder you keep referring to VT all the time. His 1922 Cup Winning schtick is far more interesting than this. G'night.

That would probably be best for you. Unless you've got anymore "comic material" you fancy trying out?

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I think I'll be OK McKee. Thanks for your concern though.

Maybe if you try harder your posting style will elevate from the tone of a 5th year in his first debating class at the Greenock Secondary School for the terminally dull.

Can't believe you're copying my " school for... " Shtick in the same bloody thread that i used it in, just a page ago! If you're going to plagiarise me then at least do it somewhere far away where i won't notice.

There's just no originality left in comedy anymore, it's heartbreaking.

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I'm sure these "you make a shit post then I make a shit post" replies are just as tedious for anyone reading this as it is for the two of us to make them so lets change the subject if you are indeed here all night.

What about the Morton then? I'm all for that good feeling as I chucked a bet on when someone posted an odds thread around July that had Morton 33/1. I put £10 on, £5 e/w so I'm all for a high Morton finish this season. My ability to deal with tedious patter will be at an all time high if I score a good payout.

Hold on, didn't you have a bet on as well and lost your wallet? That serbian c**t won the US tennis as well.

No wonder you seem a bit peeved.

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Can't believe you're copying my " school for... " Shtick in the same bloody thread that i used it in, just a page ago! If you're going to plagiarise me then at least do it somewhere far away where i won't notice.

There's just no originality left in comedy anymore, it's heartbreaking.

It is a fair point though. Around the hour mark the ball went out near the corner of the main stand and the bairn must have taken a minute to go and get it and then held it aloft for a while like the first prize in a spack contest at Heavy Downs Primary School. She then chucked it towards Mortons keeper when the ball had gone out a few yeards away from the half way line.

I know, look at this post I made a couple of weeks back. I can't believe you ripped it off. ;)

Edited by Big Gus
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Hold on, didn't you have a bet on as well and lost your wallet? That serbian c**t won the US tennis as well.

No wonder you seem a bit peeved.

Yes, I also had £5 on Morton for the league at 14/1.

And apparently you can still claim your winnings even if you lose your reciept. I wasn't brave enough to try it.

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Oh, and is there anything worse than watching an internet argument where one of the people thinks they are winning yet everyone reading it is cringing so hard for them that a little bit of poop rolls down their leg?

I mean, don't get me wrong, absolutely no one is winning this argument and i enjoy the warm sensation of faeces on my body, but one person as usual is keeping their car crash style at optimum levels, to the dis-like of any reasonable human being without any mental issues.

If Charlie Sheen is " Winning " then McKee must be one of the junkie hookers he beat up and pissed on.

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Oh, and is there anything worse than watching an internet argument where one of the people thinks they are winning yet everyone reading it is cringing so hard for them that a little bit of poop rolls down their leg?

I mean, don't get me wrong, absolutely no one is winning this argument and i enjoy the warm sensation of faeces on my body, but one person as usual is keeping their car crash style at optimum levels, to the dis-like of any reasonable human being without any mental issues.

If Charlie Sheen is " Winning " then McKee must be one of the junkie hookers he beat up and pissed on.


Please point out the posts in which I believe I'm "winning".

And can I ask why you always seem to want to disect every inch of the posts I make, even when they aren't really of any concern to you. It happens a lot.

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It is a fair point though. Around the hour mark the ball went out near the corner of the main stand and the bairn must have taken a minute to go and get it and then held it aloft for a while like the first prize in a spack contest at Heavy Downs Primary School. She then chucked it towards Mortons keeper when the ball had gone out a few yeards away from the half way line.

Had no real bearing on the outcome of the match but frustrating to watch all the same.

I know, look at this post I made a couple of weeks back. I can't believe you ripped it off. ;)

Wow, Down syndrome jokes. Proud moment for you.

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Please point out the posts in which I believe I'm "winning".

And can I ask why you always seem to want to disect every inch of the posts I make, even when they aren't really of any concern to you. It happens a lot.

Well someone who has an argument with no intention of coming out on top is either a very mentally unstable person, or a woman. Which one are you??

If by disect you mean thinking to myself " Fucksake, this is soul crushing to watch " then sure, it's hardly my best body of work but im sure the education planners are trying to fit me into their curriculums as we speak.

They do concern me, when its a thread about Morton (usually a match thread) or a subject that i have a vested interest in that some 18 year old boy who's angry at the world has completely ruin by your need to pick arguments with anyone and everyone, for no reason than to make themselves feel better about themselves. The problem is you're just not good enough at it, and should never ever ever come out of one of your online encounters with someone thinking you've got the best of them, because believe me i've yet to see it happen once.

You're one of the " I don't care, it's the internet you losers " platoon of posters on here that obviously care far too much considering the time and effort you put into arguing with people. You obviously do care if to make yourself feel better in your own life, you feel the need to release anger at strangers, most who only want to come and talk about their team with other like-minded people by continually trying to one-up them and belittle them while only managing to make yourself look like a tragically deprived silly little boy.

But hey, everyone's a critic. :)

No wonder schools are paying top dollar for my ' McKee - Dissected - modules.

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Well someone who has an argument with no intention of coming out on top is either a very mentally unstable person, or a woman. Which one are you??

Isn't that the same thing?

That's one Big Gus would be proud of.

If by disect you mean thinking to myself " Fucksake, this is soul crushing to watch " then sure, it's hardly my best body of work but im sure the education planners are trying to fit me into their curriculums as we speak.

Well there must be some reason you've just spent 20 minutes replying to me? You've certainly made more than a few long, time consuming posts about me. I wonder why.

They do concern me, when its a thread about Morton (usually a match thread) or a subject that i have a vested interest in that some 18 year old boy who's angry at the world has completely ruin by your need to pick arguments with anyone and everyone, for no reason than to make themselves feel better about themselves. The problem is you're just not good enough at it, and should never ever ever come out of one of your online encounters with someone thinking you've got the best of them, because believe me i've yet to see it happen once.

Nah, they don't concern you actually,. It's always in irrelevant discussions in threads, case in point this one. It's quite easy to skip by my posts, or any other posts for that matter. You obviously choose not to do that, and actually spend more time replying to me telling me I suck than you do discussing the actual topic of the thead. Again, there must be a reason for this.

You're one of the " I don't care, it's the internet you losers " platoon of posters on here that obviously care far too much considering the time and effort you put into arguing with people.

You've lost me here. But feel free to trawl through the forums looking for that non-existant opinion I expressed.

You obviously do care if to make yourself feel better in your own life, you feel the need to release anger at strangers, most who only want to come and talk about their team with other like-minded people by continually trying to one-up them and belittle them while only managing to make yourself look like a tragically deprived silly little boy.

Is it irony you're going for here? Your entire contribution to the website revolves aroud replying to the poster and not the subject. It's the only thing you do!

And feel free to point out at any time those posts where I think I'm "wining".

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Maybe if port-ton had said "whining"? He hasn't though, so that rules it out. Of course he didn't actually say "wining" either, but I think you got me drift blud.

edit: Big Gus had a post there but has deleted it. I'm not talking to myself.


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