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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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It's time the police became heavily involved in all this. Mccoist should be pulled in by the sfa and police to explain what he hoped to achieve demanding to know who the panel are knowing fine well they would be outed and threatened.

The owners of the web sites urging unrest and boycotts should be pulled in as well.

It's time to put the breaks on the threats and show the bullies that they aint gonna get away with it.

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The most damning indictment possible of Rangers fans is the fact that nothing that's happened recently comes as a surprise. I think pretty much all of us fully expect Fatty McCoist to throw a tear stained tantrum demanding "answers", followed by a large number of the social degenerates that support them to issue death threats. Indeed, it would have been a shock if there hadn't been any threat or intimidation.

Quite a few clubs have fallen foul of the rules in recent years. Ourselves, Livingston and Gretna have all been punished to varying degrees for going into administration. Hearts seem to be permanently getting on the SFA's tits. Hamilton were relegated after a player strike to name but a few.

NONE of those clubs fans to my knowledge issued a single death threat against anyone involved. Only the Old Firm, and in particular the perma-raging brain-donors that follow Rangers. I really really hope this puts the SFA's backs up for the appeal and they wipe the floor with the c***s. It would be the best piece of telt ever if they were to give McCoist a year's touchline ban for incitement, shortly after upholding Whyte's fine and doubling the embargo.

It's an oft-used analogy in this thread, but Rangers are like the school bully who finally been given a taste of his own medicine. They don't know how to handle everyone else finally standing up to them and devolved into a tear stained lash out at anyone and everyone. The current state of play is the playground equivalent of the fat c**t being decked and all the little kids who've suffered at his hands for year kicking the f**k out of them.

Don't stop. Keep the kicks coming. Make these worthless motherfuckers suffer until they finally die a pitiful whimpering death.

Today has shown that these c***s will never change. They're fucking scum.

Well Fucking Said :)

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so was there actually bombs sent to these panel members?

or did they just seek advice about should they recieve them?

i know they have recieved messages of hate etc

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I genuinely cannot wait to see the reaction of Goram, Hateley and other such bigots and apologists when Rangers are liquidated. It will go beyond 'tear-stained' towards apoplexy. Goram in particular is a hideous individual, one whom society would have cast off as an utter failure of a human being had he not been able to jump around a football goal to some effect.

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the tide has turned people, up 'til now we'd all been happy to sit back & watch them make an arse of it but it's time to do the right thing and put Rangers down, what an embarrasment. Up 'til now I'd actually felt sorry for Ally, what else could he do for the club he loves but get stuck in & do his best but he must've been aware that Rangers agreed to the panel when he made his stupid comments, I hope the police hammer him, I hope the SFA throw out their stupid appear & I hope the SPL destroy them.


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You know what annoys me, among other things. People/newspapers writing "SKY" when they mean "Sky". It's not an acronym.

Quite. It's important to keep up standards while sections of our society are imploding. Should Popcorn be eaten with the left hand or right? Napkin on the lap, or tucked in? Jelly and ice cream with only a spoon, or with a fork too?

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Sickening turn of events but goes to show there is little difference between the Rangers and Celtic fans when anything doesnt go their way, be it penatly decisions, red cards, or in this case a punishment for breaking the rules. I think the events of today by the idiots online who leaked the names online and those who are issuing the death threats will do major damage to not only Rangers chances of survival but also their reputation not only in Scotland but also further afield.

The Daily Record should be heavily hauled over the coals for their back page. What on earth were they thinking when putting that together for publishing, especially when media ethics are under such scrutiny. Everyone knew the repercussions would be huge and for once it cant be palmed away with talk of 'accurate and responsible journalism' and 'only writing the story', at all times there has to be common sense and decency and this goes way below that.

Plus there is still the verdict from the SPL on Monday to come as well as HMRC's ruling. I dread what is going to happen after those are delivered, its certainly not going to be civil or pleasant from the thugs and brain-dead morons out there who despite everything still believe that Rangers have done little wrong, and its just because they are the Gers that this is all happening.

