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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Definitions of boycott:


[with object]

withdraw from commercial or social relations with (a country, organization, or person) as a punishment or protest:

we will boycott all banks which take part in the loans scheme

refuse to buy or handle (goods) as a punishment or protest:

an advert urges consumers to boycott the firm's coffee

refuse to cooperate with or participate in (a policy or event):

most parties indicated that they would boycott the election


a punitive ban on relations with other bodies, cooperation with a policy, or the handling of goods:

a boycott of the negotiations

Definitions of boy, caught!:

Rangers FC

They have previous for this kind of thing. :rolleyes:

The concerted action taken against him meant that Boycott was unable to hire anyone to harvest the crops in his charge. Eventually 50 Orangemen from Cavan and Monaghan volunteered to do the work.


Edited by eindhovendee
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But maybe you're right. Fans can't think much of their own clubs if they're going to desert them because Rangers don't get punished as much as they'd like (which is what it boils down to once all the fake moral outrage and dramaqueenery is stripped away).

From the time I was a lad I was totally enthralled by fruit machines. I was completely addicted. Just about every spare penny I had I'd want to stick in to those machines in the hope of winning a jackpot.

Ashamedly, one day whilst a student, I lost about £180 in a single day on the union puggy. That was a third of what I had to live on for 3 months.

In 1988 new 'electronic' puggies started appearing everywhere - and the infamous high/low 'gambles' became omnipresent. Even although I always suspected the old machines weren't completely random as soon as I knew for sure that the machines were fixed... my addiction disappeared. I don't even play fruit machines in Vegas despite the fact they're everywhere, and there is zero temptation to put my money anywhere near them again.

So I wouldn't underestimate people's reaction to the realisation that something they've invested a lifetime of love and cash in is actually a corrupt sham.

Edited by Bobby_F
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This is all getting too fucking depressing. Apart from the odd journalist the main stream media is getting right behind Rangers and the notion that they should be treated as a Special Case because you know, there Rangers. They seem to want us all to believe that if Rangers die so will Scottish Football. Well f**k you mainstream media. That is a slap in the face to every fan who follows a team that isn't Rangers or Celtic. Your following a club which owes its existence to the Old Firm! I refuse to believe that is true, if it were true what is the point of 50,000 Hibs and Hearts fans going to the Cup Final, why did 12,000 Pars and Rovers fans go to a game at the tail end of last season? It isn't and wasn't anything directly to do with Rangers. There is life in Scottish Football beyond the Old Firm and we would survive without Rangers. Would it be different, yes, but there are too many people who care about football in this country just to let it die.

If Rangers are due any punishment it should be fair and consistent and without fear of reprisals. If the authorites are just going to shit all over their own rules just to keep Rangers in the SPL then the SPL isn't worth shit itself.

The worst part is going to be when the NewCo Rangers or whatever they are going to be called sail back into the SPL, too many people are going to buy the bullshit. Tell a big enough a lie and enough people will believe it. It going to be business as normal. Sure there will be people of forums such as this who say they will boycott matches but I doubt it will make a tangible difference. In a few years time Chick Young will pretend to support St. Mirren. Ally McCoist will revert back to the cheeky chappy who used to be on Question of Sport and somewhere maybe somewhere a few tears will be shed for the loss of credibilty that used to be Scottish Football.

Outside of the games where they won the title at RP, neither of the Sisters have managed to raise Killie's gate to a figure which would pay for the extrra policing costs in the last five years at least. Only once did either push it over 10k, and Wattie felt the need to bolster the numbers in the FB by 1 to make it look better :). Our biggest crowd in that time? A*r in a cup replay on a rainy, cold Tuesday night with the game live on TV.

The Peepul and TGFITW can't get their sorry arses 30 miles down the M77 to watch their team (and we're actually CLOSER to the ferry), and we're supposed to bend over for them?

What a palaver about the revenue we'll lose from no orcs visiting next year! Well, if Dundee get the place, I can guarantee Tannadice won't miss them. And if a re-jig to 14 coincided with some talent coming from the Patna/Maybole area, neither would Rugby Park. See, it's more fulfilling to hate someone who hates you back, rather than them seeing you as a training game for the big match against Unirea or Artmedia.;)


ps. As for McMoist, that b*****d asked for time off training at Killie 'cos his lad was in hospital. When Bobby Williamson rang to see how things were, Mrs Sally said "Oh, he's not here. He's off filming Question of Sport". b*****d.

pps. Yes I'm bitter. I haven't forgiven them for robbing Tommy McLean.

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They have previous for this kind of thing. :rolleyes:

The concerted action taken against him meant that Boycott was unable to hire anyone to harvest the crops in his charge. Eventually 50 Orangemen from Cavan and Monaghan volunteered to do the work.


I know, fascinating eh? Even when it was the (Irish) Land League they were screwing up over their principles. Perhaps a new statement should be:

RFC - our followers have been fucking up leagues for 140 years

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Right, for weeks I've been holding back in case someone called me a thick twat (or maybe I remembered wrong), but in that Newsnight report I've seen they actually have "1873" as their date on the wall at ibrox, and I'm sure it used to be on the badge or crest. I know they're nouveau riche arrivistes, but I was damn' sure they didn't have 140 years under their belt. Why the sudden "1872" malarkey since HMRC called shenanigans on them? Does 140 really sound that much more than 139? If so, I've got a tower in Paris I'd like to sell for £19,999.995......

