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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Going back to Saturday's protest (seems likes a long time ago, doesn't it?), I'd like to address the so-called injustices against Rangers. I heard plenty of people on radio phone-ins, and also the tabloids, suggesting that the SPL/SFA have acted poorly in all of this and were putting Rangers' future in doubt.

The first point I would have to agree with. There have been plenty of opportunities for the authorities to step in. The EBT's and alleged double contracts date back to the late 90's and early 00's. Rangers have also racked up debts so large that they had Lloyds bank running the show at one stage (has the media conveniently forgotten this sorry episode?). And even as recently as this season their owner has been pocketing money which should have been going to her majesty as tax and PAYE. All along, the governing bodies have been happy to take a backseat.

It is for the reasons above that the second point - the SFA/SPL are prejudicing their survival - just doesn't wash with me. They've had plenty of time to get themselves in order. The fact the authorities have finally got out their slumber and imposed some sanctions should be irrelevant. The actions of their current and previous board have out their survival in doubt but as usual they'll find someone else to the point the finger. The arrogance is staggering.

Edited by lanky_ffc
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For every team and supporter in the SPL in the longer term, including Celtic who's attendances would reduce significantly over time (home and awa

Do you genuinely believe that non-OF supporters really give a flying fandango what happens between the Ugly Sisters. Which one wins what and when?

Whilst having neither in Scotland, never mind in the SPL, would be the stuff of dreams, only having one is certainly better than having to put up with both. Less likelihood of them finding half a dozen excuses a year to spout bile at one another and make the country that bit more unsavoury for the rest of us.

What makes you think it is any better for those of us subjected to this pish to have both OF teams slogging it for the inevitable honours? It's tedious, predictable, and pretty distasteful much of the time. Back in the day, we could at least admire the likes of Larsson and Laudrop, but those days are long gone, so there are really no redeeming features on display from either OF club, I'm afraid.

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I would fear the "interest will be focused away from Celtic" onto other leagues with better competition.

Did you have they fears during the 90s when Rangers were winning but regularly getting pumped by the likes of Grasshopper Zurich?

Edited by Enrico Annoni
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Fans of all the other 41 senior clubs should HOLD OFF from buying next seasons ST's. It's the only way those running the clubs will get the message quickly that the fans won't put up with it.

Buy one just now, & you'll be complicit in the whole affair.

I agree with this in principle.

To be honest, I don't think there's much SFL fans can do to exert influence, but if SPL fans could get sufficiently organised to co-ordinate a large scale refusal to purchase season tickets until Rangers' situation is satisfactorily addressed, it might force a certain recognition of the sentiments most of us share on here.

For me, all other forms of protest can be forgotten. They're easily dismissed and might be on too small a scale to impress anyway. Supporters bodies throughout top flight Scotland would need to get to get together.

It probably still wouldn't work, but it's the only thing in my view, which might have a chance.

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Will there be a Champions League (qualifier) spot?

Doesn't really matter anyway does it? Scottish teams are out of Europe before the league stages (sorry, Rangers and Celtic) while the rest can't even manage the qualifiers against teams we can barely pronounce!!

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No not at all actually. He is another one who is all to happy to tow the line that Rangers must be saved for the good of Scottish football. As an Aberdeen fan you`d think that`d be the last thing he`d want? Or maybe he`s just trying to save face eh? Why has nobody championed the view for example, that Rangers death is exactly what Scottish football needs? It`d mean a certain end to at least 50% of bigotry that goes on at football in this country, surely that`s a good thing right?

The likes of Gordon know that their jobs revolve around the hysteria of the Old Firm.

I'll tell you why, because the whole "Proddies vs Papes" primary school tribalism is so endemic in the West of Scotland (where remember over half the population lives) that many have a closet loyalty "when the chips are down", ie. when it's going to be one half of the Old Firm winning or another.

Here we are, in 2012, and I still get asked by new people at my workplace, "what team do you support", and when that doesn't get them an answer to pin me on being one club or another, it's the old "what school did you go to" shite - FFS, both the places I went to school have bloody private housing estates whose parents I went to school with, and here's people still asking me THAT! Only in the bloody backward banjo plucking West of Scotland.

And THAT'S why Rangers have to die - not just for being tax dodging, bill dodging parasites. Once they're dead, a massive blow will have been struck in that sick wee sectarianism for fun and profit culture that is the bane of Scotland from which it will never recover (and which in turn will lessen the number of Scots wanting to prop up that same culture across the pond).

They were quick enough to go demanding hammering Airdrie, Dundee, Gretna, Livingston, etc for financial doolallayship for the sake of "the integrity of the game", there is no excuse for making a special case out of this basket case of a club and it's bully boy support.

... because no-one wants their cnut kicked-in, their families threatened, their car vandalised, their house covered in graffiti, their e-mail box filled with hate messages, or badly put together explosive devices posted to their work.

Which is exactly what we're getting with Rangers being alive anyway, so what's the difference?

Edited by WaffenThinMint
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Do you genuinely believe that non-OF supporters really give a flying fandango what happens between the Ugly Sisters. Which one wins what and when?

Whilst having neither in Scotland, never mind in the SPL, would be the stuff of dreams, only having one is certainly better than having to put up with both. Less likelihood of them finding half a dozen excuses a year to spout bile at one another and make the country that bit more unsavoury for the rest of us.

What makes you think it is any better for those of us subjected to this pish to have both OF teams slogging it for the inevitable honours? It's tedious, predictable, and pretty distasteful much of the time.

