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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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A lot of ifs and buts, but increasing noises of SPL chairmen letting them back in with little more than a slap on the wrists.

Fans of these clubs sound as though they have been letting them know about their feelings on the matter - and are being largely ignored.

If they do fold and bend over on the basis of money, then I have little sympathy for what lies ahead for these clubs. They have the one and only chance to rid the game of one of its two cancers and they look to be about to blow it bigstyle because of the coffers. If they do then part of me almost wants the OF to go on and steal an even bigger slice of the money and leave these b'st'rd chairmen with their clubs penniless, heavily in debt with memories of what might have been had they grown a set.

The greedy fish deserve all they get - and I don't just mean Rangers here.

Rant over.

Edit - the St. Johnstone Chairman is now exempt from my rant.

Edited by AyrshireTon
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Be careful what you wish for. That was the advice McCoist offered to those of us who advocated the need for proper sanctions against Rangers FC for their years of cheating. It is a mantra that has been taken up by many of the apologists since.

I don't share the pessimism that has developed in this thread in recent days. Whatever the actions of the SPL chairmen I think events will dictate that Rangers' punishment will be proportional, even if it's left to the SFA, the one body that has shown a modicum of leadership. Of course I may be wrong and the SFA may capitulate to the perceived needs of the SPL self interest.

However, whilst the SPL chairmen have been fretting over the impact of kicking Rangers out of the top league have they given any consideration to the impact of letting a newco gain admission. What sort of Rangers will they be admitting? Do they expect a contrite Rangers; a Rangers that will accept that they have done wrong and, in their new guise, be anxious to atone and co-operate with their fellow clubs for the greater good of the Scottish game?

No, they will be offering succour to the abusive husband who, just at the point of being bested, has once again been given his stick back. Rangers will revert to type using their financial muscle and dominance in the league to their own advantage and to the disadvantage of those who didn't have the courage and self belief to do the right thing.

The right thing is to impose severe penalties. Not because it's Rangers, but because any club who is forced to liquidate as a result of years of massive financial cheating should suffer such penalties. If it were my club, Dundee United, they would deserve to be kicked out the SPL and probably steps would already be in place to do so by know.

I'm in my late 50's and so have been following the game longer than many who have posted on this thread. I cannot remember a more defining point in top flight Scottish football. Whilst optimistic about the likelihood of proportionate sanctions I feel nonetheless that the words and possible actions of club chairmen will live on long after Rangers' immediate fate has been decided. Chairmen who think they can ignore the views of their club's fans over this matter are playing a dangerous game.

It's not just the immediate prospect of supporters deserting their clubs that concerns me. What will be the backlash over the next few seasons if (when) an unpunished Rangers start getting dodgy referee decisions due to crowd pressure or are poaching our players on the cheap? People who did not abandon the game immediately may see the impact of no or minimal sanctions and walk away then.

The perception has been growing for some time that SKY will influence the immediate future of SPL football more than the paying fans. If that perception becomes a reality supporters will abandon the game. It may be a trickle rather than a flood but through time the impact will hit home.

We have all had a good laugh at Rangers' plight, many of us do not like the OF for a number of understandable reasons. However this ultimately is not about Rangers per se but about the willingness of the Chairmen of other clubs to treat them differently because of their perceived influence and financial clout. Pandering to Rangers may seem to be the better option than risking SPL football without them but, at best, it will be a short-term fix and one that will alienate many of the people who give tangible support to football.

The continuation of SKY money and supposedly bigger crowds because of a league that includes Rangers may be on the wish list of SPL chairmen for next year but this will come at a significant price. As Allly McCoist says - be careful what you wish for.

Great post.

I hate that "be careful what you wish for" phrase with a passion. So full of innuendo, designed for self-doubt when there is none. Why should we listen to the bleating of cheats?

Akin to a baddie in the movies telling whoever is about to finish them "you'll regret this".

Away and die ya cheating oxygen thieves.

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Remind me how much Celtic offered for James McCarthy.

Oh hang on, I remember now - but were they salted or dry roasted?

And finally....FTOF.

I won't argue with you there,but it wasn't me who put the offer in dude.

He was worth far more than than what even Wigan paid for may I add.

And can you not name a club that has not made an insulting offer for another clubs star players ?.

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If I was a Killie fan, I'd have a very sore head from banging it against that brick wall. Can you guys not have a word with your chairman and tell him to stop slathering.

To paraphrase, sod the creditors, they're going to get the square root of bugger all anyway, whether through CVA or a newco, all that matters is the Blue Bigot Bros are still able to do what they want and no-one is going to do anything about it.

Grow a pair, Johnston !

