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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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The whole situation at Rangers is fluid - when they first entered administration I expected the following to happen:

Administrators appointed - big staff and player culls, costs slashed.

Bidders come in, a bit of negotiation, chancers flushed out.

Preferred bidder announced.

CVA agreed, new owners plans in place for future.

Creditors shafted, debts dodged, carry on...

So, pretty much yer' bog standard debt-dodging football administration.

What i didn't expect was:

Whyte lackeys appointed administrators.

No compulsory redundancies.

Court cases.

Charges of disrepute.

SFA sanctions causing club manager to lose the plot.

Supporters threatening SFA officials.

Club legends joining supporters to 'punish' other clubs.

Ex-managers spouting hypocrisy of the most unbelievable manner.

Club owner banned from our game for life.

A club in such crisis still trying to sign a player.

Attempts to admonish Sir Minty of any responsibility.

Administrators deadlines written in invisible ink.

Supporters marching, boycotting, protesting at the 'injustice'.

IF the SPL chairmen and administrators vote to allow this toxic cheating club some sort of 'fast track' into the top flight, assuming they are liquidated and are even able to form a hastily cobbled-together 'newco' at all...then the game really is a bogey.

As you know, I've already told our chairman that I won't be back if they are permitted to slither back in, and that was two weeks ago. Events since have only strengthened my resolve.

I'll be finished with senior football if the unthinkable happens. If Rangers are a special case, then I'm aftaid Scottish football is a basket case. Its that simple.

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Since 1988 Ayr United supporters have had to endure a wearisome taunt: "Ye missed the boat when ye knocked back David Murray". Aye we missed the boat alright - The Titanic! Let's not be bitter though. The Murray taunt is heard no more. P & B members are invited to join me in a song. I will start and the rest of you join in: "Oh it's all gone quiet over there................

To be fair though, if he had bought Ayr rather than Rangers and had still embarked on a magical, fairytale, financial adventure that resulted in Ayr being bankrupt, stadiumless and forced to play youngsters, journeymen juniors and borderline retirees.............would you really be any worse off than you are now ?

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A wonderfully truthful report from a regularly great Scottish reporter, in a SCOTTISH paper! :o


Glenn Gibbons....................joining the list of "Enemies of Ra Peepil" near you.

He spells his first name with 2 N's so he must be a "tarrier"

Bye Rangers....don't let the door hit your arse on the way out.

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Just heard Mark Dingwall on the radio going on about "Rangers legend" Sandy Jardine addressing the crowd at the end of Today's march.

Changed days indeed for Jardine. It's not that long ago he was a confirmed 'enemy of The Rangers' according to those on Follow Follow.

I think his crime was talking out against the singing of 'traditional' Rangers songs.

Also, I assume McCoist will be facing SFA charges after his recent comments?

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On 12th April, just after the press relaease detailing the SPL 'financial fair play' proposals, I sent an email to Stewart Gilmour, the Chairman of St Mirren Football Club. He duly called me to discuss my email. Here it is:

Dear Stewart

Firstly, I appreciate that this is unlikely to be the only email you will receive in respect of the above matter, so I am grateful of your time and consideration should you find an opportunity to read it.

It is encouraging to learn that the SPL are considering matters relating to financial fairplay, but I find myself utterly dismayed and demoralised to find that, on further reading of the proposals (proposal 5 in particular), the current plan would seem to constitute a charter to enable clubs who knowingly and deliberately operate well in excess of their financial means to simply expect to write off their debts by way of liquidation, and effectively remain in the SPL with little more than a brief spell on the naughty step. I believe that clubs who employ such irregular measures with a view to enhancing their prospects of success are guilty of cheating, plain and simple. This erodes the very purpose and spirit of the sport.

I follow competitive cycling (my other sporting love), and, as you know, this sport has been beset with controversy surrounding cheating for many decades. Pro cycling has struggled to get its house in order, but is finally waking up to the fact that without a consistent approach to addressing the cheating culture head on, and imposing very substantial penalties on the offenders, the sport was perilously close to becoming a sham. I can see parallels with football. After all, several clubs appear to be exploiting any opportunity to employ performance-enhancing measures. Perhaps it is naïve to hope that this can be eradicated, and that fairness and integrity will prevail, but I do not believe that it is not unreasonable to expect those clubs to be held to account, and for the footballing authorities to adopt a very hard line approach with a view to stamping out cheating at all levels. Otherwise, what is the point?

I fully acknowledge all the arguments surrounding TV money and revenue streams associated with maintaining the big two in the SPL, but I cannot ultimately accept their validity when placed in the context of a sporting competition. Scottish football is in need of radical and revolutionary change. Pricing structures must be examined, player wage caps should be seriously considered, and nurturing Scottish talent must be one of the highest priorities for the administrative bodies and clubs alike. The current SPL proposals would simply serve to maintain the status quo – indeed, if implemented, they would effectively represent a mandate for clubs to operate in a financially imprudent manner. Surely this is not a sustainable situation. Nor, in my view, can it be considered as a desirable situation.

