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I'm about to start episode 8 of season 1. I have the attention span of a biscuit though, so I would be grateful if someone could answer a few questions.

Why is Rawls so desperate to get rid of McNulty? He's been doing a pretty good job as detective, no?

He(Rawls) speaks about changing McNulty's rotation to nightshift or something in order to do the above; how is this such a bad thing?

Also, Omar is a BOSS.

Jimmy kept telling judge Phelan alot of "police business" and breaking the chain of command in doing so, for which Rawls had to answer the deputy. So he is out to get McNulty.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Jimmy kept telling judge Phelan alot of "police business" and breaking the chain of command in doing so, for which Rawls had to answer the deputy. So he is out to get McNulty.

Thanks. It thought there was more to it than that, but obviously not.

I'm halfway through season 2 now, so here are some random thoughts so far. Can't be bothered to put spoilers, though I doubt there's really a need.

Idris Elba's performances have dropped in this series. He doesn't seem to command the same presence he had from scene-to-scene in season 1. Maybe that's deliberate, who knows. But the whole Stringer going about running the buisness and trying to improve the product arc is boring beyond belief. I wish they'd have just left it alone.

Omar is still a boss and the best character in the show.

The whole Daniels crew of Herc, Prez, Kima etc. getting together again was just far too predictable and obvious.

Nicky Sobotka seems like he could develop into an excellent character.

I was extremely sceptical at first, but the series being set on the docks is actually very interesting and good viewing.

Daniels' wife is a boot.

And finally, I don't quite get why Valchek and Sobotka have gone to war over a stain glass window. Surely it can't be that important?

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Thanks. It thought there was more to it than that, but obviously not.

I'm halfway through season 2 now, so here are some random thoughts so far. Can't be bothered to put spoilers, though I doubt there's really a need.

Idris Elba's performances have dropped in this series. He doesn't seem to command the same presence he had from scene-to-scene in season 1. Maybe that's deliberate, who knows. But the whole Stringer going about running the buisness and trying to improve the product arc is boring beyond belief. I wish they'd have just left it alone.

Omar is still a boss and the best character in the show.

The whole Daniels crew of Herc, Prez, Kima etc. getting together again was just far too predictable and obvious.

Nicky Sobotka seems like he could develop into an excellent character.

I was extremely sceptical at first, but the series being set on the docks is actually very interesting and good viewing.

Daniels' wife is a boot.

And finally, I don't quite get why Valchek and Sobotka have gone to war over a stain glass window. Surely it can't be that important?

The thing between Rawls and McNulty is that McNulty didn't just cross him, he made his life harder. Major Rawls deals with 300 murders a year, he needs clearances, he doesn't need some bullshit investigation. He is as high as he can go in the chain of command and it is made very clear in the first few episodes that up and coming black officers are being promoted up the ladder and if Rawls fucks up he could be on his way out. He is ably assisted by Landsman who finds himself in a similar situation.

Omar is good early on but becomes a caricature (moreso than he already is) in later seasons

What were you looking for a whole bunch of new cops? McNulty doesn't have a major impact on season 2, in fact he has the worst arc but sets up bunk and Lester for some good scenes. Expanding into the docks and continuing with Avon and Stringer has meant less time for cops to establish as characters, pretty much all the featured cops end up working out of the off site.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I got to about the 4th or so episode(Daniels shagged Rhonda Pearlman in the last one I watched) in season 3, and then lost the enthusiasm to watch it. Season 2 started well, but it just tailed off massively imo, the way it ended just felt so unrewarding as a viewer. Season 3 just seems to be awful in the first few episodes, tbh. Will pick it back up after giving it an extended break.

Edited by dane-don
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Most folk I would say rate S4 as the high point

Season 4 was probably the high point although I still like season 1 the best. Lots of neat character development which kind of gets lost in later seasons as they add more and more layers. Season 5 was bad and definitely the worst season, the newspaper was just horrid and had maybe 2 solid links to everything else. The theme was that newspaper are dying and irrelevant so lets spend a good portion of the show on them, it never really clicked.

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  • 1 month later...


The Wire is phenomenally good. I just can't imagine a piece of television ever beating it. It's one for the ages as well as that social problem will never die.

Stringer Bell is the fucking man. My favourite season is the one they move to Hamsterdamn.

Im on season 3 episode 10. It's just ridiculously good. It's literally flawless in my opinion. It doesn't let up at all aswell. I am preapred to be dissapointed with every series i watch after this.

Fav charachter was deangelo, or bubbles and ziggy. Only charachter that hasn't been that good is brother mouzone. All the charachters are superb though. And i defy everyone who says they would not like to be stringer bell. Everyone wants to be gangster do they not.

fav scene. Gets my heart beating.


Edited by jojo
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