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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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There are a lot of things about this administration that bugs me but listening to the radio and TV discussions today what struck me most was the focus on whether any new buyer would be able to allow Rangers to compete both domestically and in Europe. There is this in-built assumption by all the media that Rangers need to be able to compete domestically and even in some cases even in Europe. Despite the fact they owe money here, there and everywhere the journalists are still going on about how much a new owner can give to Ally to allow Rangers to compete. What a load of fucking bollocks. If my club was in administration and days away from Liquidation I wouldn't give a f**k about whether they could compete short term, I'd just be desperate to make sure my club survived so that I had a team to support. Yet Rangers seem to think they have some sort of divine right to be able to compete against Celtic and to keep players to be able to do that. It is ludicrous. The arrogance is astounding.

Thought it was also interesting to hear the Naismith interview. Full of platitudes about what a great club Rangers is and how all the players are fans but when asked the pointed question about whether he would transfer over to a NEwCo he suddenly started to back off and fudged it. My bet is that most players even under a NewCo will think f**k this and those that can walk away and straight into another club will do so

Edited by roverthemoon
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So its going to take £11m to be 'preferred', then it needs another couple of million to keep it going...lets not forget that dumb and dumber are still to get about £5-6m for ther 'services' before creditors get anything!

Still cant see a CVA coming to fruition?,

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Why, all of a sudden, has this suddenly become the craigie whyte show? I appreciate that he has been pulling any number of strings for his puppets from the start but now he's negotiating shit on his own?!? This cent has more front than Brighton!!!

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Why, all of a sudden, has this suddenly become the craigie whyte show? I appreciate that he has been pulling any number of strings for his puppets from the start but now he's negotiating shit on his own?!? This cent has more front than Brighton!!!

He always has had to get rid of his shares, D+P played this part down to make it seem that the rescue bids were plausible.

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Latest story:

Souness poised for shock Rangers return as Whyte agrees to sell


'It is really crazy,' said Ng, chairman of Singapore club Hougang United. 'There were something like 20 missed calls from Scotland on my phone when I woke up this


'I am now told they are willing to accept 50 per cent of what I had initially offered. It seems they are now more receptive and no longer digging in their heels with unrealistic demands.

'We've always said we are interested in Rangers but any deal that is concluded has to be realistic.'

Read more: http://www.dailymail...l#ixzz1uRYhvwI4

Surely this ought to be enough to get D&P removed from the case as they are clearly no longer (if they ever were) looking after the interests of the creditors. They are supposed to get the maximum return from a CVA, not decide that they can do with half of what was proposed. Are we now seeing Haudit and Daudit panicking at the thought of their bill remaining unpaid when there is no more money coming in?

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So its going to take £11m to be 'preferred', then it needs another couple of million to keep it going...lets not forget that dumb and dumber are still to get about £5-6m for ther 'services' before creditors get anything!

Still cant see a CVA coming to fruition?,

Not only that but just yesterday they were telling us it was far too late to exit admin via a standard CVA. Now the consortium offering that route seem to be the front runners. They're now playing this to make themselves look good - the magicians who pull the dead bear out of the hat at the last moment. ;)

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well the thing that would make me skeptical about that claim would be that surely logically the amount of police required would be proportionate to the level of crowd. so surely there would be a guarunteed profit percentage regardless of how big or small the away crowd would be.

as for your second point. it would be great if there was enough information in circulation for us to be able to build a picture of how much revenue is in circulation in scottish football and from what origin such revenue streams come from. it does seem that in the absense of such information it is very hard to come by quantifiable estimates with some evidence behind it, and the best we can do when we discuss any scenario, is to advance competing claims of conjecture...

Not a chance in hell of that happening. Firstly you would have to know how many millions Ranjurs pumped into the EBTs and how much of it was undeclared income. H&D need a quick sale to stop the liquidators getting their hands on all the dirty details. Did BM come across some of these dirty secrets in the 4 days he had access to the books?

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With D+P not sending out season ticket renewals (to give any new owner acces to these funds), how does that play with the Ticketus deal? Surely they are denying Ticketus their contracted (in dispute) income which falls due now, and they will be seeking redress?

More litigation due soon maybe :)

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Why, all of a sudden, has this suddenly become the craigie whyte show? I appreciate that he has been pulling any number of strings for his puppets from the start but now he's negotiating shit on his own?!? This cent has more front than Brighton!!!

Given that he has a lifetime ban from Scottish Football, how can he even be involved?

