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A great feeling at Cappielow..

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Interested to hear first impressions of Shiels from Morton fans.

I'm increasingly put out by his fanciful, idealistic way of playing. And Craig Reid out for Jamie McCormack?

With two games against Cowdenbeath to come we still have a means to save ourselves and so no one from within the support should be giving up yet. Today was a definite improvement and the playoffs would be quite exciting should we get there but Shiels needs to sharpen up and face reality if we've to have a promising future under him at Championship or League One level.

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Ach, not really. The guy referred to in the title of that thread is the resident guy every club has who goes off on a rant at anything and everything, and we perhaps have a larger proportion of young guys getting pished at away games but nothing particularly out of the ordinary. We are far worse for infighting than most supports but I think you can put the majority of it down to what's happening on the pitch at the time it really badly kicks off (this season and the end of 03/04 being by far the worst times), for all that it's not a remotely rational reaction.

Obviously every club has their 'happy clapper'/'boo boy' split but, and I'm entirely speculating here, I wonder if ours is worse because the club themselves have felt the need to comment on 'boo boys' so often, meaning it's discussed more often and at the forefront of everyone's mind, leading people to believe that our fans are far more negative than others when this just isn't the case, and as a consequence the fact that people on the happy clap side genuinely do believe that we have the most negative fans in the country leads them to be seen as more sanctimonious and the groups are polarised further.

I've said myself that I thought the stick Cham and Fitzpatrick got on Saturday was over the top and unnecessary - I'll criticise a player when they do something badly but there's no really any need to scream 'get to f**k and don't come back you useless c**t' at Cham when he's nowhere near the ball. He's shite, but it's not his fault he's being picked for a team at a level he's not good enough for. However, to claim that the fans are one of the main contributors to poor performances is absolute guff and in any case it's very rare for the stick to get that bad; it was an extreme reaction to an extremely bad performance in an extremely bad season.

Of course, the reason the club comments on the negativity of the support so often is Douglas Rae: claiming the team are rotten because the big bad fans boo them is classic deflection from his own repeated poor decisions on managers. Unfortunately I can't make the game today due to work but I'm very interested to find out what he has to say in the programme today.

Cheers for the detailed, thoughtful answer.

Much of what's evident at Morton is indeed obviously not unique to them. Your theory about polarisation being particularly pronounced in the wake of boardroom comment on 'boo boys' sounds pretty plausible, right enough.

The idea of expectations always interests me. We get accused of having unrealistic ones following last season, Dundee fans seem locked in the early 60s and Rangers fans suffer from a real sense of entitlement. There must be debate about Morton's true level though, when you look at how consistently teams from smaller communities have done better.

It's all pretty entertaining from the outside though.

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You do realise that even after completing our summer signings we have gone on to make a further nine signings midseason including a former Scotland international in addition to paying off a manager and his assistant and replacing them with a man who was in charge of a long time Premiership outfit last season?

Still, don't let the truth get in the way of your wild, agenda driven argument.

Aye, okay.


Kenny Shiels: played 5 goals 0 points 0 = Glorious


Congratulations on a fantastic result lads.

Thought it might take you a bit longer to reach double figures tbh.


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^^^ Happy-clapper found.


It was really quite amusing, in the space of two minutes amidst the madness at Dumbarton I had you shouting at me from a few rows behind calling me a happy clapper and Marc Fitzpatrick's dad shouting at me from a few rows in front telling me to shut the f**k up and support the team rather than being negative. Can't win with you c***s.

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You get people who believe that paying at the gate entitles them to shout the vilest personal insults at anyone on or off the park in every support and , of course, Morton's current position brings them out in force. If the basic desire of a football fan is to see his team win then I don't see what abusing players already low in confidence is going to do to help the team. Of course, not many of those who deliver that sort of bile have the IQ to understand that!

There is a basic lack of human decency in shouting things which in any other public place would get you arrested. I don't like where Morton are in the league or how they have been performing but I will not deliver hate filled diatribes at someone because he is having a bad game. If that makes me a "happy clapper " then I will take the title

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You get people who believe that paying at the gate entitles them to shout the vilest personal insults at anyone on or off the park in every support and , of course, Morton's current position brings them out in force. If the basic desire of a football fan is to see his team win then I don't see what abusing players already low in confidence is going to do to help the team. Of course, not many of those who deliver that sort of bile have the IQ to understand that!

There is a basic lack of human decency in shouting things which in any other public place would get you arrested. I don't like where Morton are in the league or how they have been performing but I will not deliver hate filled diatribes at someone because he is having a bad game. If that makes me a "happy clapper " then I will take the title

F#$k off you c@!t

Only kidding :P

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It was really quite amusing, in the space of two minutes amidst the madness at Dumbarton I had you shouting at me from a few rows behind calling me a happy clapper and Marc Fitzpatrick's dad shouting at me from a few rows in front telling me to shut the f**k up and support the team rather than being negative. Can't win with you c***s.

:lol: Seriously?

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