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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Murray: Duff and Phelps frustrating the process

Journo: What about tax case?

Kennedy: Irrelevant, with a CVA?

Journo: Don't you need HMRC

Kennedy: HMRC will not do pre agreements, several uncertainties going forward. Ticketus honourable men. HMRC would vote for CVA because more money from their Quantum compared to liquidation

Stop saying Quantum !!mad.gif

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James Cook BBC (i think) - What if HMRC don't agree to CVA?

Kennedy - They would get less if Rangers were liquidised

Cook BBC - What if they wanted to make an example of Rangers to deter other FC's going down this route?

Kennedy - Well that would be very cruel.... next question


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I'd read that administrators have 3 months to get a bidder in and have his proposals accepted by creditors. Unless it's extended by order of the court. After that there's nothing to stop a creditor going for a winding up order.

I await being corrected.

right cheers hadnt ever heard of that before

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Journo: Don't you need HMRC

Kennedy: HMRC will not do pre agreements, several uncertainties going forward. Ticketus honourable men. HMRC would vote for CVA because more money from their Quantum compared to liquidation

Err no: HMRC will vote down a pitiful CVA in order to send a message to all the other cheats. As they did with Dundee's 6p in the pound offer just last season.

There's deliberately massaging the situation for PR circumstances and then there's bullshit claims like the above.

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Murray: NewCo easiest way forward, but no UEFA income. Sums of money in Newco structure very large. If D&P don't have a secret plan "we are in crisis"

Kennedy: D&P have to listen to supporters, they are customers, supporters should get behind credible people.

Murray: Hugely disappointed about not being preferred bidders. Time has run out, decisions made now are important to the future of the club. Need a credible bidder to come forward. IF other party falls out next Tuesday then we have wasted a week

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Someone needs to tell these managers to STFU


I'm glad afc are keeping quiet on this for once.

In the name of Christ, somebody get hold of our manager and lock him in a darkened room. Along with the Motherwell, St Johnstone, Inverness, and Dundee United managers.

Anyone else? Never thought I'd say this - but at least Neil Lennon's soundbites only extend to 'hope they get it sorted'... 'feel for Ally'....'tough times for everyone at their club' etc, etc, blah, blah...


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Cook BBC - What if they wanted to make an example of Rangers to deter other FC's going down this route?

Kennedy - Well that would be very cruel.... next question


lol wut

Clueless arent' they? Absolutely clueless. An inflated sense of self-importance crossed with a bizarre demand that other people owe them soft-sponge treatment. If the liquidation process could sum up the Big Hoose as an institution, this is it.

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In the name of Christ, somebody get hold of our manager and lock him in a darkened room. Along with the Motherwell, St Johnstone, Inverness, and Dundee United managers.

Anyone else? Never thought I'd say this - but at least Neil Lennon's soundbites only extend to 'hope they get it sorted'... 'feel for Ally'....'tough times for everyone at their club' etc, etc, blah, blah...


Poz, as you're just back you might not know we're all tuned into this lolfest at the mo: http://local.stv.tv/glasgow/99357-rangers-crisis-blue-knights-and-brian-kennedy-withdraw-bid-for-club/

If it doesn't work, click Glasgow at the top and you'll get into the live feed that way.

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How did you get Whyte to agree to transfer his shares?

Kennedy - I spoke with him and told him we need to do everything to save Rangers, Craig Whyte agreed.

Aye, of course it was that simple

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