It seems to me that there is an opportunity for the other clubs in the SPL to challenge the stranglehold that the OF have on the Scottish game. This must start with sending out a very clear message that despite the possibility of short to medium term pain (and the potential loss of some of our clubs altogether), the imperative is to protect the integrity of the competition. Does the provision of TV money render all other considerations irrelevant? If so, I’d rather not collude in such a scenario by investing my own time and money in a rigged set-up that is designed with income maximisation as the core purpose. This is not where my interest in football lies. Which brings me to my main point.

I have to advise that I will be unable to continue actively supporting St Mirren if the club accepts and votes in favour of the proposals as they stand. I have always been fully accepting of our status as a club that will only very occasionally challenge for the highest honours in the Scottish game. I look for nothing more than a club operating within a fair and just sporting context. As long as this remains the situation (or, at the very least, every effort is made to strive for this), then I can accept all the low points – Hammarby; 1-0 cup final defeats to 9 men; cup exits to lower league opposition etc. This is all part and parcel of supporting my club, and make the high points all the more sweet when they do come along. What is unacceptable, however, is collusion in a cheats charter. If St Mirren support the current proposals, I will not attend another match. I’m not known for indulging in melodrama and histrionics. I’m pretty straight-talking and no-nonsense in my general approach to life, so I am simply outlining my considered position, as I feel it is important that you are made aware of the strength of feeling of an enduring and committed St Mirren supporter. I believe I am not alone in holding this position, and I genuinely fear for the impact on the club should it not take a principled stand in this matter.

I would urge you to take account of the points I have raised and my position as stated. As a supporter of our wonderful club, I owe yourself and others much gratitude for saving St Mirren from a hellish fate. I am now asking you to take a stand once more and use your influence to breathe life into the Scottish game once again. It might be a cliché, but we stand at a crossroads, and the route taken will dictate whether the game survives and prospers, or toils and eventually expires as a result of apathy, indifference, and disaffection.

Kind regards

Mr Gilmour told me that there was little in my email that he disagreed with. In terms of our telephone discussion, I gave a commitment not to splash the detail of what was said over online forums etc., and I'll be standing by that. What I will say, though, is that the phrase SG used in respect of the other clubs is that they are 'between a rock and a hard place'. I don't see it that way. There is only one principled and acceptable position to adopt over this, and that is to stand firm, ensure that justice is done, and take our chances with whatever consequences might follow from this.

In the light of events since I emailed Stewart Gilmour, I feel even more strongly that he and his counterparts at the other SPL clubs MUST do the right thing.

I have to say, I fear he won't.

It seems to me that we'll soon switch from asking if Rangers are dead yet, to awaiting the demise of the game as a reasonably healthy, functioning entity in this country. I very much hope I'm wrong.

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Thats fucking unbelievable, hate that b*****d.

Really hope the worst possible outcome for them.

Better for the game??? FFS :D

McCoist is not coming out of this well. What about a 'bringing the game into disrepute' charge for him?

He really needs to stop bleating on about the OF being special cases.

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Hi there - brand newbie here who signed-up as sick to the back teeth of the currant-buns telling us they WATP and sanctions/punishments shouldn't happen. They are obviously still living on planet-bubble where they think they have a 'right' to shaft everyone else by £100mill or so. DISGUSTING

As a 'diddy' EFFC supporter I welcome their demise. It will give more teams in SPL a go at being up-there. From a selfish point of view, I think it'll help the Fife..........loads of buses leave from my area every week to follow follow. I imagine there are a fair few bluenoses who won't be so keen to get the bus to go see Govan Utd vs Peterhead and so might migrate back to Bayview to see the local team.

Love this thread - thought it was only me who felt so strongly - keep up the pressure and good work against the cesspit of hatred. folks.

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Does anyone know what the story is with the 'big' tax case?

It would be brilliant if they get the CVA, think their saved and start gloating only to be hit with the full amount from the big tax case and be liquidated.

Edited by FFC_GJS
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On 12th April, just after the press relaease detailing the SPL 'financial fair play' proposals, I sent an email to Stewart Gilmour, the Chairman of St Mirren Football Club. He duly called me to discuss my email. Here it is:

Some excellent stuff in there. I tip my hat sir.

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Hi there - brand newbie here who signed-up as sick to the back teeth of the currant-buns telling us they WATP and sanctions/punishments shouldn't happen. They are obviously still living on planet-bubble where they think they have a 'right' to shaft everyone else by £100mill or so. DISGUSTING

As a 'diddy' EFFC supporter I welcome their demise. It will give more teams in SPL a go at being up-there. From a selfish point of view, I think it'll help the Fife..........loads of buses leave from my area every week to follow follow. I imagine there are a fair few bluenoses who won't be so keen to get the bus to go see Govan Utd vs Peterhead and so might migrate back to Bayview to see the local team.

Love this thread - thought it was only me who felt so strongly - keep up the pressure and good work against the cesspit of hatred. folks.

Great first post, Sir !