This 1872 thing has been confusing me too. I have always thought that they were founded in 1873 and I seem to remember that their Centenary Stand was built in 1973.

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From the time I was a lad I was totally enthralled by fruit machines. I was completely addicted. Just about every spare penny I had I'd want to stick in to those machines in the hope of winning a jackpot.

Ashamedly, one day whilst a student, I lost about £180 in a single day on the union puggy. That was a third of what I had to live on for 3 months.

In 1988 new 'electronic' puggies started appearing everywhere - and the infamous high/low 'gambles' became omnipresent. Even although I always suspected the old machines weren't completely random as soon as I knew for sure that the machines were fixed... my addiction disappeared. I don't even play fruit machines in Vegas despite the fact they're everywhere, and there is zero temptation to put my money anywhere near them again.

So I wouldn't underestimate people's reaction to the realisation that something they've invested a lifetime of love and cash in is actually a corrupt sham.

Good on ya for giving it (gambling) up.

I won't go and see a game involving Rangers or Celtic.

EVERYBODY should let their club know NOW how they feel about any upcoming vote.

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Channel 4 can now be added to the list as another enemy of Rangers


I can't believe this post is anything but a very clever piss-take from someone on P+B.

watched that interview . what a fkn reptile of a man rude ignorant twisted . i think this clown doesnt even understand the circumstances with the mighty queens 11. its clearly obvious that this horrible person is choosing not to distinguish between craig whyte n RFC. harbouring a grudge big time. years of mismanagement??? sporting integrity, we were paying the debt off to loydds wen this happened all of a sudden its a tax dodge . bordering on libel

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Good on ya for giving it (gambling) up.

I won't go and see a game involving Rangers or Celtic.

EVERYBODY should let their club know NOW how they feel about any upcoming vote.

Sadly I do actually still gamble - but not that much, as my real weakness was for fruit machines.

Over the years I still get astonished from time to time when I notice a puggy in a pub and just laugh at the thought that I used to be 'FANatical' about them.

I really am staring to feel similar feelings rising around this matter.

It's one thing moaning about the favouritism the OF get in just about every aspect of the game, but it's quite another having it made quite so clear that the whole system is warped to make sure they continue to thrive at everyone else's benefit.

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This 1872 thing has been confusing me too. I have always thought that they were founded in 1873 and I seem to remember that their Centenary Stand was built in 1973.

There is an amazing, and somewhat disconcerting, number of coherent and legible A*r fans on this thread. Have they demolished Mainholm and built a school since I was last there, or something? By the way, I notice that all the A*r fans are using the "modest" version of your badge, You know, playing down the charity pledge you made to split your points and goals with that poor disadvantaged lad from Prestwick. Even Killie fans have praised you for it: (one for A*R United), One for Colin Neverwill....

Note to OF fans - this is an example of non-sectarian banter/abuse. You'll notice I don't pigeonhole him on which school he went to (1), which church he goes to (2),or whether he married outside his faith(3). I firmly believe this to be the way forward.


(1) If any.

(2) Or which of the Ancients he sacrifices to.

(3) Or outside his family.

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If anyone doubts for a second the appetite for various culpable 'authorities' to massage Rangers into the SPL with next to no punishment next season, they should watch the Thomson - Clark interview. It is apparent to me that Clark wants the hybrid situation so it takes the heat and scrutiny off the administrators while they clean up the mess of the Old Co (retaining all the while the contract, and therefore payment, to do so) while the SPL retains the supporter base and loyalty of a galvanised, debtless Rangers Newco PLC. It absolutely stinks and should not be allowed to happen; I, along with many others, will turn my back on Scottish Club Football if the SFA and SPL allow this to happen.

Today, we see two more 'stories' (in Strachan and Craigan) selected by kow-towing editors who feel it is more important for Rangers to survive. As poor as Strachan and Craigan's judgement is, their views would not be presented without the editorial control of the media who has broadcast them. In this respect, and notwithstanding the moronic Traynor, Keevins, and razor-sharp-cutting-edge-correspondent Chick Young, they are entirely complicit in this malfeasant under-carpet sweeping.

About 20 years ago, Jim Leishman was forced from the management of DAFC by the then Club Secretary, a slimy character by the name of Paul D'Mello. I remember at the time members of my family and the wider DAFC support being so incensed at this (despite we were in freefall and doomed once more to relegation, they held Leishman in the highest regard for his efforts for the town and club) that they walked away from the club, vowing never to return. These members of my family and, I suspect, others who felt disenfranchised by the backroom dealing and scything of someone who literally bled for the club, have stuck to that vow. If the chairmen of the SPL member clubs feel that similar threats of abandonment in the context of Rangers are hollow, the history of integrity and loyalty above all else in Scottish Club Football should serve as significant warning; it would be like grubs voting for fishing and, frankly, hell mend 'em.

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http://www.thescotti. ..the-jersey.html :lol:

Retiring 12 cos its the year they died :lol:

In the name of the wee man - that is absolutely horrible. Jordan - fine. Some poor b*****d who died in a game - fine. The orcs? Are they admitting that the Pepul won't be there again?


ps. Pity the last wearer wasn't Celik, who couldn't have his name on it 'cos it would upset the trogs.... :lol: :lol: :lol:

Edited by WhiteRoseKillie
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Celtic will be fizzing they didn't come out with such a cringeworthy, tacky gesture first.

It never fails to amaze me the depths football plunges to these days.

Didn't Aberdeen retire the No.12 shirt years ago for the "red army"?

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