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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Not often I agree with the mad one, however he is just stating what the majority of non Rangers fans feel strongly. How is a 10 point penalty any penalty at all when they will effectively finish in the same position in the SPL had no penalty been imposed at all! Hearts is hardly a well run unit, however the hypocrisy of trying to hammer them for late payment of wages, when Rangers have been involved in large scale tax evasion/avoidance beggars belief.

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Heres my guess on the final solution.

Rangers are heading for liquidation (either now or when they lose the big tax case) in any case.

The Spl board will then make moves to create SPL 1/2 and will allow new Rangers to start in SPL2.

That way existing SPL clubs dont feel so cheated and the SPL 2 clubs see some improved gates for a season at least.

The board will also introduce tighter financial rules which in turn allows them to push teams down if they fail to comply.

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Not often I agree with the mad one, however he is just stating what the majority of non Rangers fans feel strongly. How is a 10 point penalty any penalty at all when they will effectively finish in the same position in the SPL had no penalty been imposed at all! Hearts is hardly a well run unit, however the hypocrisy of trying to hammer them for late payment of wages, when Rangers have been involved in large scale tax evasion/avoidance beggars belief.

The hypocrisy of a Motherwell fan moaning about the lack of penalty applied to Rangers beggars belief!

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I feel any mewing about the 10 point penalty is a waste of time. These are clearly stipulated rules that ALL SPL clubs have subscribed to.

... and to which Hearts have never proposed making any amendment (assuming that it would have generated publicity, as all other proposals for rule changes have). If it offends Vlad so much that you only lose 10pts for entering administration, where were his proposals to make it 25pts? Or mandatory relegation?

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http://m.scotsman.co. .._fall_1_2124217

Glenn Gibbons nails it.


Brilliant article in which he encapsulates Rangers fans as fair-weather loyals addicted to triumphalism in pursuit of their self-deluding myth that supporting a club makes you a member of some sort of "master race".

Interesting as well the stuff about Fergus McCann as someone that brought a much needed sense of perspective not merely to Celtic (whose fans like that of Rangers live in the land the purple spotted bunny rabbits hoppity-hop) but to Scottish football. 'Tommy, enough. You are now asking me to offer £1.6 million for a player you told me was worth precisely half of that just a short while ago." Tommy Burns face must have been like that of the King being told by the wee boy the true nature of his new clothes.

Hugh Adam has also come out as someone that didn't let sentiment blind him to reality. Perhaps had McCann and Adam been given jobs with the SFA thereafter a lot of the problems the game's found itself in up here might had been avoided.

His blog has sometimes been useful as a vehicle for the wilder speculation which mainstream media (and journalists putting their names to articles) aren't able to engage in.

However, much of that speculation (unsurprisingly) ultimately proved complete tosh, and I can't really recall him breaking any true exclusives - he hasn't any actual inside info.

Persistent? Yes. As big as his self-agrandisement implies? No.

I'm sorry, but this blog the Guardian hacks are creaming themselves over as some sort of Scottish Football Wikileaks (which it clearly isn't), had anyone else heard of it before today? Or is this the Guardian doing another of their "we make the zeitgeist" routines, inflating someone's importance up so at a later date they can boast "we made him/her".

Edited by WaffenThinMint
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I've just been reading on the BBC that Cousins contract was actually signed by the administrator AFTER the club were in admin. Are HMRC taking any note of this? How can a player be offered a reputed £7.5k a week contract after the admin men are called in?

How long till we see the administrators removed??

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I've just been reading on the BBC that Cousins contract was actually signed by the administrator AFTER the club were in admin. Are HMRC taking any note of this? How can a player be offered a reputed £7.5k a week contract after the admin men are called in?

How long till we see the administrators removed??

HMRC sat back and watched Dundee ride a coach and horses through the administration procedure last season, I wouldn't hold your breath.

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Just reading this thread. How hated are Rangers and all their fans ("sub human scum") are by every other club in the country. It seems Celtic fans were totally right, nobody wants or needs Rangers (Hearts fans particularly seem to prefer Celtic to Rangers).

Edited by Clearview
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HMRC sat back and watched Dundee ride a coach and horses through the administration procedure last season, I wouldn't hold your breath.

True, but it's because of so many football clubs doing so that HMRC are now intent on turning the screw. Rangers may well be the first club to suffer following Portsmouth and many others taking the piss for too long.

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