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Daily Ranger had a strange quote

Whitehouse: "The advice we have had is that their employment contracts would TUPE over to the new company."If they resisted that and said, 'We don't want to transfer' there would then be agreement between club and SFA as to whether their registration could transfer to the new club."With the co-operation of the SFA our understanding is that they would work to secure a scenario where the players would have to transfer abroad, because they would not be registered in England or in Scotland."So, to cut to the chase, we think the risk there is low."

What the hell is he talking about? The players would be registered with old Rangers, and forcibly sold to new Rangers, and if they don't like it they can get out of the country? Why on earth would the SFA do that? I know they would love to pull out all the stops, but they'd be sued by players who want to leave, surely? UEFA would have to weigh in at that stage.

Edited by deerokus
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I heard mention that June 14th is the date when the SPL will announce the fixtures for the forthing coming season. Does anyone know if the SFL fixtures announced at the same time?

If the day when Rangers are liquidated and a newco is formed lands too close to either of these dates then there may not be enough time to sufficiently bend the rules to get them back into the SFL never mind the SPL.

If they are still in admin as June 14th approaches then surely the SPL will need assurances that they can fulfil their fixtures for the year.

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this is my ideal scenario:

they go bust and for whatever reason cant go back into the spl.

they make application to sfl as new co to get into div three

they do not get allowed in on basis of being a new company and not having three years of account (THE RETURN OF THE BLAZERS!!!!)

they take over a club such as Clyde, change the name and badge, and relocate to Ibrox

The precedent has been set.

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What does sophisticated research mean? I hope that doesn't mean talking to Chic Young.

It means they do their research with one pinky finger extended.

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Daily Ranger had a strange quote

What the hell is he talking about? The players would be registered with old Rangers, and forcibly sold to new Rangers, and if they don't like it they can get out of the country? Why on earth would the SFA do that? I know they would love to pull out all the stops, but they'd be sued by players who want to leave, surely? UEFA would have to weigh in at that stage.

Happens all the time.

TUPE Regulations.

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what struck me most was the focus on whether any new buyer would be able to allow Rangers to compete both domestically and in Europe. There is this in-built assumption by all the media that Rangers need to be able to compete domestically and even in some cases even in Europe.

If my club was in administration and days away from Liquidation I wouldn't give a f**k about whether they could compete short term, I'd just be desperate to make sure my club survived so that I had a team to support. Yet Rangers seem to think they have some sort of divine right to be able to compete against Celtic and to keep players to be able to do that. It is ludicrous. The arrogance is astounding.

This talk is all coming from the media, not the fans. The media are scared shitless that without a strong, competitive OF, scottish football will collapse, tabloid sales will plummet, and there'll be no audience for daily radio output (e.g., super scoreboard).

Most fans I've spoken to would be happy with a team in the Juniors, just as long as there's still a team to support.

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Happens all the time.

TUPE Regulations.

That's not how I understood that, at all. Under those regulations, if a player owned by (old) Rangers doesn't want to sign for Govan Warchesters then he doesn't have to - his contract is terminated and he's a free agent. Certainly can't understand why they or the SFA would have any right or reason to hold on to their registration, and prevent them from moving to another club in the UK (and it doesn't happen all the time in a football context, they would appear to be the first club to try this shady 'two clubs' tactic).

I'm getting suspicious of whatever the SFA/SPL have promised them again, but then again, D&P have proven to be talking rubbish 99% of the time. Tactic seems to be just to spout a load of jargon to the Daily Record et. al, knowing none of the MSM will bother digging.

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This talk is all coming from the media, not the fans. The media are scared shitless that without a strong, competitive OF, scottish football will collapse, tabloid sales will plummet, and there'll be no audience for daily radio output (e.g., super scoreboard).

Most fans I've spoken to would be happy with a team in the Juniors, just as long as there's still a team to support.

... and that's one of the things I don't get about the fawning media - if Rangers were demoted and weren't in the SPL with Celtic, there would be no reason why they still couldn't fill page after page with stories about Rangers and their journey. Christ, we read enough about Gretna 'living the dream' - and they even made a TV documentary about them. Rangers going into liquidation, coming out as a newco, applying for (and no doubt getting) a place in the SFL, and battling back would actually be a story worth writing about.

Of course, it is easier to sit with a coffee and a square sausage 'n' tattie scone doubler and simply write 'Rangers looking at PSG midfielder.... Ally set to beat Fulham and Everton for his signature...'

etc, etc, blah, blah, waffle, nose up Rangers' arse.... type, type, waffle, blah.

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