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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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A few diddies, who took the Lawwell shilling, are still flying the tricolour. 

I know this is probably intended as a wind up, or one of those tiresome enterprises likened to angling, but it really does paint you as something of a spiteful dick.

I have not flown a tricolour at any stage, figuratively or otherwise.

It would be better if you could be decent, when discussing the issues.

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Speaking of stool pigeons, here's Norman breenging in.  So quick summary:

The Sellick fans have jumped ship.

A few diddies, who took the Lawwell shilling, are still flying the tricolour. 

The only folk who are sensible and objective on The Big Thread are we handsome and even-handed Bears.


Seems reasonable?



Please take your reeking sectarianism and feck right off.  It's never a choice of 'Rangers or Celtic'.

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Please take your reeking sectarianism and feck right off.  It's never a choice of 'Rangers or Celtic'.

So that's you, Norman, MT and Weirdcal taking the Sellick shilling while the grey and green dolts laugh at you.  Not a bad return for 20 pence.


Then again, England's bard did, on the eve of Agincourt, talk about those who hold their manhood cheap.

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So that's you, Norman, MT and Weirdcal taking the Sellick shilling while the grey and green dolts laugh at you.  Not a bad return for 20 pence.


Then again, England's bard did, on the eve of Agincourt, talk about those who hold their manhood cheap.


You seething mass of putrid shit.

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Just an opinion, chappy.  You, in contrast, seem very annoyed by my view.  Any chance you can explain why?


You're coming across as very much of the school of 'who isn't for us, is against us'.  I don't think you really believe this but you play to that gallery.


I thought until now you were a reasonable man but I suspect now that you're a dyed-in-the-wool deflector, incapable of engaging in reasonable discussion.  Anything that calls Rangers into question is swept under the carpet with sarcasm and an element of playing to the gallery.


If that's the case, I'll afford you less credence than I have in the past.

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Just an opinion, chappy.  You, in contrast, seem very annoyed by my view.  Any chance you can explain why?

Some of us find it very insulting to be accused of having Celtic leanings.

It's also very insulting to have what we say, dismissed on that basis.

I suspect you're quite enjoying yourself because you're getting a reaction. It's poor stuff though and it kind of undermines your (these days occasional) forays into genuine discussion.

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Some of us find it very insulting to be accused of having Celtic leanings.

Indeed not.  For sure you support QOTS, The DA is an Arab, Norman is a and Weirdcal supports Caley Jags.  No issue there.


Doing the work of Sellick while their moronic fans look and laugh?  Absolutely yes. 


Why else have the grey and green blowhards abandoned the thread?  They know they have nothing sensible to add but laugh while their wee diddy minions do the heavy lifting.


So not Celtic-leaning but certainly Celtic by proxy.

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Indeed not.  For sure you support QOTS, The DA is an Arab, Norman is a and Weirdcal supports Caley Jags.  No issue there.


Doing the work of Sellick while their moronic fans look and laugh?  Absolutely yes. 


Why else have the grey and green blowhards abandoned the thread?  They know they have nothing sensible to add but laugh while their wee diddy minions do the heavy lifting.


So not Celtic-leaning but certainly Celtic by proxy.

Ok, I've tried reasoning with you, but you're having too much fun showing off.

Best left there.

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Ok, I've tried reasoning with you, but you're having too much fun showing off.

Simply a 'voice in the wilderness' to paraphrase John's gospel.  We all know this thread would have died on its tits if it wasn't for we staunch Bears making brief appearance or you sadly misled diddies trying to stir the porridge.


The Grey and Green mob have gone.  Their arguments have been destroyed.  It's only you delusional diddies flying the tricolour.

Edited by The_Kincardine
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I've always advocated all the non Old Firm clubs resigning and starting a new league.

They had a great opportunity back in 2012 to kill off the Old Firm but shat themselves.

By admitting the brand new club that pretends to be Rangers they kept Celtic alive.

By not admitting Sevco they would have effectively killed off Celtic.

I haven't been to a Scottish football match since the brand new club, Sevco, were admitted.