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To be fair though, if he had bought Ayr rather than Rangers and had still embarked on a magical, fairytale, financial adventure that resulted in Ayr being bankrupt, stadiumless and forced to play youngsters, journeymen juniors and borderline retirees.............would you really be any worse off than you are now ?

They would be dead. Ayr are not a "special case". Business is business.

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McCoist is not coming out of this well. What about a 'bringing the game into disrepute' charge for him?

He really needs to stop bleating on about the OF being special cases.

It is unfortunate that added to that you have Sandy Jardine whipping-up emotions too. Is he a VB or FF? Threatening any supporters of fitba who cross the 'mighty Gers' with 'we'll get ye back'

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Some excellent stuff in there. I tip my hat sir.

Cheers. There will no doubt be many others saying much the same things.

The main reason I posted it now is because I sent it a couple of weeks ago, and the recent developments (media responses to the SFA penalties; McCoist, Smith &Co. and their slabberings; increasing delusional arrogance and paranoia on the part of Ra Peepul) just reinforces how important it is that the clubs do the right thing on Monday and beyond.

Ach, fuck this, I'm away out on the bike for a few hours to blow off some steam :P

Edited by Drooper
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From today's DR........."

As we revealed yesterday, finance firm Ticketus has been removed from the Blue Knights’ bid and they will join the queue of creditors."

Eh, I thought Ticketus decided they couldnt do a deal with TBK and walked away.

Nothing like putting a little bit of spin on things to keep the knuckledraggers onside with TBK.

We've always joked about it being "The Daily Rangers" but its now becoming silly.

However, I do believe that a lot of the media are now genuinely worried for their jobs. At the moment for such a small country we have waaaaayyyyyy to many of these muppets and ex-players all to eager to give us their exclusives and views. And let's face it, mostly on the OF. But at the moment most of them seem to have regular work covering one of the two cheeks. But if/when rankgers go to the wall and disappear or end up in the 3rd division, what will happen?

Will those same journos that slebber over everything blue day in, day out, still do the same in the 3rd division? Will they head to place that they have only heard of in early rounds of the scottish cup to see a team of kids play in blue?

The media NEED rankgers. Although the wind is changing with twitter etc now bringing us exclusives. For example, the media would have taken until this weekend to exclusively reveal who the hampden 3 were, but their names were all over the internet within hours. The media would never have told us that the club knew who the guys were, but the following day we all knew what a wee cretin he was.

The panic is beginning to tell on the phone-ins as fans are no longer just talking about players, managers, directors etc, all of which the Keevins, traynors, Youngs of this world are happy to pontificate about. They are now questioning the role of the media, and these guys and their compatriots in particular, which is making them very uncomfortable. And now they are even turning on each other as they dig up what each has said in the past which conflicts with what they are saying now.

Times have moved on when they could cut off a caller they didnt agree with and that was the end of things. Now the debate continues on the internet. They used to be able to claim the caller was an idiot and was a lone voice with that view, but now they are realising that isnt the case.

Jim Traynor said the other day on sportsound that he doesnt read forums because now and again he gets personal abuse. That maybe true, but it also shows him up for what he is. A scribe, and nothing more.

It said a lot about him when Jim Spence said he had spoken to a club chairman and the guy had mentioned something negative about Jim Traynor. Jim was very annoyed about this and demanded to know who it was, for the sake of transparency. Spence said he would tell him off-air, but Traynor wanted to know there and then. Once he knew who it was he said "right, I'm going to be on the phone to him after the show!!!"

Jim T, you are a dinosaur. You havent told us anything we didnt already know for a very long time. Neither has your other journo friends. the time of you spouting the party line is over as far as rankgers go. We all now see you for what you are and will never trust another word you say or print again.

you and your kind have finally been found out by the masses.


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Cheers. There will no doubt be many others saying much the same things.

The main reason I posted it now is because I sent it a couple of weeks ago, and the recent developments (media responses to the SFA penalties; McCoist, Smith &Co. and their slabberings; increasing delusional arrogance and paranoia on the part of Ra Peepul) just reinforces how important it is that the clubs do the right thing on Monday and beyond.

Ach, f**k this, I'm away out on the bike for a few hours to blow off some steam :P

You're right of course, but they won't.

I'm sure the RM viewers will be a bit bemused by your de-stressing technique. You should just beat the wife up like any normal bloke.

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Stuart cosgrove called it right last week when he went on about sporting integrity. if rangers get liquidated and stay in spl then the league table at the start of the season should have an asterix against the old firm denoting " these teams cannot get relegated and must finish in the top 6 so sky tv deals can be honoured"

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I've always liked McCoist.

I was giving him some slack due to the pressure he is under.

But that *un article has tipped the balance.

Under all the pressure his real self has emerged and it isn't pretty. His wind up is deliberate, he's had 4 days to consider and he came out with those statements.

Rome fell, as do all empires. The insanity of humanity in their strivings to create and maintain an empire, be it in poltitics, sport or lowly Scottish fotball is astounding.

It's been fun to watch though.

The choice is stark. Follow your team under condtions of no chance or sporting integrity or let it go and find something else to do that cause less grief.

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