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Bad news for St.Johnstone fans


I think it would be wise to nail our colours to the mast of away boycotts, starting with St Johnstone now that their chairman has stated his intent to vote against a newco Rangers' entry to the SPL without penalties.

We should be making it clear that he has just put his club at the start of the boycott list. That way we make it clear that they stand to lose almost £1/2 a million from our support and that his club will be much nearer to getting into a similar situation, and therefore suffering the same penalties


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Does anybody have any inkling what may be revealed in the BBC doco tomorrrow? Sadly, I have a feeling it`ll be all the issues we`ve discussed here ad infinitum for general (primetime) consumption. No genuine bombshell material......

Totally agree. What's being trailed is akin to saying 'We've got evidence identifying who kidnapped Maddie McCann and it will 100% lead to them being arrested and convicted. Watch our Christmas Special in 7 months when we reveal all' Action would have been taken and we would have known by now if the BBC had the smoking gun.

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I hate Killie. Not for anything you've done wrong but you beat is in a cup final (97) beat us in a semi final (07) and relegated us (10), so you see why you aren't flavour of the month in Falkirk.

Anyway, it must be tough to slag your chairman rotten so close to picking up siverwear and for that i say well played sir. Maybe some of you Killie fans are alright tongue.gif

I detest Killie for one simple reason: They are Kilmarnock.

However at least a couple of your fans on here have the decency to apologise for your tosspot of a chairman. I already knew he was a w****r but this really takes the biscut. St Johnstone have shown the way forward Killie fans, get your muppet of a limp wristed chairman to follow St Johnstones route.

Rant Over.

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I'm never too sure how to take your posts, mate. Mostly, you're very reasoned but then you chuck in an odd one.

I'm not revelling in the misery of every Rangers fan (good mates and family who are very decent folk and season tickets holders) but I do want your club to die. What I am revelling in the potential demise of an institution that is the outlet of a large propotion of sectarianism in the country - there are horrible, vile elements in your support that I don't see in most of the other teams (bar Celtic). Also, as an organisation Rangers (and again Celtic) tacitly use sectarianism to generate fans and support (they could ban all sectarian overtures from their stadiums, they choose not too). That, I think, is reason enough to despise your club never mind the fact you were buying players you didn't have the money for and in the case of Lee Wallace playing him in the same competition as the people you said you'd pay.

On the subject of being unfairly penalised, this has been done to death but one issue that really gets to me is that we are talking about not paying taxes on a huge level (millions rising to tens of millions). What do we pay taxes for? Old Age Pensions, Education, Medicinces for the sick, weaponry and armour for soldiers, making our road safer, etc. By the actions of Rangers fans and the type of statement you've posted it seems you consider your club more important than those areas that tax gets spent on. I know you posted stuff that kinda says the opposite before so I'm not having a go at you in any great way but the whole Rangers anger at the punishments seems crazy from a moral perspective (never mind a footballing one). The organisation you support decided not to support the central pot of our government (not very loyal) on a massive scale and that's OK? Of course not.

Succinct, reasoned & intelligent. Thank you.

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St Johnstone give an end stand to away fans

2500 capacity? Times £28 at most?

That's £70,000, twice a season its £140,000

That's before admin costs at 5%, policing and stewarding and other costs. Rangers travel and overnight accommodation can be taken off the gate too.

My guess £100k tops from 2 rangers visits to mcdermid park.

The lies and myths need busted.

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I love these guys on Rangers Media. They are talking about letting us back in with a wee punishment because we cheated. Boycott them. Talk about self destruction guys. How about getting down on your knees and thanking the guy for a vote.

Has the issue of 11-1 to 8-4 for a newco vote been clarified yet? If its only 2 no votes needed I think we may vote for a knighthood for Rod Petrie.

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Todays 'highlight' from Orc Centroll

I started a thread a while back to do a mountain climb for charity. But no one really seemed interested or not enough numbers. What I'm proposing is an RFFF Nevis climb with each person to raise minimum £100 from sponsors.

