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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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*slurps coffee, rubs hands together vigorously and settles down for a great day's entertainment right here!*

Well, I watched a bit of SSN at breakfast, and they had a reporter live outside Minty Moonbeams Park. Big news - there's discussions and meetings about reaching a decision.

Whoop de doo!

Someone wake me up when something actually happens.

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Fair enough, but this thread is in fact entertainment in itself, remember.

Indeed it is. I stuck on SSN and at the very least, expected them to say something like 'Duff and Phelps have announced a press conference at 4pm today....'. Meaning that everyone, players, fans, avid popcorn crunching P&B users, would know what was happening. Joking aside, I genuinely thought Haudit and Daudit would by now have announced the time of a press conference, so that discussions were not infinite, and they were drawing a line in the sand. It sounds like more of the same.... we are in discussions, meetings are ongoing, no decision has yet been taken....

At some point you'd think Haudit & Daudit would just say (in effect), fcuk this - you, you, you, and you, along with him, him, and him. You're out. Send the next lot in....Sorry Ally, sorry Mr Wishart, you had your chance, game's a bogey, we need to save a million quid a month.

Of course, this is assuming that Haudit & Daudit are acting in a manner that a non-Whyte appointed administrator would. I honestly think a non-Whyte appointed administrator would have weilded an axe to high-earners after three days of quickly checking the big immediate problem facing them - needing to save shedloads of money, and quickly.

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At some point you'd think Haudit & Daudit would just say (in effect), fcuk this - you, you, you, and you, along with him, him, and him. You're out. Send the next lot in....Sorry Ally, sorry Mr Wishart, you had your chance, game's a bogey, we need to save a million quid a month.

I think they are going to use the more scientific "Good guy, Good guy, w**k" method.

Kyle Lafferty should be very afraid.

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As someone said (maybe even on here). It's all good mouthing off about 'Scottish football needs us' as this point in time when the shit has well and truly hit the fan. It wasn't so long ago, not even 2 years, that the attitude was 'f**k Scottish football, we're going to England, you shite are holding us back' and they were desperate to leave us bottom feeders behind.

But now that they are in total peril, they are all of a sudden regular Florence Nightingales, genuinely concerned about how Scottish football will cope without them? Do me a favour, you don't think that you are so fucking transparent that anyone with half a brain can't see through it?

Any journalist with a set of gonads would be quick to seize upon this fact, but they have to toe the party line, really. They have had such an easy ride through all of this and yet they genuinely think they are being given the sharp end of the stick by the press.

Nail on the heid! This should be repeated on phone ins, letter pages, message boards wherever and whenever two are gathered together (or one is gathered togethered at a keyboard).

Hae a greenie

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Just me or does that read a bit crazy?

It certainly does. Its not the only bit that doesnt seem right


1. Details of cuts to meet the £1m shortfall will be announced on Monday - new investors unlikely to want to inherit the current cost base of the Club - hence the need to implement the cuts.

Cutting costs shouldnt be done to entice new investors. It should be done because the club is insolvent!

2. Liquidation is "unlikely" but can't be ruled out - a CVA far more preferable to liquidation as that puts at risk future European monies for a number of seasons.

Of course a CVA is more preferable! European monies? Are these guys for real? Liquidation puts the whole future of the club at risk!

3. Pursuing the whereabouts of funds - focussed on what was promised by Craig Whyte in the Takeover document - "highly unlikely" Craig Whyte would be involved in the Club going forward.

In other news, a big boat sank

4. The contracts, security, legal charges and financing of the Craig Whyte takeover are all being challenged, however, any security Whyte has or had is not likely to be an impediment to a sale.

Hmm. Does this mean that Whyte has already told them he'll slink away into the night? Or do they know more about the, alleged, security than theyre letting on?

5. The £3.6m ring-fenced from Collier Bristow is subject to legal claims from other parties as well as Rangers FC Plc.

6. Good interest in acquiring the Club and criteria will be based on fully financing the acquisition and be able to sustain the business going forward.

