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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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A company like ticketus is not likely to pushed aside so easy, big investments for big returns come from powerful people.

The Hong Kong Government is said to have a majority share, which is code for China. I anticipate a cyber attack on Rangersmedia. Laughing at braindead bigots may never be so easy again in our lifetimes.. blink.gif

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I think it's more that he can't get the information cos it's commercially sensitive

source: http://www.scotcourts.gov.uk/opinions/2012CSOH55.html

Possibly. I'm still a bit confused as to why he would have required this information in any event.

Surely the main issue was to scrutinise the details of the Ticketus deal with a view to establishing whether Rangers/Whyte/Stan and Ollie/The Tooth Fairy could renege on the deal.

I can only think that they were looking for special dispensation in order to ensure that the club is a viable investment opportunity - ie: disregard any contractual arrangement/commitment previously made with any other party in order to pave the way for some other band of rogues to step in. You really couldn't make it up.

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Possibly. I'm still a bit confused as to why he would have required this information in any event.

Surely the main issue was to scrutinise the details of the Ticketus deal with a view to establishing whether Rangers/Whyte/Stan and Ollie/The Tooth Fairy could renege on the deal.

I can only think that they were looking for special dispensation in order to ensure that the club is a viable investment opportunity - ie: disregard any contractual arrangement/commitment previously made with any other party in order to pave the way for some other band of rogues to step in. You really couldn't make it up.

I think most businesses would be viable investment opportunities if they didn't have to pay taxes or honour contracts. :lol: :lol: :lol:

rapeepul are taking the pish...as usual ;)

Edited by killingfloorman
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Just wondering....

Where would Ticketus be if Rangers fans decided en bloc not to buy STs at all, but instead pay on the day, ensuring the cash went into the club and not to pay off Ticketus? Unlikely I know but when Plymouth were in admin and looked like they were going to be bought by Kevin Heaney, fans did just that.

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Just wondering....

Where would Ticketus be if Rangers fans decided en bloc not to buy STs at all, but instead pay on the day, ensuring the cash went into the club and not to pay off Ticketus? Unlikely I know but when Plymouth were in admin and looked like they were going to be bought by Kevin Heaney, fans did just that.

See post 9090, i feel it's relevant to your point.

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Yes it is - thanks.

So presumably the answer is, "stuffed".

Out of interest, anyone know how many ST holders they have? And what that might drop to?

According to the Manchester calculator they have a billion ST holders and it is likely to 'drop' to 2 billion because they don't do walking away. Probably

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I'm assuming that if Rangers are liquidated, it simply cannot be the case where they just say 'Oh well, that was unfortunate, but let's become FC Govan Athletic or something, and we'll just carry on in the SPL as if it was a bad dream'. I'm not saying it couldn't happen - a Newco Rangers being admitted to the SPL immediately, but surely a club like Spartans, who keep seeking league status when the opportunity ever arises (it isn't that often), would be somewhat upset if a club who died a death due to self-inflicted armageddon, were just fast-tracked back to the top flight. I've already read a few stories with Spartans saying 'what's the point in us running ourselves properly, doing good stuff in the community, getting ourselves a nice set-up, and then watching big clubs get away with murder?'

Just saying - they'll have something to say about it, if it happens. They might be pissing in the wind, but I don't think they'll be quiet about it.

Spartans previous foam-at-the-mouth obsession with SFL entry has cooled considerably over the last few years.

Annan Athletic's failure to get out of Division 3 for starters has been a rude awakening as to their own potential fate, coupled with the talk of a future Lowland League having them drooling at the prospect of one day perhaps finding the likes of Bo'ness United and Linlithgow Rose with all their fans popping along to Ainslie Park being a lot more attractive than going up north to play Montrose on a miserable winter's afternoon. They appear to be in the "part of a pyramid or forget it" camp now.

I challenge anyone to state that they genuinely have the first clue what is going on.

Look, it's quite simple. What is happening just now regarding Rangers, the administrators, Ticketus and HMRC is this:


Except not as well organised.

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I want to buy Rangers, what income can I expect next year;

European Football - Zero

Season Tickets - Very limited, 1st 25,000 sold belong to Ticketus

Merchandise - JJB get most of that

Pies & Bovrils - Most of that sold off to cover refurbishments

Player Sales - They can go for HOW little after agreeing the pay cuts

Scottish Cup Run - What the SFA have a meeting at the end of April for breaching rules in not paying Dundee Utd this season - possible punishment could be thrown out of next seasons tournament

So its a League & League Cup double to aim for.

At some point somebody has to admit its all over, who is going to spend a fortune clearing debts with future income fuked.

Ach leave them be for now, it's fun to watch them wish upon a star. Particularly their sycophants on the Scottish media who still haven't grasped the extent to which Rangers are utterly, utterly shafted.

@mikefstv: Ticketus have 'about 60% of the cash flow of Rangers' until the end of the 2015 season under the deal http://t.co/jMZys2sJ



Well liquidation is looking more and more likely with that ruling


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Just wondering....

Where would Ticketus be if Rangers fans decided en bloc not to buy STs at all, but instead pay on the day, ensuring the cash went into the club and not to pay off Ticketus? Unlikely I know but when Plymouth were in admin and looked like they were going to be bought by Kevin Heaney, fans did just that.

They have a clause that gets them the first so many pay at the gate tickets if a minimum number of season ticket sales aren't reached.

Either way, Rangers are fucked.

Liquidation is now inevitable and the 'Gang of 10' can now push through voting reforms.

The Old Firm dominance is coming to an end!

Edited by Captain_Sensible
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Spartans previous foam-at-the-mouth obsession with SFL entry has cooled considerably over the last few years.

Annan Athletic's failure to get out of Division 3 for starters has been a rude awakening as to their own potential fate, coupled with the talk of a future Lowland League having them drooling at the prospect of one day perhaps finding the likes of Bo'ness United and Linlithgow Rose with all their fans popping along to Ainslie Park being a lot more attractive than going up north to play Montrose on a miserable winter's afternoon. They appear to be in the "part of a pyramid or forget it" camp now.

Look, it's quite simple. What is happening just now regarding Rangers, the administrators, Ticketus and HMRC is this:


Except not as well organised.

We could actually compare numerous aspects of this Rangers crisis to many pieces of art. Were you to shave Craig Whyte's head, his spaced out look recoiling in horror might be seen to be similar to that of Munch's scream:


Edited by rw89
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If the preferred bidder cannot secure a deal with holders of 75% of the value of the debt, then there remains a possibility that the club could be liquidated.

Soooooo....... 'if' Ticketus OR HMRC say 'no' to a bidder, the bid is screwed? (as they would be both over 25% of the debt as creditors after todays non-ruling)

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The ticketus deal was originally only for 3 years but Craigy Boy couldn't afford to give them 9mill this season so it was extended for a further year. That would make ticketus return 27mill like mentioned in the herald.

Anyone wish to estimate how many will have 'walked away' by sunday morning if the Motherwell game goes in Celtics favour tomorrow? Can anyone see 45,000 turning up to see Celtic win the league (given the fact that the bears aren't exactly at the 'top of their game' right now?)

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