Personal gain can also be achieved from this climb too. To know in 20 years time when we look back in this dark episode in our history that we scaled the highest peaks to ensure the survival of our proud institution.

Obviously numbers would depend on this being a goer or not. Hope admin can pin this for the time being.

Poll been added now, please only vote if you are interested in doing climb though

Why stop at Nevis? I suggest loads o' cash to be raised if they went for a higher target.

Just when you read the 100th article that says how easy Mt. Everest is to climb and that a 73 year old woman managed to climb it the other day and how there is no challenge then you read that 5 people got killed in one day on the mountain because there are so many people trying to climb it that there was a traffic jam.

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St Johnstone give an end stand to away fans

2500 capacity? Times £28 at most?

That's £70,000, twice a season its £140,000

That's before admin costs at 5%, policing and stewarding and other costs. Rangers travel and overnight accommodation can be taken off the gate too.

My guess £100k tops from 2 rangers visits to mcdermid park.

The lies and myths need busted.

It has already been highlighted that St Johnstone would prefer Dundee to Rangers, Bigger crowd, better atmosphere and a good old local derby to get you through the weeks work.

If St Johnstone FC can't see this then i'm shocked ohmy.gif

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It is people like you that make my blood boil...Reveling in other teams misery because you choose to support some shitty team that contributes very little in the grand scheme of things but feel so superior to Rangers suporters...f**k off!!

Why should i and 50,000 other Rangers fans along with the estimated 1 million armchairfans allow your club to live off our money whilst we are unfairly penalised?

You and the other diddies have lived of Rangers for too long and now your chairman are worried things are going titis up..Yep they most certainly are. I have always defended the Scottish game as a whole but after reading the utter drivel that is posted on here on a daily basis i have had enough. It is long over due that Rangers looked after No.1 and starting from next season that is exactly what we will be doing...First thing i do when i get my Season Ticket renewal form in is cancel my CCCS..No away games from me or anybody i know.

OK it wont kill you off but it will lead to a massive reduction in your income and will mean the loss of players and staff at every SPL except for maybe celtic.

I hear diddiies like you are going to boycott Ibrox :lol: :lol: :lol: That boycot has been going on since 1986 and has made very little difference.







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Journalists often see previews days in advance. I take it there has been none of that in the case of this documentary? Nothing has leaked out so it is either going to be explosive or a bit... meh. I hope Daly at least goes to town on the EBT issue. There's still so much ignorance out there about them, mainly from head-in-the-sand Rangers fans.

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Journalists often see previews days in advance. I take it there has been none of that in the case of this documentary? Nothing has leaked out so it is either going to be explosive or a bit... meh. I hope Daly at least goes to town on the EBT issue. There's still so much ignorance out there about them, mainly from head-in-the-sand Rangers fans.

What was the build up to the BBC documentary exposing Whytes shady past like?

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St Johnstone give an end stand to away fans

2500 capacity? Times £28 at most?

That's £70,000, twice a season its £140,000

That's before admin costs at 5%, policing and stewarding and other costs. Rangers travel and overnight accommodation can be taken off the gate too.

My guess £100k tops from 2 rangers visits to mcdermid park.

The lies and myths need busted.

They tend to get both ends which hold 1884 each, but the tickets are £23 of which Orc FC then take 5%.

This does not take into account the 40% drop in home support at the last Rangers game.

If they want to stay away let them. We survived for 7 years in the first division without them so they are not as vital as they think they are.

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It has already been highlighted that St Johnstone would prefer Dundee to Rangers, Bigger crowd, better atmosphere and a good old local derby to get you through the weeks work.

If St Johnstone FC can't see this then i'm shocked ohmy.gif

I'm sure that's the case as some home supporters won't expose their kids to the bile if either side of the OF.

Hopefully, some Yooni type can get the away stand capacities of all the diddy ten clubs and calculate what rangers bring in as an away support so this can be properly quantified.

