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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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How far along are we with that? Is it the SPL or SFA investigating?

Tony McKelvie makes a good point on that subject

Apparantly so, but if doncaster is party to it, then it can't be good news, otherwise he wouldn't have been so uppity on the radio :angry:

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Doncaster may be is a p***k, but let's not overlook an important point he made. Namely that clubs in newco guise have been (re)admitted to English leagues and that until recently it was seen as 'acceptable' for clubs to shed their debt in this way with minimal punishment. Also that under the present rules Rangers could be (re)admitted as a newco at the discretion of the SPL Board - that discretion including, obviosly, discretionary penalties.

More than ever I see a key issue being the question of whether EBT benefits will be interpreted as dual contracts. If so punishment from the appropriate regulatory body must be sufficiently Dragonian as to deny Rangers re-admission to the SPL.

Clocked that too.

Seems like he's trying to lay the ground for a newco being welcomed into the SPL.

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Just a quickie for the sake of a bit of retribution against Sandy Jardine and his nonsensical ramblings.

As a protest against the sponsors who perpetuate the 'we need the old firm tv income' debate, which has for too long blighted the game in Scotland and continues to colour the issues of real importance at the heart of the Scottish game, I'm targeting Sky by watching this evenings Manchester Derby from my living room, free of charge, on a nice little website stream, thus depriving my local pub, which sells Tennents, of much needed income from the pints I would have been drinking tonight and instead settle down with a few tinnys in the comfort of my own armchair.

Over to you Sandy.......

Edited by chrismcarab
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Apparantly so, but if doncaster is party to it, then it can't be good news, otherwise he wouldn't have been so uppity on the radio :angry:

McKelvie also said " The battle is over, the Recidivists have won. The Game is lost. Such a Parcel of Rogues.."

I hope he's wrong. I suspect he isn't.

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McKelvie also said " The battle is over, the Recidivists have won. The Game is lost. Such a Parcel of Rogues.."

I hope he's wrong. I suspect he isn't.

If he's right I suspect season ticket income will be down considerably across the SPL this summer.

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Oh, and harking back to the EPL thing for a second, I recall there being mention of Rangers eventually joining a big Euro League after their conquering of the EPL titles for many many seasons. May I suggest a name for such a European league?

The Galapagos League

A league full of teams who really need to go back to the start and try again. Knuckledraggers, morons, cheats and bullys.

Entry requirements and team submissions gratefully received tongue.gif

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I have sent my thoughts to Doncaster via enquiries@scotprem.com

I am not expecting a reply and expect to be dismissed as the survey was but if a few others e-mail in it may make his job a bit more difficult.

Can you post your email to him here, just out of interest.

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I hate to say it but it is sounding a little like I had suggested at the beginning. The sanctions will be minimal and Rangers, regardless of guise, will continue in the SPL and the league chairman will be forced to accept it. Now, let me give you an even more worrying scenario...

If Rangers (NewCo/OldCo/whatever) are kept in the SPL, the diddy teams will have no chance of getting the 11/1 ratio overturned, and we will have a whole new generation of Rangers fans who somehow feel they have been badly treated out of all this, acting all smug because they'll think they've "won" and will continue their boycott of the clubs they think were responsible for putting the boot in resulting in lower gates for the non OF teams and very little chance of convincing the club at boardroom level to play fair with future rule changes/amendments because they will equally see the diddy 10 as being instrumental in the problems they had when trying to get out of administration.

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1335810140[/url]' post='6189726']

This Archie McKeevins guy has had quite a lot to say today on Twitter, and now this....

Sources close to Craig Whyte say he will not give up his shares and he is looking to lease Ibrox and Murray Park back to #rangers

Sounds plausible laugh.gif

That's Exactly what I would do in whytes shoes ,He could command well over a million a year for the rest of his puff AND never have to set foot in the place again.


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I hate to say it but it is sounding a little like I had suggested at the beginning. The sanctions will be minimal and Rangers, regardless of guise, will continue in the SPL and the league chairman will be forced to accept it. Now, let me give you an even more worrying scenario...

If Rangers (NewCo/OldCo/whatever) are kept in the SPL, the diddy teams will have no chance of getting the 11/1 ratio overturned, and we will have a whole new generation of Rangers fans who somehow feel they have been badly treated out of all this, acting all smug because they'll think they've "won" and will continue their boycott of the clubs they think were responsible for putting the boot in resulting in lower gates for the non OF teams and very little chance of convincing the club at boardroom level to play fair with future rule changes/amendments because they will equally see the diddy 10 as being instrumental in the problems they had when trying to get out of administration.

So if we think we've had it rough for the last 20 odd years... :(

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So if we think we've had it rough for the last 20 odd years... :(

Be interesting for the diddly chairmen if their clubs wre boycotted by Rangers plus a big chunk of their own supporters who were pissed of at them.

Well at least they'd have their fair share the dregs of the TV money.

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I listened to Doncaster with a mixture of incredulity, anger and resignation.

He is so obviously only interested in "the Product". That "product" just comprises two teams, and the rest are only there to make up the numbers and give it a veneer of being a sporting contest.

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At the risk of repeating myself... Neil Doncaster is the man who stood on the steps of Hampden and told the nation that a ten team SPL was the ONLY game in town. He was adamant.

Last time I looked, we didn't go to a ten team SPL, and we didn't die a horrible death.

Stay calm people. Keep our eyes and ears open... If the chunts actually do something concrete that facilitates Rangers dick up our rear ends, then the small backlash that smug-chops saw to his 'ten team' shit will seem like nothing compared to what condoning massive cheating by a club who have now resorted to threats and sanctions against other clubs would see unleashed.

Sounds like you are going "Jardine" on us.

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Been lurking in the background reading since page one of this fantastic thread. I listened to Doncaster on the radio tonight and I have to say that our game is dying. Sporting integrity is being thrown on the bonfire and I'm absolutely disgusted. Rangers need to die. Hopefully HMRC will wipe their bigotted and cheating ways out forever.

Hurry up and die!

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Been lurking in the background reading since page one of this fantastic thread. I listened to Doncaster on the radio tonight and I have to say that our game is dying. Sporting integrity is being thrown on the bonfire and I'm absolutely disgusted. Rangers need to die. Hopefully HMRC will wipe their bigotted and cheating ways out forever.

Hurry up and die!

He sounds like a reasonable geezer. :)

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