Wasnt that Murrays criteria for selling the club to Whyte?

7. Key role for the Administrators is to put the business in a good state for acquisition.

No, no and thrice no. The key role of the administrators is to get the most money for the creditors!

8. Big tax case not a key issue in the sense that liability will be part of the creditors share out - far example, if there is a pot of £20m to share out - each party will get a dividend whether the total liability is say £40 million or £100 million.

Hmm. Well I can only see that being true in one, very specific, circumstance - a CVA that HMRC agree to. Its a big, big leap of faith to presume that HMRC would agree to a CVA when they could be holding all the cards, ie if they win the big tax case and/or Whytes secured creditor status is blown out of the water

9. Best way of contributing finance at the moment is through match-day sales - tickets, hospitality, catering, etc.

10. Suspect that the Arsenal shares money is lodged in Pritchard Stockbrokers accounts - assets of that firm are now frozen by the FSA and it will require legal argument to recover.

Does this mean they dont have the money from the Arsenal shares? So, who sold them then?

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The plan is to liquidate and start again in the SPL. The administrators are now starting to talk openly about that as a possibility. To be fair they are there to look at it from a business point of view - and much of the feedback in the media supports the notion.

It will be interesting to see what comes out of today's SPL meeting. Most likely tough rules that start from next season, ie after they've fast tracked New Rangers into the league.

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The plan is to liquidate and start again in the SPL. The administrators are now starting to talk openly about that as a possibility. To be fair they are there to look at it from a business point of view - and much of the feedback in the media supports the notion.

It will be interesting to see what comes out of today's SPL meeting. Most likely tough rules that start from next season, ie after they've fast tracked New Rangers into the league.

The Rangers fans are bleating heavily about financial and point penalties for going into the SPL, they would rather start in the third as they cant see the point of being in a league they cant win (no irony involved in this one), or exploring playing in another league, even Portugal being mentioned.

I think everyone would prefer if they started in the third other than the other SPL chairmen who want their money and I suppose it would be the best solution for everyone other than the fans.

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Raman's reporting that: "Dunfermline chairman John Yorkston wouldn't be in favour of 'newco' to apply to SPL. if club is liquidated, it should go to SFL"

Well at least we know where one chairman stands now, whatever his reasons. Hopefully more will speak out at some point.

Edit: My link to the story.

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Raman's reporting that: "Dunfermline chairman John Yorkston wouldn't be in favour of 'newco' to apply to SPL. if club is liquidated, it should go to SFL"

Well at least we know where one chairman stands now, whatever his reasons. Hopefully more will speak out at some point.

Edit: My link to the story.


Gwan yersel Yorkston. I think we know where vlad will stand, hopefully the rest of them have some balls and do rangers over.

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The Rangers fans are bleating heavily about financial and point penalties for going into the SPL, they would rather start in the third as they cant see the point of being in a league they cant win (no irony involved in this one), or exploring playing in another league, even Portugal being mentioned.

I think everyone would prefer if they started in the third other than the other SPL chairmen who want their money and I suppose it would be the best solution for everyone other than the fans.

Yeah - it seems to only be the other SPL chairmen and the media who appear to "want" a newco straight back into the SPL.

Personally I think that a token points penalty would be very kind to a newco Rangers but if their fans would prefer to start from "the bottom" then fair play to them!

Of course I would imagine that fans of clubs in the 3rd and other likely applicants to the SFL might be up in arms about that and frankly I'd see no argument against their point of view. Perhaps it would give a bit more weight to any push for a pyramid system of some description.

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Perhaps I'm missing something here, but I thought the role of adminstrators was to achieve the best settlement for creditors. With every day that passes, Rangers continue to haemorrhage money, and the creditors stand less chance of getting anything worth talking about back from the club.

My questions are, is there any authority that can step in and intervene if it is perceived that the current administrators aren't doing as they should, and where does the tipping point lie?

Apologies if this has already been addressed.

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