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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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In fairness a lot of the stuff he has reported is not new. He also made a bit of a fool on himself about his claims of being threatened by a Scottish journalist. On Clyde he read out a "confession" from a "journalist" on Twitter, not realising that it was a spoof account. That aside, he made the rather silly mistake of thinking our old pal LEGGO was a "journalist".

To be fair, he's entered into the world of West Coast bigotry like an anthropologist arriving in darkest Africa. He's bound to get a few things wrong. I remember reading about a guy studying the Dinka tribe in Sudan. He had picked up a bit of the lingo, and was getting on ok. One day he was trying to get a fire going, not very effectively, and was asked what he was doing, and told them. After this, nobody talked to him, so he couldn't get any work done. Eventually he found out that instead of saying he was trying to start a fire, the words came out that he had just been buggered by the blacksmith..

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I cannot believe people follow that Republican apologist and especially after his huge exclusive scoop on the Channel 4 news you were all wetting yourself over...How did that pan out? About as exclusive as the tweets above...Months old news :lol:

You have the strangest mood swings. One day you are shaking your head at Rangers media, the next you sound like one of them.

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Oh dear.

Rangers Media is that-a-way >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

Is it really? :rolleyes:

That's twice you have defended this joker. With wee snidey comments.

What about his exclusive scoop you were all waiting on? ........... Still waiting :rolleyes:

The guy has made a complete and utter tit out of himself over this whole affair and those who hang on his every word are just as bad.

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God, I'm sick of all this Republican/Unionist shite.

Now is the time to cast the Old Firm adrift/put them in their place. It's gone on far too long.

We'll take our chances without them.

You're right. Let's be thankful that there's only one promotion spot and we can stay away from all the sh*te in the SPL. biggrin.gif

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I'm not sure you know what St Johstone think as the Board has not officially pronounced on it. Steve Brown has passed comment and he was unambiguous about the fact that St Johnstone could comfortably survive without Rangers and there is abundant evidence to that fact, not least that they have been in a different division for many years one they sadly had to share with Dundee, Livingston and Gretna - the three degrees of fiduciary incompetence. So yes St Johnston can thrive. You are basing your comments on what Steve Brown said in relationship to other SPL clubs, and in his capacity as an SPL board member where he is required to think of the commonwealth of the SPL not just St Johnstone. He has been placed in a difficult predicament where he has to represent a diverse set of views not just SJFC. Saints have cash at the bank, a great trading record unfortunately that us not true of Hearts, Killie or Dunfermline. So at least attack the source of the problem - leveraged debt - and not SJFC. Otherwise back on topic

Do you really think that the son of St Johnstone owner Geoff Brown, a long time vocal supporter of reconstructing top level Scottish football around playing the OF 4 times a season to maximise income from them, is going to vote, in whichever capacity he is serving, against maintaining Rangers in the SPL as quickly as possible?

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Does anyone know what day and month Rangers came into being on? It's just Psychic Bob's prediction seems uncanny:

Gemini (21 MAY-20 JUN)

Sure, you could use that last bit of money to fend off your creditors or you could blow the lot on tasty cocktails with bits of fruit in them. What are they going to do, repossess your vomit?

From the seer-like Psychic Bob in the Daily Mash:


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It wasn't that funny when the Real Saints supporter posted it about 100 pages ago :rolleyes:

Seems i have upset a few of the Republican Apologists fan club...Anyway about this exclusive scoop...any news yet? Anything ??

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It wasn't that funny when the Real Saints supporter posted it about 100 pages ago :rolleyes:

Seems i have upset a few of the Republican Apologists fan club...Anyway about this exclusive scoop...any news yet? Anything ??


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Don't worry I was being sarcastic, he is as bad as all the rest. It makes his efforts to appear reasonable all the more pathetic.

Joined in May 2008. Under 100 posts and looking at your profile nearly all of them..well 90%+ are on threads relatng to Rangers and you call me Pathetic :lol:

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It wasn't that funny when the Real Saints supporter posted it about 100 pages ago :rolleyes:

Seems i have upset a few of the Republican Apologists fan club...Anyway about this exclusive scoop...any news yet? Anything ??

Sorry mate, we have no interest in your fucking petty, sectarian, point-scoring, willie comparing bullshit!! Leave that pish in NI and out of Scottish football.

Why can't any of you knuckle-dragging arseholes get that through your thick heads!?!?!

Why don't you just f**k off to Ranger Media? you disingenuous c**t!

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Apologies. I assumed, as was made out on here, that he was of the same mind as your manager who was of the opinion we all need Rangers last night on Sportsound. It really was quite embarrassing listening to it last night, god only knows what Terry Butcher and Stuart McCall would say if they were given the airtime rolleyes.gif

Simple fact is, I doubt any ex-player would take an interview or question on the subject if he was a revered 'old boy'. One hint of the truth and not towing the party line would see them walk a very fine line, especially if they end up being implicated in the EBT scheme. Closed shop. And yes, I did half expect Lomas to break out a flute tongue.gif

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