Absolutely spot on.

I genuinely don't think OF fans get the simple truths outlined above.

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I agree with this in principle.

To be honest, I don't think there's much SFL fans can do to exert influence, but if SPL fans could get sufficiently organised to co-ordinate a large scale refusal to purchase season tickets until Rangers' situation is satisfactorily addressed, it might force a certain recognition of the sentiments most of us share on here.

For me, all other forms of protest can be forgotten. They're easily dismissed and might be on too small a scale to impress anyway. Supporters bodies throughout top flight Scotland would need to get to get together.

It probably still wouldn't work, but it's the only thing in my view, which might have a chance.

Though on the one hand it seems unfair to punish the SFL and its clubs over stuff that's beyond their control, if I'm right the SFA would have to accept Newco Rangers as a new member, and all clubs are members of the SFA. If refusing to buy season tickets right across Scottish football was enough to persuade the authorities to do the right thing by sporting integrity, it might be the way to go..

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The Record is rather amusing at times. Yesterday they genuinely ran with a headline in the sports section which was along the lines of 'gfhdgfgfhfgfhfghfgfhfgfh'. That is the level of journalism in Scottish football for you.

In other words the sub editors hadn't bothered to proof read it yet again. That happens with them a lot. School newspaper's about their level.

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Why should the SFA/SPL be allowed to punish Rangers again with their sanctions when HMRC are doing the job for them.

if you knock someone down and kill them while speeding in a stolen car whilst drunk, and the dvla give you 12 points and ban you from driving after sentencing you to 10 years, you think that banning you from driving when you will be behind barsmay seem pointless, but the correct authorities must apply their sanctions,

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Though on the one hand it seems unfair to punish the SFL and its clubs over stuff that's beyond their control, if I'm right the SFA would have to accept Newco Rangers as a new member, and all clubs are members of the SFA. If refusing to buy season tickets right across Scottish football was enough to persuade the authorities to do the right thing by sporting integrity, it might be the way to go..

SFA would have to do something... shoehorn them in as a new member, or allow them to transfer their existing membership from one company to another... but SFL can do nothing about it. They have no reps on SFA Main Board currently, and can't get 1 (outnumbered 6-1 anyway) without SPL or institutional support.

Boycotting the Juniors, or boycotting beer, would have more direct effect.

Edited by HibeeJibee
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Sportsound was ridiculous at best, but for the most part cringeworthy

They really try to make you believe that Rangers (or Celtic) are bigger than Scottish football, and everyone would die without them

How are clubs getting on in the SFL without the OF? :rolleyes:

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If its money they understand, has anyone done the sums the other way round? I mean, we keep getting told 'we need Rangers and the money they bring' argument. And the sums and the figures about what the clubs, the game and kentucky fried chicken will lose.

But what if all fans of all clubs boycott all games involving Rangers and Celtic. I know it won't affect them, but in the same way as the season ticket thing, it would have the same affect. Tally up the home gates for each club against the OF based on 4 games a season top six and three games a season bottom six, take off the home support versus the OF ticket allocation. Base it on all the pubs and the businesses that would lose income on those match days. If you think of that, kind of gives you a warm fuzzy feeling to know we can carry that on for years and years to come if they let this lot back in eh? Now that's a demonstration.

That will let our chairmen know we also know what we can cost them if they go through with the back door acceptance of a Rangers Newco into the SPL. Has someone done this already, apologies if its a repost of an old question.

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Well, at least we're hearing less about how Scotland needs "a strong Rangers", which was the constant mantra a few weeks back. Now, they're happy just to settle for "a Rangers" in any form.

God only knows how anyone thought a "strong Rangers" was going to emerge from this process. Maybe they thought HMRC might agree how vital they are to all of our lives and give them a ten-year tax holiday, or something.

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Rangers have two options.


bKs. =liquidation

At least miller is honest that it's liquidation, the BKs are full of it,,their bid is conditional on the unbelievable belief that Whyte hands over all his shares for nothing..clearly this is utter horesshit and they know it. They know fine well they're only option if they are picked (bearing in mind they know whyte wont give them jack) is ,,,liquidation.

Ps I see only tonight the BKs are know Admitting that liquidation is a last resort?! More like their only resort.

It's all now just a case of damage limitation .

Edited by THE KING
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How are clubs getting on in the SFL without the OF? :rolleyes:

The Fife derby attracted about 11k when we had something to play for. A minor example, but football in Fife would hardly cease to exist if Rangers ceased to exist. It's one less team to compete with.

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Could it ever be possible that the Twelve reps of SPL clubs vote that rangers should remain in the SPL..........Then.........The SPL board kick them out after concluding their investigation that rangers were guilty of "dual contracts" and non-disclosure of SPL payments ??

Now that would be funny!

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SFA would have to do something... shoehorn them in as a new member, or allow them to transfer their existing membership from one company to another... but SFL can do nothing about it. They have no reps on SFA Main Board currently, and can't get 1 (outnumbered 6-1 anyway) without SPL or institutional support.

Boycotting the Juniors, or boycotting beer, would have more direct effect.

Really though, the SFA don't actually need to do anything. Nor the SPL. It's not as if a freak of nature such as an earthquake destroyed a member clubs ground or their entire playing staff was wiped out in a tragic air accident. There are no sympathetic circumstances what so ever. A member club is about to put itself out of existence through cold, calculated cheating towards the other member clubs plus about everyone else it did business with. They have committed suicide. they have brought it all on themselves. There is no need for the SFA/SPL to act. They are choosing to.

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