And the rest of them could do with coming out like the St J chap and making a stand. Milne - that definitely includes you.

Edited by akredz
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I'm starting to become more desperate by the day.

In Peter Pan, they say every time you say you don't believe in fairies, a fairy dies.

I don't believe in Rangers, I don't believe in Rangers, I don't believe in Rangers, I don't believe in Rangers, I don't believe in Rangers, I don't believe in Rangers, I don't believe in Rangers, I don't believe in Rangers, I don't believe in Rangers, I don't believe in Rangers, I don't believe in Rangers, I don't believe in Rangers, I don't believe in Rangers, I don't believe in Rangers, I don't believe in Rangers, I don't believe in Rangers, I don't believe in Rangers, I don't believe in Rangers, I don't believe in Rangers,

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I'm starting to become more desperate by the day.

In Peter Pan, they say every time you say you don't believe in fairies, a fairy dies.

I don't believe in Rangers, I don't believe in Rangers, I don't believe in Rangers, I don't believe in Rangers, I don't believe in Rangers, I don't believe in Rangers, I don't believe in Rangers, I don't believe in Rangers, I don't believe in Rangers, I don't believe in Rangers, I don't believe in Rangers, I don't believe in Rangers, I don't believe in Rangers, I don't believe in Rangers, I don't believe in Rangers, I don't believe in Rangers, I don't believe in Rangers, I don't believe in Rangers, I don't believe in Rangers,

good luck with that.

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Agree totally with GD. My thoughts as posted on 1st Div forum.

It's a tough one. I think we've all known for years that cheating went on with especially Rangers but it was never quite articulated as such.

To have it blatantly confirmed by admission of a sanction free newco to the SPL would be difficult to take. Would be pretty disillusioned tbh.

To Ross the Rangers fan. Whether it was Whyte in charge when the PAYE etc. wasn't paid matters not a jot.

Rangers as are any ltd co. is a legal entity in its own right and the co. is responsible for its actions and omissions.

It doesn't matter whether it was Whyte, Genghis Khan or The Tooth Fairy who was in charge at the time.

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because you choose to support some shitty team

I can't speak for other posters but i didn't choose to support Falkirk.

When i was 6 my grandad took me along to Brockville and i never looked back. I notice from your post you chose to support a team that wins most things, is built on bigotry and cheated for more than a decade, says more about you than those diddy fans you are slagging.

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Be careful what you wish for.  That was the advice McCoist offered to those of us who advocated the need for proper sanctions against Rangers FC for their years of cheating.  It is a mantra that has been taken up by many of the apologists since.

I don't share the pessimism that has developed in this thread in recent days.  Whatever the actions of the SPL chairmen I think events will dictate that Rangers' punishment will be proportional, even if it's left to the SFA, the one body that has shown a modicum of leadership.  Of course I may be wrong and the SFA may capitulate to the perceived needs of the SPL self interest.

However, whilst the SPL chairmen have been fretting over the impact of kicking Rangers out of the top league have they given any consideration to the impact of letting a newco gain admission.  What sort of Rangers will they be admitting?  Do they expect a contrite Rangers; a Rangers that will accept that they have done wrong and, in their new guise, be anxious to atone and co-operate with their fellow clubs for the greater good of the Scottish game?

No, they will be offering succour to the abusive husband who, just at the point of being bested, has once again been given his stick back.  Rangers will revert to type using their financial muscle and dominance in the league to their own advantage and to the disadvantage of those who didn't have the courage and self belief to do the right thing.

The right thing is to impose severe penalties.  Not because  it's Rangers, but because any club who is forced to liquidate as a result of years of massive financial cheating should suffer such penalties.  If it were my club, Dundee United, they would deserve to be kicked out the SPL and probably steps would already be in place to do so by know.

I'm in my late 50's and so have been following the game longer than many who have posted on this thread.  I cannot remember a more defining point in top flight Scottish football.  Whilst optimistic about the likelihood of proportionate sanctions I feel nonetheless that the words and possible actions of club chairmen will live on long after Rangers' immediate fate has been decided.  Chairmen who think they can ignore the views of their club's fans over this matter are playing a dangerous game.

It's not just the immediate prospect of supporters deserting their clubs that concerns me.  What will be the backlash over the next few seasons if (when) an unpunished Rangers start getting dodgy referee decisions due to crowd pressure or are poaching our players on the cheap?  People who did not abandon the game immediately may see the impact of no or minimal sanctions and walk away then.

The perception has been growing for some time that SKY will influence the immediate future of SPL football more than the paying fans.  If that perception becomes a reality supporters will abandon the game.  It may be a trickle rather than a flood but through time the impact will hit home.

