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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Interesting to read that Ally is embarrassed by the money owed to clubs across Europe. How embarrassed is he that they tried to sign Cousin while oweing all this money? What about Grant Holt? Does Sandy Jardine and supporters mulling over 'sanctions' embarrass him at all? Threats to SFA members? Police protection for Starks Park?

How about the forty-eight quid owed to Quick Shift Tyres? Come on Ally, forty-eight quid out of your wallet could get rid of a creditor, and would surely lessen your embarrassment level considerably.

Ally, you are a bawbag - hidden behind a cheeky chappie personality that Sue Barker and the nation once found appealing. Now, like Jardine... do us all a favour and shut the fcuk up.

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Have you not heard?? They are including the SFL teams in Fifa 13!!!

Rangers must be huge in the footballing world, if EA are changing the format of one of their biggest games so that they are not excluded maybe we should cut them some slack too.

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Rangers must be huge in the footballing world, if EA are changing the format of one of their biggest games so that they are not excluded maybe we should cut them some slack too.

They probably have as much interest in Scottish football as the Sun, who think Hamilton are still in the SPL.

"No way can can the mighty Gers ever leave the SPL. Just put them as fixed assets."

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What a bunch of hypocrites and bigots.

Our clubs (and scottish football) need the old firm. Dunfermline never paid their players and the taxman on time in February, should they be shutdown? Forgotten already the rangers supporters bailed you out?

Hearts have been doing it for the past couple of seasons, Celtic (along with every club in Europe) evaded paying tax when they were the first British club to win the European cup. Strip them of their tainted history?

Even today, you can visit football grounds up and down the country and you will still find the cash only turnstiles, these are used to pay cash in hand expenses to players and officials to avoid paying tax.

If we're getting on our high horses and climbing the moral high ground then we have to start all over again because we're all guilty....!

Barcelona are hundreds of millions in debt, which includes vast amounts of unpaid tax, are we going to call for their demise or is it just the Scottish bigotry disease that is calling for the Rangers scalp?

The old firm generate approx £5.5million in ticket sales for the rest of us, we hike up prices when they visit and add to that the amount our towns take when they visit, pubs, hotels, taxis etc.

Let's all laugh at them while we can, it's great to take the piss out of the rangers supporters at work, but to wish to see a club disappear is shameful.

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What a bunch of hypocrites and bigots.

Our clubs (and scottish football) need the old firm. Dunfermline never paid their players and the taxman on time in February, should they be shutdown? Forgotten already the rangers supporters bailed you out?

Hearts have been doing it for the past couple of seasons, Celtic (along with every club in Europe) evaded paying tax when they were the first British club to win the European cup. Strip them of their tainted history?

Evidence please, especially the bit in bold.

Even today, you can visit football grounds up and down the country and you will still find the cash only turnstiles, these are used to pay cash in hand expenses to players and officials to avoid paying tax.

If we're getting on our high horses and climbing the moral high ground then we have to start all over again because we're all guilty....!


You fucking moron.

Barcelona are hundreds of millions in debt, which includes vast amounts of unpaid tax, are we going to call for their demise or is it just the Scottish bigotry disease that is calling for the Rangers scalp?

Yes, I'm sure the SFA will have Barcelona next in the firing line.

Again: :lol: You fucking moron

The old firm generate approx £5.5million in ticket sales for the rest of us, we hike up prices when they visit and add to that the amount our towns take when they visit, pubs, hotels, taxis etc.

And how, pray tell, would this affect "Elgin City"?

Overall, i think what i meant to say was f**k off and crawl back under your RangersMedia rock.

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What a bunch of hypocrites and bigots.

Our clubs (and scottish football) need the old firm. Dunfermline never paid their players and the taxman on time in February, should they be shutdown? Forgotten already the rangers supporters bailed you out?

Hearts have been doing it for the past couple of seasons, Celtic (along with every club in Europe) evaded paying tax when they were the first British club to win the European cup. Strip them of their tainted history?

Even today, you can visit football grounds up and down the country and you will still find the cash only turnstiles, these are used to pay cash in hand expenses to players and officials to avoid paying tax.

If we're getting on our high horses and climbing the moral high ground then we have to start all over again because we're all guilty....!

Barcelona are hundreds of millions in debt, which includes vast amounts of unpaid tax, are we going to call for their demise or is it just the Scottish bigotry disease that is calling for the Rangers scalp?

The old firm generate approx £5.5million in ticket sales for the rest of us, we hike up prices when they visit and add to that the amount our towns take when they visit, pubs, hotels, taxis etc.

Let's all laugh at them while we can, it's great to take the piss out of the rangers supporters at work, but to wish to see a club disappear is shameful.

If you'd posted the opposite of this on one of the Bears sites you would have been banned within 1 minute. Aren't we nice people to let you stay. Now why don't you toddle off back to RM or FF or VB or whichever shitehole you crawled out of and leave us in peace. Elgin City, my anus! :ph34r:

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Just had a glance at today's Sunday Times Rich List and Craig Whyte was nowhere to be seen.

Has he had a bad year?

I mean I'm sure he was a billionaire last year, you would think the cretins in the media would have noticed if he was telling porkies. How difficult would it have been to pick up a copy of last years Rich List and notice he wasn't on it. Or even a quick search of Companies House to find the companies he was involved in and that they had very little worth.

And yet Keith Jackson who brought us the news of this billionaire is apparently 'Sports News Writer of the Year'. Clearly not 'Investigative Journalist of the Year'.

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Evidence please, especially the bit in bold.


You fucking moron.

Yes, I'm sure the SFA will have Barcelona next in the firing line.

Again: :lol: You fucking moron

And how, pray tell, would this affect "Elgin City"?

Overall, i think what i meant to say was f**k off and crawl back under your RangersMedia rock.

You got there before me. :D

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What a bunch of hypocrites and bigots.

Let's all laugh at them while we can, it's great to take the piss out of the rangers supporters at work, but to wish to see a club disappear is shameful.

I think you will find most people just want to see them fairly and adequately punished, if that results in them going to the wall, so be it.

If you are an Elgin fan that I cant imagine you have crossed swords with these clowns too many times, I suspect if you had (on the assumption you actually are an Elgin fan) your opinion of them might be swayed somewhat.

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Just had a glance at today's Sunday Times Rich List and Craig Whyte was nowhere to be seen.

Has he had a bad year?

I mean I'm sure he was a billionaire last year, you would think the cretins in the media would have noticed if he was telling porkies. How difficult would it have been to pick up a copy of last years Rich List and notice he wasn't on it. Or even a quick search of Companies House to find the companies he was involved in and that they had very little worth.

And yet Keith Jackson who brought us the news of this billionaire is apparently 'Sports News Writer of the Year'. Clearly not 'Investigative Journalist of the Year'.

If it was that easy, why didn't Murray do it?

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If it was that easy, why didn't Murray do it?

Good point. It is that easy. I could have done it myself if I had taken the time. You just go to Companies House Website and search for his companies and you can download their accounts for a few pounds.

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Evidence please, especially the bit in bold.


You fucking moron.

Yes, I'm sure the SFA will have Barcelona next in the firing line.

Again: :lol: You fucking moron

And how, pray tell, would this affect "Elgin City"?

Overall, i think what i meant to say was f**k off and crawl back under your RangersMedia rock.

Well done, you prove my point, completely disregard someone's point of view with your bigotry and spout abuse!

I take it you've forgotten that your club went into administration for un paid taxes. Hypocrite!


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