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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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I've just been reading through the summary of that MLM Solutions live event. I know it's just one expert's opinion but it's still a bit of an eye-opener and well worth reading.

One thing was mentioned in passing that made me sit up and take notice. Rangers, in playing on to the end of the season, will be awarded SPL prize money for their second place. Stop and read that again. They're being rewarded for cheating(*). Can't the SPL withhold that prize money and use it in part-payment of Rangers debts to United, Hearts, etc?

(*) I know they haven't offiicially been found guilty of cheating (yet) but it does stick in my craw.

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At one point Gordon said that surely the SPL teams voting in a Rangers newco would simply be for the money. I thought he was about to finally say what we all hoped, and then he went back to allowing the rest to say "We need Rangers".

As for Lomas, the only positive about him is that his statement was consistent with his chairman. Which makes them both c*nts

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The longer this shameful Rangers story has rumbled on, the less I have been interested in our game.

Won't they just die? sad.gif

I haven't been this disinterested in Scottish football since I was at playgroup.

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Long time lurker, first time poster.

This is the most entertaining, informative and downright epic threads I can ever remember following. Excellent stuff. Given this, its compelled me to step out of the shadows and say my piece.

Im a Motherwell fan and I'm happy to say I cannot stand Rangers. All that sectarian bile and this bizarre British nationalism thing with the union jacks: lowest common denominator stuff. Given that Rangers have possibly gerrymandered the outcome of several championships with their financial skulduggery, I think, if proven, they should be thrown out the league. No matter how many pundits say otherwise, no matter how many flute-playing crustaceans their fans insert onto their forum posts, the decision is essentially not a difficult one to make. If, of course, that decision is predicated on the principles of sport...

If they are permitted back with some cursory, wall-paper penalties, then the punishment, for me, does not fit the crime. Throw away the principles of a sport and you effectively throw away the sport itself. Re-admitting a re-branded Rangers would be like giving methadone to a junkie. Scottish football needs to kick the Rangers habit and go cold turkey. It might be a bit tough at the beginning, but over time, I think Scottish football would recover and prosper.

There are far more eloquent, funnier and better-informed people on here than me, so I won't clog up the thread. I just wanted to say my piece! Thanks.

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Spencey tries to get heard but three blowhards and a sideways glance from the producer is hard to get by sometimes. Still, Spencey is okay. Coincidence? You decide....biggrin.gif

Obviously he`s an Arab, but he can come across as a bit of a tool at times, but at least when it comes to the Rangers debate he`s tried to offer a somewhat different opinion. It really is amazing, given what we read on these boards, that hardly anybody of note within Scottish football or the media offers up the opinion that Rangers should pay up or face the consequences. I mean nobody, not one, there must be someone surely(other than Lennon/Lawell)?

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Aye he`s a typical BBC OF sympathising cretin as well anyway. Jim Spence has actually done ok at holding Young, Dodds, Traynor in check by keeping on asking the question as to why Rangers should survive. They sound almost beaten by the whole saga tonight, certainly very deflated & desperate.

There's a limit to the amount of times the Sportsound team can go over and over the same ground without getting scunnered themselves.... Rangers are in the shite, they have gassed about it since Feb 14, and all we've really seen happen is that Smith and Russell jumped ship, as did Celik and Wylde.

FFS Haudit & Daudit - announce something, do something, set a deadline and stick to it, you are really getting on everyone's tits big time.

Similarly, the BTC - someone announce the result FFS. The EBT investigation - someone announce the findings FFS. The SPL vote on sanctions - get it done FFS. Neil Doncaster - give a straight answer to a question FFS. Just one. Anything - if someone says "Is your name Neil Doncaster?" Answer "Yes, my name is Neil Doncaster." Do not, repeat, DO NOT answer "At this time, I cannot tell you my name until I receive further clarity by checking my birth certificate."

In the name of Kylie Minogue's gold lame hot-pants... someone fcuking do something! Aarghhhhhhhhhhhhhh....

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There are far more eloquent, funnier and better-informed people on here than me, so I won't clog up the thread. I just wanted to say my piece! Thanks.

Name three :P

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As a St Johnstone fan I am as disappointed with Lomas as I am with Steve Brown.

