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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Totally agree with Granny on this one, the very name - ArabTrust - is, for me, a contradiction in terms.

I would urge all Arabs on P&B to e-mail Arab trust expressing their views; also ask fellow Arabs who are not P&Br's to do likewise. These are good guys but I feel they are not representing ordinary United supporters on this matter. Their e-mail details are on their website.

Don't just talk - act.

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Sounds a bit fishy, unless your name is Zuckerberg, who has £500 Million spare at the moment to waste on a football club?

I believe he's too busy try to get his hole.

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So this is the big news rangers newco 'could' avoid sanctions. unsure.gif

WTF is that all about, the queen 'could' also get pregnant, there is no news here, basically i think the story has been blocked

that was meant to come out.

Calm down bears your still fucked. tongue.gif

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Apologies if this has been posted already but here's Alex Thomson's latest blog....


Oh FFS Alex Thomson, you are talking about a guy who asks for his financial advice posting on the comments section of blogs!


Tristan Loughrey said Hi Bill, How long do you think it would take the western world economies to get back to positive and sustainable growth, if they were to not intervene and QE was not in the picture, the depression was allowed to play itself out, with capitalisism mending fences every step of the painful way?

Basically what I am asking is what is the difference in time frames between the methods you suggest (real fiscal responsibility) and what the Feds are doing right now ? I have heard the figure 46 years?

on March 27, 2009.

Read more: Born Biddable http://dailyreckoning.com/born-biddable/#ixzz1vX5zkiJ2

If that chump has 850 million Euros I'm the Queen Of Rumania!


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Oh FFS Alex Thomson, you are talking about a guy who asks for his financial advice posting on the comments section of blogs!


Tristan Loughrey said Hi Bill, How long do you think it would take the western world economies to get back to positive and sustainable growth, if they were to not intervene and QE was not in the picture, the depression was allowed to play itself out, with capitalisism mending fences every step of the painful way?

Basically what I am asking is what is the difference in time frames between the methods you suggest (real fiscal responsibility) and what the Feds are doing right now ? I have heard the figure 46 years?

on March 27, 2009.

Read more: Born Biddable http://dailyreckonin.../#ixzz1vX5zkiJ2

If that chump has 850 million Euros I'm the Queen Of Rumania!


Welcome to P&B your Majesty. Pull up a chair. We're pointing and laughing as repeepul self combust :lol:

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How can so many men be involved in this whole sham, and yet not one of them has a pair of balls!!! mad.gif

The patient is lying there just waiting for someone to pull the plug yet not one of them has the guts to do it, as they will be remembered as the person that killed rankers.

Here's what I now hope that will happen..............

I hope the SPL?SFA do bend over backwards to let rankers waltz back in with little more than a smack on the wrist.

I hope that the other clubs chairmen have also helped in this matter.

I hope that the powers that be make new laws so this cant happen again.

I hope rankers win everything in sight and piss of Celtic that had a chance to put a nail in their coffin but wont do it.

Then, I hope that engerland or a european league finally comes calling and the OF bugger off and leave the SPL to implode in on itself. But they will probably beg the OF to leave reserve teams in the SPL and prove that they really are just whores.

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You can feel this whole thing now taking shape into the disgusting whitewash it was always going to be.

I really pity all the good people who will still go watch their clubs after this all goes down. They are the only true victims of all this.

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You can feel this whole thing now taking shape into the disgusting whitewash it was always going to be.

I really pity all the good people who will still go watch their clubs after this all goes down. They are the only true victims of all this.

They cannot escape the big tax case.

They cannot escape the need for a CVA to exit administration, which they cannot get for the pence in the pound deal they can offer.

They cannot escape their creditors.

No matter how they wriggle and try to move the goalposts up here, they aren't living in a magic bubble where they can do whatever they like.

No miracle man with quarter of a billion pounds to waste means no saving of Rangers.


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Doncaster on reporting Scotland - is the guy trying to fcuk up Scottish football? He bsically said he doesn't understand what fans are pissed off at. Vote of no confidence anyone?

Not sure how Doncaster sees his role, or more importantly how the board sees it.

From their articles

64. Subject to the Memorandum and the Articles the affairs of the Company shall be managed by the Board subject always to the provisions of Article 66 and to directions from time to time given and policy resolved upon by the Members in General Meeting.

and the one referred to - 66. The Board shall not determine a Reserved Matter without the prior approval of the Members in General Meeting.

So Doncaster as one board member (without a share) should really just be presenting the views of the board.

After the total abuse of the governance responsibilities of Rangers directors, I would have thought the SPL would have been obtaining legal guidance step by step as they decide what to do. They must adhere to their own articles. They just cannot tear them up.

The problem is that the board members of the SPL giving Rangers as easy ride in whatever legal form they will exist may be at odds with the articles of association of the SPL, which after all is a company registered at Companies House with all the associated requirements.

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They cannot escape the big tax case.

They cannot escape the need for a CVA to exit administration, which they cannot get for the pence in the pound deal they can offer.

They cannot escape their creditors.

No matter how they wriggle and try to move the goalposts up here, they aren't living in a magic bubble where they can do whatever they like.

No miracle man with quarter of a billion pounds to waste means no saving of Rangers.


I'm as horrified as the next man but I suspect this has all been considered.

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