We have all had a good laugh at Rangers' plight, many of us do not like the OF for a number of understandable reasons.  However this ultimately is not about Rangers per se but about the willingness of the Chairmen of other clubs to treat them differently because of their perceived influence and financial clout.  Pandering to Rangers may seem to be the better option than risking SPL football without them but, at best, it will be a short-term fix and one that will alienate many of the people who give tangible support to football.

The continuation of SKY money and supposedly bigger crowds because of a league that includes Rangers may be on the wish list of SPL chairmen for next year but this will come at a significant price.  As Allly McCoist says - be careful what you wish for.

Grannie, you've hit many nails on the head there. Great post.

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Let's be honest, them being cheated barstewards and owing the tax man millions hasn't been enough to kill them so far, and I don't have any silver bullets handy, so might as well give it a crack!

the EBT's and double contracts will destroy them, when this documentary airs tomorrow it'll be the start of the avalanche.

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snapback.pngNo8., on 22 May 2012 - 14:37, said:

It is people like you that make my blood boil...Reveling in other teams misery because you choose to support some shitty team that contributes very little in the grand scheme of things but feel so superior to Rangers suporters...f**k off!!

Why should i and 50,000 other Rangers fans along with the estimated 1 million armchairfans allow your club to live off our money whilst we are unfairly penalised?

You and the other diddies have lived of Rangers for too long and now your chairman are worried things are going titis up..Yep they most certainly are. I have always defended the Scottish game as a whole but after reading the utter drivel that is posted on here on a daily basis i have had enough. It is long over due that Rangers looked after No.1 and starting from next season that is exactly what we will be doing...First thing i do when i get my Season Ticket renewal form in is cancel my CCCS..No away games from me or

anybody i know. OK it wont kill you off but it will lead to a massive reduction in your income and will mean the loss of players and staff at every SPL except for maybe celtic.

I hear diddiies like you are going to boycott Ibrox :lol: :lol: :lol: That boycot has been going on since 1986 and has made very little difference.


Aye the shire will collapse because you and your mates boycott away games :rolleyes:

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I can't speak for other posters but i didn't choose to support Falkirk.

When i was 6 my grandad took me along to Brockville and i never looked back. I notice from your post you chose to support a team that wins most things, is built on bigotry and cheated for more than a decade, says more about you than those diddy fans you are slagging.

i was the same with celtic, nothing to do with gloryhunting, i grew up watching them in the nineties and there wasn't much glory during the biscuit tin years.

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Remind me how much Celtic offered for James McCarthy.

Oh hang on, I remember now - but were they salted or dry roasted?

And finally....FTOF.

I am under the impression Hamilton also made us a derisory offer or two over the years. For Craig Bryson I think, when you were challenging for the title. Possibly Malone too?

Anyway, has there actually been any developments yet? I think I've lost track.

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This would be funny if Neil Doncaster was actually just baiting the bears with good news only to have it taken away and replaced with bad news again.By God the rangers fans must be used to it by now :lol:.

Like my wife teasing me with getting sex all night and then she takes a headache :lol:.

See when she sees you reading about Rangers and says "I dunno why you're laughing...you're fucked next"? Not talking about sex tbh. <_<

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Steve Brown wants a newco Rangers readmitted to the SPL but with sanctions. Sorry Steven but thats called having your cake and eating it and that isn't on.

Any newco should have to apply for admittence into the SFL (div 3), which i'm sure the majority on here agree with.

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It is people like you that make my blood boil...Reveling in other teams misery because you choose to support some shitty team that contributes very little in the grand scheme of things but feel so superior to Rangers suporters...f**k off!!

Why should i and 50,000 other Rangers fans along with the estimated 1 million armchairfans allow your club to live off our money whilst we are unfairly penalised?

You and the other diddies have lived of Rangers for too long and now your chairman are worried things are going titis up..Yep they most certainly are. I have always defended the Scottish game as a whole but after reading the utter drivel that is posted on here on a daily basis i have had enough. It is long over due that Rangers looked after No.1 and starting from next season that is exactly what we will be doing...First thing i do when i get my Season Ticket renewal form in is cancel my CCCS..No away games from me or anybody i know.

OK it wont kill you off but it will lead to a massive reduction in your income and will mean the loss of players and staff at every SPL except for maybe celtic.

I hear diddiies like you are going to boycott Ibrox :lol: :lol: :lol: That boycot has been going on since 1986 and has made very little difference.


Oh do shut up you utter fanny..........yer club is a fucking disgrace....I'm sure most will be glad knuckle dragging idiots like you will not turn up at there ground for matches.:rolleyes:

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