I won't ever be back.

Scottish is rigged and has a business model of exploiting sectarianism.

Wrestling is more believable as a sporting contest.

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I've always advocated all the non Old Firm clubs resigning and starting a new league.

They had a great opportunity back in 2012 to kill off the Old Firm but shat themselves.

By admitting the brand new club that pretends to be Rangers they kept Celtic alive.

By not admitting Sevco they would have effectively killed off Celtic.

I haven't been to a Scottish football match since the brand new club, Sevco, were admitted.

I won't ever be back.

Scottish is rigged and has a business model of exploiting sectarianism.

Wrestling is more believable as a sporting contest.

This is the part of the forum kept aside for utter bollocks, chap.  Well done in your choice.

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Simply a 'voice in the wilderness' to paraphrase John's gospel. We all know this thread would have died on its tits if it wasn't for we staunch Bears making brief appearance or you sadly misled diddies trying to stir the porridge.

The Grey and Green mob have gone. Their arguments have been destroyed. It's only you delusional diddies flying the tricolour.

The fact is that most Old Firm fans are of the social underclass who think that their team's "success" is a reflection on themselves.

I bet you wear a Rangers top whilst out shopping.


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I've always advocated all the non Old Firm clubs resigning and starting a new league.

They had a great opportunity back in 2012 to kill off the Old Firm but shat themselves.

By admitting the brand new club that pretends to be Rangers they kept Celtic alive.

By not admitting Sevco they would have effectively killed off Celtic.

I haven't been to a Scottish football match since the brand new club, Sevco, were admitted.

I won't ever be back.

Scottish is rigged and has a business model of exploiting sectarianism.

Wrestling is more believable as a sporting contest.



Semi-literate shite.


Kincardine must be in a good mood otherwise he'd have had you for that.


Think yourself lucky and up your game pronto.

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Kincardine must be in a good mood otherwise he'd have had you for that.

It's that good-humoured time of year, Ruffy.  We've had a terrific season. We're the most sorted club in Scotland.  The Plastics have abandoned The Big Thread and left a few stragglers in their place and we've a cup final to look forward to.


A wee scrote alias won't change my happy demeanour ;)

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It's that good-humoured time of year, Ruffy. We've had a terrific season. We're the most sorted club in Scotland. The Plastics have abandoned The Big Thread and left a few stragglers in their place and we've a cup final to look forward to.

A wee scrote alias won't change my happy demeanour ;)

Even a lower league win can elevate the self esteem of the social underclass.

Enjoy your first ever major cup final.

Hopefully not many wives will suffer if you lose.

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I've always advocated all the non Old Firm clubs resigning and starting a new league.

They had a great opportunity back in 2012 to kill off the Old Firm but shat themselves.

By admitting the brand new club that pretends to be Rangers they kept Celtic alive.

By not admitting Sevco they would have effectively killed off Celtic.

I haven't been to a Scottish football match since the brand new club, Sevco, were admitted.

I won't ever be back.

Scottish is rigged and has a business model of exploiting sectarianism.

Wrestling is more believable as a sporting contest.


I don't believe individual matches are rigged or that referees as a group are biased.  But does anyone really believe that, having gone into liquidation, any team other than Rangers or Celtic would have been afforded the same treatment as Rangers were given?

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Knowing about The DOS isn't the same as knowing about the ramifications of EBTs as claimed by TOG and need not call CO's evidence in to question. They are, of course, using that logic flaw to discredit both CO and the LNS enquiry and we both know how The Plastics respond when they feel they have been slighted.

That's you're doing their work for them is slightly disappointing but then most Celtic posters on The Big Thread have no capacity for debate or discourse so have to use the likes of you and monkey as their mouthpieces.

How can you not know of the ramifications of something in which you not only signed (as a Director) for players but also benefitted from as an employee?

If he wasn't aware of the ramifications then he is clearly incompetent and therefore in no position to continue in his current position. This is of course completely ignoring the lies that he has previously told regarding his knowledge of EBTs.

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