As for the TV Deal, I firmly believe that SKY ESPN would continue their coverage. They may adjust the payments, but that there will be both live and highlights packages for the SPL.

The combined drop to each diddy club from Rangers going out the SPL won't be anywhere near what's being spouted.

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Granny Danger my man! Fabulous post. Following on from the recent apologist Arabtrust statement the other day, and comments from other club chairman, confidence is low.Yet that articulates perfectly the consensus of most fans here. Kudos and greeny owed!! Does anybody have any inkling what may be revealed in the BBC doco tomorrrow? Sadly, I have a feeling it`ll be all the issues we`ve discussed here ad infinitum for general (primetime) consumption. No genuine bombshell material......

Thank you for your kind words, it was nice to post something thought provoking as opposed to the usual drivel I spout. :P

I'll miss the BBC doc as I'm heading off to warmer climes for a couple of weeks but it would be nice if it provided the final nail in the coffin and that would allow no further backtracking by the footballing authorities in Scotland.

With regards to ArabTRUST I think the Tele did them a big disservice. Here is a link to there full statement; it might not be as tough as we would like but is asking some Key questions.


In the event of a vote on a newco application to the SPL, clubs must be able to vote on the grounds of sporting integrity alone, without the fear of the unknown preserving the membership of a club which has been found guilty of such serious breaches that the SFA considered terminating its membership.
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If Celtic's board stays silent all the way through the process and casts no votes only when it's clear the measures to allow them back in are going to pass anyway based on votes from smaller clubs making understandable (even if wrong both morally and quite possibly financially) short term decisions, I really hope my fellow Celtic supporters aren't fooled and accept that Celtics board deserves just as much blame as those who voted yes despite the meaningless gesture of a no vote.

I can understand keeping away from public media to avoid further ratcheting up the hatred from Bears, but if Celtic isn't conveying clearly through channels to the other clubs how they intend to vote and that they will be there to take the flak for a no vote then they will be putting potential diddy resistors in an impossible position.

If Celtic acts as I believe the overwhelming majority of its supporters wish, they'll be offering assurances of a more equitable split of TV money in the near future as a sweetener to potential no votes.

Here's hoping.

There is no possible way of knowing how this vote would work. Would it be a secret ballot, would Celtic vote first, last, or somewhere in the middle? we just dont know.

I hope (actually, i think) Celtic will vote NO. For other clubs to say that we only voted no because we knew enough would vote a newco straight back in, is just bollocks.

That is just an easy, smallminded arguement that smaller clubs will trot out to save face. If i am wrong and we have a transparent vote and Celtic vote YES, i will be pretty angry myself, but if we do the right thing ,then to question why we have done the right thing would be stupid.

As for the split on tv money that you mention, of course an even split is fair. That's just as long as every other club plays the same amount of games at shitty kick off times every other Sunday.

Christ, i would gladly give up all the tv money just to play all our games at 3 o'clock on a Saturday.


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They tend to get both ends which hold 1884 each, but the tickets are £23 of which Orc FC then take 5%.

This does not take into account the 40% drop in home support at the last Rangers game.

If they want to stay away let them. We survived for 7 years in the first division without them so they are not as vital as they think they are.

Cheers so 1884 x 23 = £43.300 x 2, so £86,600 per match less admin, costs and fees.

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Steve Brown wants a newco Rangers readmitted to the SPL but with sanctions. Sorry Steven but thats called having your cake and eating it and that isn't on.

Any newco should have to apply for admittence into the SFL (div 3), which i'm sure the majority on here agree with.

Blimey, we should have him stuffed!

*with apologies to John Cleese*

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I love these guys on Rangers Media. They are talking about letting us back in with a wee punishment because we cheated. Boycott them. Talk about self destruction guys. How about getting down on your knees and thanking the guy for a vote.

Has the issue of 11-1 to 8-4 for a newco vote been clarified yet? If its only 2 no votes needed I think we may vote for a knighthood for Rod Petrie.

How come Rangers get a vote at all? Thats nuts!

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