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it kinda confirms what alex thomson was saying on radio clyde with the complicity the scottish media has towards a culture of violence towards those who challenge the old firm hegemony. has he said anything about this particular example of this vis a vis ally mccoist and daily record??

Mr Thomson's credibility seems to have taken a serious hit:

'Strathclyde Police have dropped an investigation into a complaint by the chief correspondent of Channel 4 news, Alex Thomson, that he had been threatened physically by other journalists after arriving in Glasgow to cover the story. In a blog entry that was widely repeated in newspapers and such media sites as UK Press Gazette, Thomson wrote: “What I didn’t expect were the insults (and in at least one case, a direct physical threat) not from fans but from Scottish journalists. Sarajevo, Mogadishu, Kabul, Islamabad, Tripoli, Baghdad... I could bore you with more - in none of these places have I ever got this interesting reaction from local journalists. Only in Glasgow.” However, Strathclyde Police found no evidence to support Thomson’s complaint. “Frankly, it was laughable,” a source told Telegraph Sport.'


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SFA reporting that the police have had to get involved as all members of the panel have received threatening communications.

Dp the stupid knuckle dragging 'fans' doing this not realise they are doing more harm than good? They are shaming themselves and all of Scottish football - they seem to think we all need them where as certainly right now we would be much better off without them.

Rather than win friends in their time of need and have a bit of dignity they are making as many enemies as possible and shaming themselves and their club.

For too long we've tolerated intimidation like this in Scotland - it is about time that fans actions start to hurt their teams in situations like this. (as well as every single person who has sent threatening comms being charged for it)

Indeed, why don't they take the ultimate stand and boycott life. At the old firm game they can all hold their breath for 90 minutes - that will show the SFA they really mean business.


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Well that got a swift response. It seems I've already been banned. The sick f*ckers won't even listen to reason. I think I must have upset them when I told Ally to shut up. Such a shame as I thought I had the tone just right for the site. Best of luck to anyone else who decides to infiltrate the site but just remember " the Gers have done nothing wrong. It is the fault of all the others". :ph34r::lol:

Just for the record I think this was my best post.


Congratulations sir. An act of missionary work beyond the call of duty. Perhaps some quiet soul somewhere got the message and is spreading it even now. We can only hope.. rolleyes.gif

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Plus there is still the verdict from the SPL on Monday to come as well as HMRC's ruling. I dread what is going to happen after those are delivered, its certainly not going to be civil or pleasant from the thugs and brain-dead morons out there who despite everything still believe that Rangers have done little wrong, and its just because they are the Gers that this is all happening.

the sad fact is that they wont beable to comprehend the notion of being handed sanctions & fines by different people for different things, they're already struggling with 'no one else was given a 12 month transfer embargo for being in administration' being incapable of realising the embargo is due to not paying PAYE & NI for the last year.

They'll just grunt about how they're being punished multiple times for the same thing & how they 'hold their hands up and admit we did wrong' but refuse any sort of punishment. Keevins, Traynor, Young et al will just go alongs & say 'yes that does seem unfair'

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Given the incompetent Rangers support's inability to harm Neil Lennon with their so called "viable devices" I don't think the Hampden three should be too bothered

I can only imagine 'The A Team' DVDs are being dusted down and played with slug-like Rangers fans watching attentively, notebook and pen in hand. :lol: :lol:

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Let's hope if we are blessed with the extinction of Scotland's most cancerous 'institution' then the incompetent tabloid (and I include BBC in that) press that relies on it goes to the wall too. 2 minutes googling reveals some of my particular favourites.



by James Traynor


"Get Craig Whyte out now"

by Jim Traynor


"The SPL can't afford to jettison a wounded Rangers"

By Chick Young


"Whether we like it or not, the Old Firm are our driving force."

by Jim Traynor

You've put your names on this cuntos. Hopefully your name will be worth hee-haw when this is over.

And let's not forget the decades of convenient ignorance these cowards enjoyed.



Edited by SodjesSixteenIncher
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