Its all set and Rangers will get away with everything. The only bonus could be some sort of investigation and seeing people like that bigot Martin Bain being taken to court and all the money they have taken out of the game being shown to the whole of the public. I would love it if the likes of Bain, Murry and even Walter Smith ended up in court for what they have done to their club.

Will i renew my season ticket? No sure is probably the answer just now. There are some people I only see at the home games so its more that than the football that may result in me renewing my ticket.

Will i go to away games if Newco are let back in, probably not with the exception of games against Dundee United as what is the point in traveling all over Scotland to be part of this set up.

Will I ever attend a league game at either side of the bigots, No but that's something I have been doing for a few years.

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Name three :P


What made me laugh tonight on Clyde was Hannah and King agreeing that the chairmen would want Rangers back into the SPL otherwise we are all doomed, then going on and saying that the sanctions once they are confirmed back into the SPL cannot be so bad that Rangers might end up being relegated (Transfer ban etc) Why the concern surely the same would apply if Rangers finished bottom IE they cannot be relegated :blink:

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Disappointing to hear Lomas's stance on this but not surprised.

I think Saints are in for a fright if they palm off the views of punters as was hinted at by Lomas and previously Brown.

From the sounds of things, if Govan Athletic 1690 can't buy the Rangers SPL share, there might be one for them in Perth

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Doom and gloom at Ibrox?

Far from it........wipe away those tears! Get those suicidal thoughts out of your head!

Throw away your (red white and) blues with the crazy, zany, smiley admin team!

Duff & Phelps

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I stopped listening to Sportsound after the Traynor/Dodds Rangers are a special case abomination last week.

Fuck that, a vein in my temple nearly exploded I was so apoplectic with rage listening to their fawning, simpering, apologist fucknuggetry :angry:

Spineless cunts.

Edited by Drooper
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From the sounds of things, if Govan Athletic 1690 can't buy the Rangers SPL share, there might be one for them in Perth


One wonders if our manager and Chair would be too concerned with that, being for the greater good and aw that.

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Are we saying that no matter how badly Celtic or Rangers behave, or how badly we break the rules we must always remain in the SPL becasue we have big crowds...what happens if those crowds diminish because we are not playing well, do we get a goal of a start against other SPL teams?

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As a St Johnstone fan I am as disappointed with Lomas as I am with Steve Brown.

Its all set and Rangers will get away with everything. The only bonus could be some sort of investigation and seeing people like that bigot Martin Bain being taken to court and all the money they have taken out of the game being shown to the whole of the public. I would love it if the likes of Bain, Murry and even Walter Smith ended up in court for what they have done to their club.

Will i renew my season ticket? No sure is probably the answer just now. There are some people I only see at the home games so its more that than the football that may result in me renewing my ticket.

Will i go to away games if Newco are let back in, probably not with the exception of games against Dundee United as what is the point in traveling all over Scotland to be part of this set up.

Will I ever attend a league game at either side of the bigots, No but that's something I have been doing for a few years.

Disappointing to hear Lomas's stance on this but not surprised.

I think Saints are in for a fright if they palm off the views of punters as was hinted at by Lomas and previously Brown.

To be fair, I reckon they just happen to be willing to speak out as to how they regard the whole situation, while several of their counterparts evidently think the same but aren't willing to say as much in the public arena. I'm not sure who I find more distasteful, TBH <_<

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One wonders if our manager and Chair would be too concerned with that, being for the greater good and aw that.

Wouldn't be at all surprised. Frugal wee St Johnstone and all that. :rolleyes:

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Are we saying that no matter how badly Celtic or Rangers behave, or how badly we break the rules we must always remain in the SPL becasue we have big crowds...what happens if those crowds diminish because we are not playing well, do we get a goal of a start against other SPL teams?

Got it in one!!

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Will i renew my season ticket? No sure is probably the answer just now. There are some people I only see at the home games so its more that than the football that may result in me renewing my ticket.

Will i go to away games if Newco are let back in, probably not with the exception of games against Dundee United as what is the point in traveling all over Scotland to be part of this set up.

Will I ever attend a league game at either side of the bigots, No but that's something I have been doing for a few years.

Fans of all the other 41 senior clubs should HOLD OFF from buying next seasons ST's. It's the only way those running the clubs will get the message quickly that the fans won't put up with it.

Buy one just now, & you'll be complicit in the whole affair.

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