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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Well said Reynard. The vast bulk of what we watch IS shit, be it SPL shit or Third Division shit. But it should be honest shit. I think mass football disobedience is called for if the SPL clubs allow them back in - boycotts, badgering politicians, campaigns, marching on Hampden with burning pitchforks, you name it. Sod Sky and ESPN. If we go back to a BBC deal paying peanuts but getting Sportscene on a saturday night, well, I can think of worst things.

Too right. TV has fucking killed football anyway.

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I'm not sure Saints would vote yes,we have plenty money in the bank,and the Broons are very much against the Dundee's,Livi's and 'Wells getting away with spending money they don't have,so might just make a stance for their beliefs,and i for one would love it.If Rangers Lite do get in,at least they'll have to take the 5 stars off the old jerseys! :P

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Can someone help me with this.. the "missing 9 m in tax"

On Sky Sports News earlier, it was claimed Rangers said they had paid tax, until very recently.

Why wouldn't the Revenue have queried much earlier the non-payment of tax since Whyte took over? Can companies withhold tax for months on end? Do they have a year to settle up?

The SSN dweeb claimed that you only have until the 19th of the following month to make good the tax from the previous month.

I can only assume that's bollocks, in which case the Revenue need to really change their practices, and send in the men with baseball bats much earlier.

No, it's more that if any business doesn't pay you any tax for what, 9 months? Shouldnt' alarm bells be raised at least at the 6 month mark, especially when that company has a new owner and has visible streams of income.

I'm just amazed that any company can withhold tax for the best part of a year, whilst already in a tax avoidance wrangle with the Revenue, and not have sanctions taken against them long ago.

Especially PAYE which alledgedly makes up a huge chunk of that £9million

PAYE is indeed due on the 19th of the month following the month it was deducted from salaries in. In practice the Revenue are very slow/ineffective in chasing this up. They are better now I would say, but still not great. In practice many businesses who are short of cash use the Revenue effectively as a source of additional working capital. I have done it myself a couple of times when working as a financial controller at smaller companies. Being nine months in arrears is not unusual in my experience.

Each year there is a "cash up" when formal returns are made to HMRC in May of PAYE/NI deducted in the tax year and what has been paid to date. Settlement of any balance is due at this time.

I've always thought it wrong that the tax authorities are so weak in collecting these monies. It is open to abuse and can actually be detrimental to businesses who get all too easily into arrears. It gives them a false view of cashflow.

VAT is different. Historically HMC&E (and now HMRC) are much stricter in collecting VAT. There are more immediate and more stringent penalties for defaulting on VAT.

I suspect most of the £9m is indeed PAYE.

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As much as I am laughing at Rangers, I have to say that HMRC are a fucking shambles. A costly shambles.

Indeed. I can't see them now getting a brass cent out of Rangers. They fucked it yesterday by not getting a court appointed administrator.

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In what sense?

He was appeasing bigots - they have votes too.

In the sense that original's post would have you believe he had broadcast his thoughts from a mahogany office, with a portrait of the queen in the background, while a golden Masonic pin sat proudly on his lapel.

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In the sense that original's post would have you believe he had broadcast his thoughts from a mahogany office, with a portrait of the queen in the background, while a golden Masonic pin sat proudly on his lapel.

What's he doing in my house?

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Indeed. I can't see them now getting a brass cent out of Rangers. They fucked it yesterday by not getting a court appointed administrator.

No, they fucked it by allowing anyone to get away without paying so much tax for so long in the first place.

This is what I'll never understand - and it applies equally to the unpaid rent Livingston owed West Lothian Council. It's been known for a long time that football clubs can be 'dodgy' when it comes to paying debts, and they play fast and loose with the administration game - using it as an escape route to start afresh 'going forward' so to speak. So, knowing that - when, for example, Livingston FCs unpaid rent is £1000....then it goes to £5000....then £10000....then £50000 - at what fcuking point in an office in West Lothian Council somewhere did someone suddenly think 'Fcuk sake - that unpaid rent keeps rising! Better keep an eye on that....

Same with HMRC. At what point do the daft cnuts realise anyone, not specifically Rangers, have run up a tax bill of zillions and they might get hee-haw if, like so many other football clubs, they whip out the administration joker card and attempt to pass GO without paying their two hundred?

What checks and procedeures do these dozy basturts have in place to stop these massive debts being racked up in the first place?

I used to work in a business centre unit owned by South Lanarkshire Council - if we were behind on our unit rent by as much as a week - they'd be knocking the door down!

Life is seriously fcuked - that can be the only explanation.

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PAYE is indeed due on the 19th of the month following the month it was deducted from salaries in. In practice the Revenue are very slow/ineffective in chasing this up. They are better now I would say, but still not great. In practice many businesses who are short of cash use the Revenue effectively as a source of additional working capital. I have done it myself a couple of times when working as a financial controller at smaller companies. Being nine months in arrears is not unusual in my experience.

Each year there is a "cash up" when formal returns are made to HMRC in May of PAYE/NI deducted in the tax year and what has been paid to date. Settlement of any balance is due at this time.

I've always thought it wrong that the tax authorities are so weak in collecting these monies. It is open to abuse and can actually be detrimental to businesses who get all too easily into arrears. It gives them a false view of cashflow.

VAT is different. Historically HMC&E (and now HMRC) are much stricter in collecting VAT. There are more immediate and more stringent penalties for defaulting on VAT.

I suspect most of the £9m is indeed PAYE.

Penalties are applied after 2 late monthly payments. If payments aren't made at all then it can rise to a 10% penalty - but given the the **** didn't give a f**k about paying anything, they're not going to have worried about that.

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In the sense that original's post would have you believe he had broadcast his thoughts from a mahogany office, with a portrait of the queen in the background, while a golden Masonic pin sat proudly on his lapel.

Now now !!!

The point I was making was that Dundee and Livingston didn't receive the same attention from Hollyrood. Never once did I hear Salmond say that it was vital for Scotland that Dundee FC survive !!!

Sure they are possibly higher profile , but at the end of the day they are just another football club and should be treated accordingly. No favours were handed out to Dundee or Livi , so it should be likewise with Rangers .......Especially if the PAYE stories are true !!! Someone should be jailed for that scam !

As previous comments stated, this could backfire sensationally for Soapy !!................Backing a fraud scandal !!!!!

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I know what you meant, the same thing passed through my pea-brain when I heard it on the radio.

I think, as much as it pains me to say it, the Scottish game is on the ropes with this one. I've had enough of the shite but I think it's right that we let the future generations suffer as much as we do.

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Penalties are applied after 2 late monthly payments. If payments aren't made at all then it can rise to a 10% penalty - but given the the **** didn't give a f**k about paying anything, they're not going to have worried about that.

Penalties on what? PAY/NI?

Not been my experience that these are applied in practice.

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If whytes involved in the new rangers they can


HMRC have just been given these powder puff powers as a sop to those who were upset that the Coalition Government dropped introducing new powers to prevent companies (or football clubs) using pre-packaged to set up a debt free phoenix firm (or club)

If a phoenix firm won't play ball with HMRC i.e. providing them with PAYE or VAT in advance then the mighty tax man can fine the perpetrator up to £5000 or the cost of Whyte's weekly laundry bill

The Government decided not to change the regulations on phoenix companies as they consider pre-pack sales can offer a flexible and speedy means of business rescue and when used appropriately can be the best way of maximising returns for creditors.

Recent pre-packs whose sale left unsecured creditors with bugger all include property agent DTZ and retailers Bonmarche, La Senza and Blacks.

Edited by MacWatt
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