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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Either! I'm just thinking if a few of their biggest earners are on about £25k a week how on earth do they make savings of £250k a week without chopping the whole first team, even allowing for smaller savings to be made elsewhere?

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Paving the way for liquidation, only explanation. They must know it's nigh on impossible to make those sorts of savings so never even bothered starting. I'm standing by that theory.

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Paving the way for liquidation, only explanation. They must know it's nigh on impossible to make those sorts of savings so never even bothered starting. I'm standing by that theory.

No but wait i think ra peepul have came up with a fool proof plan


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I guess the orange shirt solution on rangers media would seem like a good idea to them.

Though wouldn't all profit go to JJB as they give Rangers a single lump sum per season as per the deal sir minty cut with them?

Edited by Northsea80
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Paving the way for liquidation, only explanation. They must know it's nigh on impossible to make those sorts of savings so never even bothered starting. I'm standing by that theory.

And the longer they are there, the more they will be able to bleed themselves out a company, thats a liquidators job after all, to make money for their own company.

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I guess the orange shirt solution on rangers media would seem like a good idea to them.

Though wouldn't all profit go to JJB as they give Rangers a single lump sum per season as per the deal sir minty cut with them?

Just what I was thinking. Same for the joker suggesting they spend all their money in the ground on pies etc. Everything's been mortgaged. Still, isn't it nice in their hour of need they decided the best thing to do is release an inflammatory shirt?

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the story so far......................

1) Whyte buys Rangers for £1

2) Whyte voluntarily puts Rangers into administration so that he can appoint his choice of Administrators, (Duff & Phelps).

3) Eighteen days pass without any major cost-cutting by the Administrators.

4) The Administrators then begin legal action against Whyte, ( the man who chose them in the first place) for £9 Million he owes Rangers.

5) The Administrators issue a press statement saying that Rangers cannot last out the rest of the season unless it starts immediate savings of £1 Million per month.

Confused? Well, I certainly am.

If you were to read this in a novel, you just wouldn't believe it - too far-fetched.

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So the big breaking news was that Haudit & Daudit have announced they simply must save a million quid a month, or it's tits-up all round? They've not made any redundancies though, because the options are still being weighed up and discussed? What the fcuk is there to discuss? Round up the guys on around £20,000 a week, players or staff, and get them tae' fcuk - ASAP, without their arses hitting the floor. Heartless, dirty, ruthless? Well yes, but surely the bottom line is the big house must stay open?

It stinks. The whiff is overwhelming.

Edited by pozbaird
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DUFF and Phelps, the administrators of Rangers Football Club, issued the following statement today.

Paul Clark, joint administrator, said: "We appreciate this has been an extremely difficult week for all the staff of Rangers Football Club and the supporters.

"As administrators, we had anticipated completing our review of staffing levels and cost structure of the Rangers business this week but the participation of a number of players in international fixtures did interrupt the process.

"In short, the Rangers business is trading at a substantial loss and we have no alternative but to fill an approximate £4.5 million shortfall by the end of the season. It is therefore imperative that we find savings of approximately £1 million per month to ensure the ongoing viability of the business.

"As has been widely publicised, there have been a number of discussions this week in an effort to achieve the necessary cost reductions. We are determined that all realistic options should be explored and today discussions have been ongoing with Ally McCoist who, in turn, has been speaking to his players and the PFA Scotland.

"We would prefer to reach a consensual position but as the day has gone on and tomorrow's very important match against Hearts looms larger, it has been agreed that any final decisions have been postponed until early next week.

"On other matters, we can report that we made this week an emergency application to the High Court in London to secure money held in the client account of solicitors, Collyer Bristow, who had acted for the purchaser of the Club in May 2011.We can confirm that following the court hearing Collyer Bristow paid approximately £3.6m to our lawyers, Taylor Wessing, to be held securely by Taylor Wessing until the High Court decides whether or not it is the Club's money.

"Collyer Bristow will also disclose to Taylor Wessing details of the payments of funds out of their account on behalf of the Club since May 2011.The High Court in London will hear further representations on the administrators' claim to the money and our request for further information from Collyer Bristow on 8 March 2011.

"Since legal proceedings are ongoing we cannot provide further information but this is a positive step in the administrators' investigations into the Club's financial affairs.

"Right now, the situation is quite simple - income generated now will help secure the future of Rangers and we encourage supporters, who have shown tremendous backing for the Club throughout this process, to buy tickets for the Hearts game at Ibrox tomorrow and future home matches.

So nothing new then?

Motherwell FC - Eeeking closer to Champions League football, one SSN 'exclusive' at a time...


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I've read it. It doesn't change anything I've posted. (It's also 1 bulletpoint in a SupportersDirect presentation FFS).

It is highly unlikely - infact bordering on the ridiculous - that the SPL have signed a contract which says: "in the event of one of Rangers and Celtic being placed 7th or lower at MD33, we will change our rules at a Special General Meeting before MD34, to place the lower side in the Top 6 regardless". That's what the contract says? 'Cmon.

People paraphrase it to "there must be 4 OF games", and everyone including Sky-ESPN has known when each season began that's what would happen.

But that's different to signing a contract which, somehow, supposedly supercedes the (publically available) rulebook.

But it is entirely possible that there is a contract reopener or a simple revenue adjuster in the "unlikely" event that there are less than 4 a year, eg if Rangers finish in the bottom 6 and we only have 3 OF games to televise, we reduce payment by £0.5m.

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Its all getting a little boring now.

Excuses after excuses from the administrators, not a peep from HMRC and the media trotting out the same old lines.

Why are they still trading? No other business would be allowed to continue in this state. Nothing we're not used to i suppose.

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Rangers go into administration: 14th February

Portsmouth go into administration: 17th February

People who have left Rangers so far: 2

People who have left Portsmouth so far: 30

Something fucking stinks about this.

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